Chapter 460
The rogue soldiers, who soon regained their combat effectiveness, broke out of Mopan Mountain in three groups. The rogues headed by Yan Zhenghu took down Jiaocheng along the way, and Wenshui engulfed tens of thousands of people and marched into Taiyuan.

The two thieves Xing Hongniang and Shang Tianlong destroyed the two cities of Wucheng and Xiangyang after burning, killing and looting, their numbers doubled instantly, and now they are heading for Fenzhou.

The bandit soldiers of the third line were even more powerful, and the bandit leaders were Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong and the "Eight Great Kings" Zhang Xianzhong.

This group of bandits went down to Qinzhou and Wuxiang like a broken bamboo, and Liaozhou's troops were said to be [-].

With the "Red Banner Army" taking the initiative to attack the northern captives and threatening that Ningyuan and Jinzhou's defense lines are impenetrable, it is difficult to shake Dongnu and Tartars with 5 or [-] horses. There are signs of improvement in border affairs.

The "Red Banner Army" had no defeat in the battle against the northern captives and the eastern slaves. They had the right to speak and have credibility in the court. Therefore, they threatened that Ningyuan and the Jinzhou defense line were solid. Basically, no adult thought that Huang Han was talking big and boasting.

Fang Zhenghua said that there was no suspense in Ming Dynasty's pacification of Denglai. Just when Chongzhen felt that he could celebrate the New Year with peace of mind, civil strife broke out again on a large scale.

Shaanxi was shattered by bandits, and now Shanxi has been shattered to a small extent. Hundreds of thousands of refugees were forced to leave their homes and start fleeing. Without food and clothing, these people will soon turn into mobs and rogues.

Chongzhen was already a little afraid of the combat effectiveness of the "Red Banner Army", but he also wanted Daming to have more troops like the "Red Banner Army" that could win battles.

The emperor had trouble sleeping and eating, thinking about what to do next every day?Is it possible to transfer part of the "Red Banner Army" to enter Shanshan and Shaanxi to suppress bandits?

Dividing the troops is the only way to weaken the frontier generals, but the emperor was worried that the instability of Guanning's defense line would directly lead to Jiannu being able to attack Shanhaiguan.

If there is a mistake in Shanhaiguan that will shake the capital, the capital will have to face a defense battle, and the land of Gyeonggi will inevitably be devastated again.

Chongzhen, who was in a dilemma, had a miserable life, and he was really helpless in the face of the chaos of the Ming Dynasty.

In mid-December, Huang Han led most of the triumphant westward expedition to Gaotaibao.

This city, which has always been garrisoned by the Ming army, is not small, with a circumference of over five miles. Now it is of course the territory of the "Red Banner Army", and the number of soldiers and civilians living here has reached as high as [-].

That is because of the "Red Banner Army" stationed on the front line of Ningyuan, the southwest of Ningyuan seems to be safer, which directly led to the migration of the guards and households between Ningyuan and Jinzhou to the west with their families.

Most of these people were Liao people, and they were originally the targets of exploitation by the Guanning army headed by Zu Dashou. When Jiannu killed them, these people would become cannon fodder.

The "Red Banner Army" was not afraid of offending the Guan Ning Army at all, and found that Liao people entered the Ningyuan defense line, as long as they were with their families, they were allowed to enter for screening.

Young and middle-aged men who are alone will be accepted as long as they have a guarantee from a Liao family, and then they will be resettled in the fields.

Anyway, the consistent policy of no entry and no exit is adopted here. Even if spies sneak into the villages where military management is strictly enforced, these people will not be able to make waves.

There is no better way to raise the tide than to draw fire from the bottom of the pot, mobilize Zu Dashou's soldiers, and then lure the Liao people in his jurisdiction to cross the Ningyuan defense line. In the long run, the Zu family will definitely not be able to handle it. !

The Western Expedition was a complete success. Although the gold and silver treasures captured were only 9 to [-] taels in silver terms, it was almost enough to give a head reward to the warrior who had beheaded.

Many Tartars died from shelling and shooting, so coordination will be carried out when verifying military achievements. Generally, only a few heads can be counted as a full first-level effective harvest.

However, counting the number of beheads for the cavalry is completely different. The beheads obtained during the charge duel count as one.

The governor of the "Red Banner Army" was very strict in verifying meritorious deeds. They didn't rush to chop off their heads like other Ming troops, and no matter who killed them, whoever got the enemy's head got the military merit.

This kind of distribution is too unfair, and it will lead to not being active in killing the enemy, and when you grab the first level, you can fight with your own people.

The "Red Banner Army" confirmed the military achievements through the on-site records of the town governor, and the soldiers proved each other to confirm the military exploits. There may be a phenomenon of gossip, but it can be basically accurate. Huang Han also stipulated rewards to prevent honest people from suffering.

Military merit means that rewards and promotions are indeed true, but soldiers who are overly preoccupied and soldiers who suffer silently will be completely different when examining political literacy. Of course, the latter will be promoted in the end, even if his military merit is less. It doesn’t hurt too much .

There is such a typical case in the "Red Banner Army". Wang Zhicheng goes on a rampage in every battle. He only kills the enemy and never harvests the enemy's head, but his current position is higher than most of the robes who followed Huang Han at the same time. .

Artillery can hit a large area with shotguns, and a single cannon might be able to kill dozens or even hundreds of enemy troops. It would be unrealistic to give head rewards at the level of dozens of taels of silver.

Wouldn't it lead to everyone asking to be an artilleryman? The Mini gunners can kill three, five, or even a dozen enemies quickly with their hands and feet when the enemy is charging. reward.

Now in the "Red Banner Army", the only way to cut off a first-level tartar is to pay 20 taels of silver when confronting with cold weapons, and to give 40 taels of silver to a first-level true slave, and to kill an enemy with a hot weapon is counted as a third, fifth, or seventh level. First-class nuclear power.

The "Red Banner Army" is constantly improving, and the regulations are constantly being standardized. Of course, the calculation of military merits is also advancing with the times. It cannot be absolutely fair, but must strive for relative fairness.

Huang Han stayed in Gaotaibao for a few days, resettled some of the rescued Han people, visited the Shandong people who had crossed the sea to the village, and distributed a few catties of mutton and a bucket of wheat to each household for the New Year.

General Ping Liao personally went from house to house to send warmth to the victims of the war, of course he received too many praises, and many Shandong people who had just arrived and felt uneasy immediately felt relieved.

Work has not stopped here even in the cold winter. Iron mines, coal mines, and kiln factories are all in production. The preparation of materials in the cement plant requires too much labor. Now too many men are crushing stones to prepare for the large-scale production in spring.

In large houses heated by briquette stoves, there are often a dozen or even dozens of women working on shoe soles, spinning yarn, spinning wool, knitting sweaters, and weaving cloth.

Knitting sweaters is a new thing that has gradually emerged in the past two years, and the initiator is of course Huang Han.

It's strange to think about it, spinning, spinning, and weaving are much more complicated than spinning wool and knitting sweaters. Why didn't anyone in Ming Dynasty think of knitting sweaters?
Daming's first sweater was made by Cailian, which was of course the result of Huang Han's guidance.

How smart are the Han people!With this advice, Huang Han's servant girls not only learned how to knit sweaters, but also encouraged all the women in the mansion. Afterwards, the families of the generals who lived in Huxue City were keen to knit sweaters for their relatives on the side of the army. sweater.

(End of this chapter)

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