Chapter 461
A large number of ingenious Han women participated in knitting sweaters. Many of them wanted to send warmth to their sons, husbands, and brothers. There is no doubt about the degree of hard work.

Doing things with heart, doing things proactively, and knitting sweaters with love, naturally developed many practical weaving methods and new styles of sweaters.

In winter, put on a thick all-wool sweater over cotton underwear, then put on a duck down jacket, and then add a winter jacket with mandarin ducks and battle jackets. This way of wearing does not look too bulky but keeps you warm. In the severe cold of minus ten degrees, soldiers They don't care.

Nowadays, it is popular for soldiers and soldiers to own a sweater to keep out the cold, so women who spin wool and knit sweaters abound.

The distributed military uniforms may contain shorts and undershirts but no sweaters. The same is true for the army of later generations. Although the sweater industry has lost the large purchases of the army, due to the introduction of the market competition mechanism, the comfort and style are constantly updated, and the quality is improved. It is also unparalleled.

Labor creates wealth. It is believed that these industrious immigrants can get jobs that can earn labor remuneration, and it will not take long for them to get rid of poverty and become well-off.

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, Huang Han came to Shanhaiguan to pay a visit to Liaodong Jinglue Gaodi, and of course he had to bring a generous gift.

The eldest brother-in-law Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin have not returned to Sichuan at this time, and they happened to get together. Historically, they will embark on the journey back to Sichuan next autumn.

The white pole soldiers fought all the way back. In the seventh year of Chongzhen, it happened that Qin Liangyu participated in a big battle to encircle and suppress Zhang Xianzhong. Flee away in a hurry.

But from then on, the white-armed soldiers fell into the quagmire of civil war until the 15th year of Chongzhen. The final outcome was that Ma Xianglin stuck to Xiangyang and died generously after the city was broken and the city was broken.

Both Ma Xianglin and Zhang Fengyi were heroes of the Ming Dynasty, but unfortunately they didn't die well, they both died in the civil war.

The key point is that the last Ming Dynasty was too suitable for breeding bandits. White-armed generals such as Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, Zhang Fengyi, etc. would only become weaker and weaker in the environment of food shortage and material scarcity.

Because they can't rob the common people like the "thief general" Zuo Liangyu, coercing the good people is three points more vicious than the bandits.

When Huang Han returned from Japan, he brought back dozens of armed merchant ships of pirates and sea merchants, and built more than [-] professional commercial old lock ships with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons in the system and launched them into the water.

In addition to the original merchant ships, the transportation capacity is only enough to transport grain for the imperial court's business.

It is urgent to develop private transportation, increase income, exercise sailors and invigorate trade. For this reason, Huang Han established "Sun and Moon Shipping", and now has dozens of small ships with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons that can pass through Nantong Prefecture and go up the river directly to Shizhu.

I don't know if the imperial court will assign missions when the Baigan soldiers return to Sichuan. If there is no such arrangement, Huang Han can persuade Ma Xianglin and Qin Yiming to take advantage of the river-sea transportation to return to Shizhu.

The waterway from Shanhaiguan to Shizhu is less than [-] nautical miles. Calculated on an average speed of three knots day and night, it can sail [-] nautical miles a day. Deducting the unfavorable weather, it can theoretically reach the destination in about a month.

Counting the fiber pulling speed needed to cross the Three Gorges can only reach a little over one knot, [-] days along the river is enough.

But if you go down the river, you can have the sour feeling of "returning a thousand miles of Jiangling in one day", and it may take less than a month to reach Shanhaiguan.

After Qin Liangyu received the order in the second year of Chongzhen, he led the white-armed soldiers to serve the king, and it took half a year to reach the capital. The journey was extremely laborious, and hundreds of people were lost due to injuries and illnesses.

In this era, it would be a waste of money to not make good use of the Yangtze River waterway, because in the age of sails, long-distance travel by boat is the most efficient and comfortable, and the cost is at least [-]% lower than that by land.

At the banquet of Liaodong Economic Strategy, Lao Gaodi really talked about the white-armed soldier Chongzhen who left Sichuan for three years and entered Beizhili King Qin.

Therefore, he agreed to the request of Ma Xianglin and Qin Yiming, and the white soldiers will now return to Sichuan after the imperial edict is issued.

It's just that the 7000 troops in Shanhaiguan are bound to be empty, and the Ministry of War does not know which group of troops will be dispatched to replace the white soldiers, so Gao Di is worried.

Others were old and well-versed and knew very well the virtues of the Ming army. The [-] white soldiers were loyal and brave, and since most of them were infantry, they didn't spend much on food and pay.

If other battalion heads came to Shanhaiguan, 5000 troops would not be able to match the combat effectiveness of 7000 white-armed soldiers, and the discipline might be lax and excessive.

In the last Ming Dynasty, soldiers often complained about their salaries. Even if Gao Di didn't think about greedy for military salaries in Liaodong Economic Strategy, he couldn't guarantee whether the imperial court had the ability to pay them on time.

Gao Di was worried that if the army was changed, those officials would be indiscriminately beaten, smashed, looted and burned if they were even slightly bewitched.

In the first year of Chongzhen, how wronged was Bi Zisu of Guan Ning, the governor of Youqiandu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate who didn't have a tael of silver?This senior official with good character and reputation was humiliated and angrily committed suicide by the rebels. This ending, Lao Gaodi, must be guarded against.

After drinking for the third time, Gao Di took the initiative to say: "I am able to sit safely in Shanhaiguan and rely on the "Red Banner Army" and the white-armed soldiers.

Now that Generals Ma and Qin are going to lead their troops back to Sichuan soon, I no longer have any support in Shanhaiguan. General Huang has a lot of talents under his command. I wonder if it is possible to send a battalion to Shanhaiguan? "

Huang Han said with a wry smile: "Your Excellency takes a fancy to the 'Red Banner Army', and I am flattered, but the imperial court may not be able to send the 'Red Banner Army' to garrison Shanhaiguan."

Getting involved in Shanhaiguan was Huang Han's plan. It stands to reason that Liaodong Economic Strategy took the initiative to speak at this time, and it should be because of sleepiness that he sent a pillow!

In fact, this may not be the case, and haste makes waste. The first thing Lao Gao said was that the "Red Banner Army" entered Shanhaiguan. What should the Ministry of War think?What would the emperor think?
Hearing Huang Han's words, Gao Di knew it in his heart. He was old, and he thought he didn't have a few years to live, so he didn't fear Huang Han's strength at all.

On the contrary, for the sake of the descendants of the Gao family, he hoped that the "Red Banner Army" would be so strong that no one could shake it.

Most of the Gao family's children served in the army, and many members of the clan settled down in Huxue City to do business. Thanks to Huang Han's blessing, the son was bestowed with the honor of raising people by the emperor, and he was able to prepare for the military.

Gao Di's official career has been ups and downs for decades, and his methods are very sophisticated. He said with a smile:

"Today, I have the cheek to ask General Huang to cut his love. I fell in love with Yang Dalang, the deputy general of Jizhen, who cut down the left wing of Karaqin. I decided to recommend him to be promoted to the general officer of Shanhaiguan. I don't know if General Huang will give face. ?”

This commander-in-chief is not a false award, but a real award. In history, when Wu Sangui surrendered to Shanhaiguan and became a slave, he was not the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan at all, but the commander-in-chief of Ping Xibo and Liaodong regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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