Chapter 463 Fanaticism
There are only two ways to solve the current chaotic situation of hungry people. The first way is Jiannu's adoption and successful examples. In the final analysis, there is one word "kill".

If there is not enough food for hundreds of millions of people to survive, then kill enough to eat.

Therefore, tens of millions of Han people died during the dynasty change in the late Ming Dynasty, as high as [-]% to [-]% of the total population.

Compared with the first method, which is simple and crude but effective, the second method requires painstaking efforts to establish a base area to produce food, rescue the people who are facing starvation, and then expand the base area to produce more food.

Such a method is protracted and dangerous. The royal paradise managed with painstaking efforts will be targeted by rogues, slaves, and even the court. Without overwhelming force to ensure the safety of the base area, everything may come to naught.

Huang Han had no way to imitate Jiannu. He had no choice but to use his superiority of being a prophet to increase his strength and increase the total amount of food to turn things around. Therefore, Shanhaiguan was determined to win.

With this great pass in hand, you can advance, attack, retreat, or defend.

Shanhaiguan also has a water city that can ensure the smooth flow of the sea supply line. The "Red Banner Army" that has evolved into the era of guns and guns runs Guanning.

Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and his like have the organizational and leadership abilities, and they don't have the ability to go to Shanhaiguan. Besides, Huang Han is not prepared to sit back and watch the bandits rampant, and always wants to go to the mainland to kill a few thieves.

After receiving a letter from Huang Han at the end of the twelfth lunar month, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu invited Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun, the two inner ministers, to come to the "Quanjude" restaurant in the city that never sleeps to taste roast duck.

The two great eunuchs came to the banquet happily after receiving the invitation. Not only did they get a generous gift, but they also had good things to report to the emperor.

It was because the Huang family was thinking of the emperor, and hoped that the emperor's internal funds would be more generous when the silver was most needed at the end of the year, and that the emperor's annual bonus of 3 taels of silver would be handed over to the two ministers in advance to present to the emperor.

Looking at the thirty 1000 taels banknotes of the "Sifang Bank", Wang Chengen was overjoyed, because he had been managing the internal funds all along.

In the past few years, the court's expenses have been really difficult, and the emperor has always had to use internal funds to subsidize the court.

In addition, when he first came to power, the young Chongzhen didn't know that people were sinister, and was bewitched by Yuan Chonghuan's "five-year flat Liao" lie.

In the past two years, the situation in Ming Dynasty has taken a turn for the worse, and the internal funds have long been unable to make ends meet.

Wang Chengen was struggling to find a way to increase income and reduce expenditure. Now that he had this large unexpected income, the emperor had a lot of money when he rewarded his concubines during the Spring Festival, honored his sister-in-law, the empress, and the two concubines of the former emperor.

"Our family is grateful to General Ping Liao for his hard work. The holy emperor cut down on food and clothes and worked diligently every day. Empress Zhou Xiande always tried her best to save palace expenses. The emperor's dragon robe was even sewed and worn by the empress.

No one understands the emperor's difficulties, but our family sees it in our eyes and is anxious in our hearts. Looking at the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, only General Ping Liao is the most caring! "

As Wang Chengen spoke, his eyes were still a little moist. He sincerely wished the emperor well, and hoped that Ming Dynasty would enjoy peace in the world.

Cao Huachun, as the eunuch who supervised the ceremonies and Bingbi, was admiral of Jingying Rongzheng and part-time admiral of Dongchang. He was an out-and-out powerful eunuch. He sighed:
"A few days ago, the Holy Son of Heaven ordered hundreds of officials to enter the horses. Each of the three ranks and above will pay one horse, and the rest may join together. Which one of the civil and military officials does not have this ability?
But the officials were in an uproar, and the horses sent to the Yumajian were not enough to be used as war horses.well!I don't know where those people's sage books went? "

Zheng Xiu'e said: "The two inner ministers, the concubine's husband actively responded to the call of the Holy Son of Heaven, and the officials and assistants of the 'Red Banner Army' unanimously supported it. Now a full [-] top-grade war horses have been sent to the capital, and tomorrow they will be sent to the Imperial Horse Supervisor for inspection. "

When Cao Huachun heard the words, he saluted and said: "Our family will definitely repay the loyalty of General Pingliao and his subordinates to the emperor. It is even lucky that Ming Dynasty has a capable and loyal 'Red Banner Army'!"

Zheng Xiu'e hurriedly stood up and returned the gift with blessings: "I can't thank you enough for the internal minister's praise. Everything in the Huang family is a gift from the Holy Son of Heaven. Naturally, I will spare no effort to relieve the court's worries."

Wang Cheng'en said: "Madam was ordered by the imperial court. Our family thought it would be best to go to the palace frequently. I think Empress Zhou and Empress Yi'an Zhang must be overjoyed to see Madam."

This is to show that she is willing to bring together the Huang family and the Tian family to have more contacts and relationships. How can Zheng Xiu'e, who is exquisite and thorough, not know, she is very grateful: "I have already found many rare things and wanted to present them to the queen as a reward. Please arrange a chance for this concubine."

Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun looked at each other, seeing Cao Huachun smiling and nodding, he was relieved, and agreed: "In the first month, our family took the opportunity to report to Empress Ming Zhou, and it is estimated that Madam will become a regular visitor to the Forbidden City in a short time."

Wang Chengen was supported by Cao Huachun, although they didn't recognize their godfather, but the relationship between the two surpassed this vain relationship. Wang Chengen followed Cao Huachun's lead, so such a big event would of course depend on Cao Huachun's face.

Seeing that Cao Huachun was obviously willing to introduce the Huang family's wife into the palace, he dared to agree.

Huang Han was willing to help Chongzhen, and even wanted to change his fate, and also wanted to change the tragic ending of Emperor Tianqi's Empress Zhang Yan, Emperor Chongzhen's Empress Zhou, concubines, and children.

At this time, we can start wife diplomacy, get along with Chongzhen's relatives a lot, and if we build trust, we can influence the overall situation. If it is really difficult to change history, we can also find a way to let them leave the Forbidden City in the spring of Chongzhen's 17th year to avoid bad luck.

Huang Han wrote to Zheng Xiu'e to ask her to give gifts to the inner minister, but he did not expect to get a promise from Cao and Wang, two of Chongzhen's most trusted eunuchs, to introduce her to the palace to meet the queen.

After all, Zheng Xiu'e's family background is unusual, and Zheng Xiu'e may be born with such potential. I believe that if she is given the opportunity, she will definitely be able to develop feelings for Queen Zhou and Zhang Yan, the sister-in-law queen, and get along well with the concubines.

The women in the Forbidden City are all caged birds, they are eager to know the outside world, and a lady of the same age comes to do the housework and tell stories, and it is easy to be sought after.

Civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty had regular wives, and there were not many who had imperial orders, but none of them would be as young as Zheng Xiu'e, and she would be the first-rank official wife in the dynasty. The wife's diplomacy also had to consider the difference in status and age.

Presumably the young Zhang Yan, Empress Zhou, Concubine Yuan, Concubine Tian, ​​etc. did not like to spend too much time talking with a cautious old woman, so only the Huang family had the conditions to make friends with Chongzhen's harem.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year in the sixth year of Chongzhen, Huang Han and Qin Yuyi came to Wolf's Nest Castle to reward the soldiers and civilians. On this day of family celebration, they met the head of the family. Everyone couldn't hide their joy and enthusiasm.

(End of this chapter)

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