Chapter 462
Shanhaiguan only began to set up a general officer in the Wanli period, and the authority and manpower were not as good as Jizhen.

The general soldier of Shanhaiguan in the 17th year of Chongzhen was a native of Yulin, Shaanxi, also named Gaodi, with the word Hanchong.

He had only 4 regular soldiers at the time, and his strength was far inferior to that of Wu Sangui, the Liaodong Regiment's commander-in-chief, because Wu Sangui had [-] troops in the Guanning Army, including several thousand armored men.

It can be seen that at the end of the Ming Dynasty, the commander-in-chief of the regiment training was a miscellaneous brand. As long as the soldiers were strong and strong, the commander-in-chief of a town with seals would bow his head.

Once Hanzi becomes the general officer of Shanhaiguan, the Shanzheng barracks can grandly have [-] troops, with cavalry and infantry separated, and can also control the Qibing, Reinforcement, and Ranger battalions that are also stationed in Shanhaiguan. Twenty thousand.

What's more, at this time, the imperial court is rewarding for meritorious service, and it is not too much to be awarded by the deputy general of Jizhen, Hanzi You, for his great achievements.

This temptation is too great, Huang Han is happy to see it succeed.

He clasped his fists and said: "Your Excellency praised Yang Dalang, I will be grateful to the lower officials, but I am afraid that it will be quite difficult to be promoted to the general of Shanhaiguan to garrison Guancheng."

Old Gaodi laughed loudly and said: "That's true. It will be very difficult for other people to operate this matter, but I can naturally persuade the Ministry of War to say that he is the Son of Heaven, because Yang Dalang has always had a reputation of being honest and straightforward. The general is one hundred rest assured."

Seeing Gaodi's words are full of Huang Han's interest, Hanzi can really become the general officer of Shanhaiguan, and he will definitely take over at least three or four thousand Ming troops.

At that time, we will adopt the same combination as Ningyuan, eliminate those who pretend to be soldiers and go to reclamation, and then use up the troops to station three thousand cavalry and three thousand infantry in Shanhaiguan.

In less than a year, the entire garrison in Shanhaiguan will be assimilated by the "Red Banner Army", regardless of whether it is a surprise battalion, a reinforcement battalion or a guerrilla battalion, even the garrison battalion is no exception.

Huang Han didn't hide his feelings, and happily toasted: "Xiaguan, thank you for your success. To be honest, there are two elder brothers Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin stationed in Shanhaiguan with [-] white soldiers. Xiaguan feels at ease.

When I first heard that they were going back to Sichuan, my heart was empty. The officials were really worried about the Guanning Army, and they were not very familiar with the generals in other military towns. The army without peace of mind was in Shanhaiguan, so I really felt that the foundation was not stable. "

Gao Di expressed his opinion: "I have the 'Red Banner Army' stationed in Ningyuan, and white-armed soldiers stationed in Shanhaiguan. It is more comfortable to serve in Liaodong Economic Strategy than last time.

I am getting old, I don't want to be meritorious, but I want to have no faults. Several Liaodong strategists did not end well. I also hope that a strong general like Yang Dalang will be by my side to protect me. I will live a stable life for a few years and finally die. "

Seeing Gaodi's words were very clear, let the "Red Banner Army" develop, as long as his safety is guaranteed and he can explain to the court, Huang Han stood up and saluted:
"The next official not only promises to make Sir's job as the Liaodong Economic Strategy comfortable, but also guarantees that Sir will make outstanding achievements in the world."

All present here are generals of the "Red Banner Army" and white-armed soldiers. The civil servants are Gao Di and Gao Youmou.

Unexpectedly, Hanzi was confused and unhappy, and he yelled: "Brother Han, I don't care to be the general officer of Shanhaiguan. I won't leave the 'Red Banner Army' and I won't leave you."

Qin Yiming smiled and said: "Yang Dalang, no wonder people call you a fool behind your back. Are you stupid? Why did you leave the 'Red Banner Army'? Why didn't you turn all your subordinates into the 'Red Banner Army'?"

Hanzi faltered and said: "I was originally called Hanzi, it doesn't matter. It's not easy to reform an army. I, I can't do it alone! Brother Han, let Xiao Song or Da Nian be the commander-in-chief. They have more minds, and they must have done a lot better than me."

Gaodi almost burst out laughing, he said: "Everyone, do you know the reason why this official begged for General Yang to ask for the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan to get what he wanted? This is often the case in the imperial court. not drop."

Ma Xianglin and Huang Han are sworn brothers, and now there is another layer of family ties. He and Qin Yiming led 7000 troops to station in Shanhaiguan, feeling a little lost.

The reason is actually that Huang Han led the "Red Banner Army" to make many meritorious deeds, and he left his hometown to make meritorious deeds, but he was rejected when he asked for more battles. Now he is wasting time in Shanhaiguan.

His mother wrote to tell him about the turmoil in Shanshan and Shaanxi, and now Sichuan is also full of bandits, so after negotiating with Qin Yiming, he asked to lead his troops back to Sichuan, several months earlier than in history.

Huang Han didn't know when the two elder uncles would be able to return home, so he gave them a thousand horses and three hundred pairs of all-steel breastplates to show them off.

War horses and armor are the favorites of military generals. Of course Qin Yiming and Ma Xianglin were happy to receive such gifts.

Old Gaodi took advantage of the revelry and took Huang Han and his eldest son Gao Youmou to talk at night by candlelight, intending to entrust his son and Gao's nephew.

He also asked Gao Youmou face to face from now on to follow the lead of Huang Han, to think more about the "Red Banner Army", and to spare no effort to ask the court for food and salaries to support this powerful army that relies on it.

Of course, Huang Han would follow the olive branch handed over by the Liaodong Economic Strategy. He stated on the spot that the Huang family and the Gao family will not be separated from each other from now on.

In the future, all the "Red Banner Army" will spare no effort to help the nephews of the Gao family and former officials of the disciples to become officials in the court, and strive to release a few to become magistrates and magistrates.

Shanhaiguan was impenetrable, and it was firmly controlled by the Ming Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty. It was not captured by the slaves or bandits. In the end, it was a gift from Wu Sangui to the slaves after Chongzhen died for the country and the Ming Dynasty theoretically subjugated.

Huang Han coveted Xiongguan for this, and being able to effectively control Shanhaiguan not only stabilized the two to three hundred miles of fertile soil between the Liaoxi Corridor and Ningyuan, but also extended southward to Funingwei and Huxue City, and even affected Yongping Mansion.

There are so many fertile fields in Changli, Qian'an, and Luanzhou within the pass, which can accommodate too many refugees who are unwilling to go outside the pass, and the food they produce can solve more refugees. big problem.

Why are the rogue bandits getting more and more fierce, with the momentum of endless wildfires and spring winds blowing again?
That's because the fundamental problem has not been solved. In fact, the problem is very simple, that is, two words "lack of food".

When a good citizen will starve to death with his whole family, while a mob still has a chance of survival, if such a multiple-choice question arises, who is willing to wait for death?

What's more, there are rebels such as Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, etc. who have gained great benefits by killing officials and rebelling, eating a lot of food and dressing well, and occupying many beautiful girls, such as Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, etc., deliberately destroying and breaking the fragile balance.

(End of this chapter)

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