Chapter 464 Turning to Denglai
Although the Jinzhou defense line had just added six or seven hundred Mongolian light cavalry at the end of last year, the total strength of the main army was less than 8000.

However, the main general, Song Pengfei, was full of confidence. He stated that only with these 8000 troops, he was guaranteed to be able to deal with a large-scale attack of more than 3 Jiannu horses.

There are only three cavalry commanders stationed on the front line of Jinzhou. The main generals are Zhang Yang, Yuan Siming, and Zhu Lianshan. Now the cavalry has been strengthened, and each commander has two more Mongolian light cavalry.

With artillery cover, volleys of gun attacks, and more than 600 cavalry assaults, it is no problem for the Jin army to be defeated if they dared to enter the Jinzhou defense line rashly.

Of course, there is a limit to this, which means that when the number of troops dispatched by the Hou Jin army is less than five times that of the defenders, when the number of troops dispatched by the Hou Jin army exceeds [-], it will be too blindly aggressive to complete the raid.

At that time, only when relying on the strong city to carry out a war of attrition and exhaust the enemy until the veterans of the division are exhausted and intend to retreat, can the tactics of arranging surprise attacks be adopted so that the enemy can come and leave whenever they want.

Jinzhou's defense line is solid, and there are 20 mu of farmland here, with five or six thousand households. It is expected that next year it will not only be able to ensure self-sufficiency in food, but also mass produce liquor, vermicelli, and vermicelli for export.

After planting three crops of sweet potatoes, potatoes, and maize, the Han people who are keen on farming are familiar with the characteristics of these new crops.

Potatoes are more cold-resistant than sweet potatoes, and maize can use a large amount of mountainous land. Therefore, in Jinzhou and Lushun, a place with many mountains and no shortage of water resources, the planting area of ​​these two crops is second only to wheat.

More potatoes were harvested, which of course led to the springing up of workshops for wine making, vermicelli, and vermicelli. The spirits did not have to worry about sales, and could be sold to Mongolia, and even sold to the Wu family and other merchants for gold.

More than 1000 wounded soldiers in Dongjiang Town were selected as regular soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" after recovery, and 2000 people stayed and became villagers, craftsmen, and fishermen. The selection criteria are strict.

Most of the families of the wounded Dongjiang soldiers had been taken to Lushunkou. Not only did Huang Long have no objection, but he also sincerely thanked Huang Han for taking in the disabled soldiers to give them a way to survive and cultivate their small fields.

Huang Han arranges time to visit disabled soldiers and retired Dongjiang soldiers, not only warming them, but also bringing them the good news of marrying their wives.

Only half of the more than two thousand people have wives and children, and the rest are bachelors. This time, they can participate in blind dates as long as they promise to the town governor not to beat and scold women who do not express their Chinese words at will.

Then say "I will love you forever!", "I promise to eat and clothe you warmly!", "I will love you!" and so on to women, and the town governor guarantees that everyone will have a woman to marry back home.

As Lushunkou and Jinzhou are close to the traditional fishing grounds of Liaodong Bay, there are a large number of merchants who purchase marine fish to produce dried fish and canned fish. Fishermen have no worries about sales, so the fishing industry has developed very well.

Only by introducing a market competition mechanism can we develop better. Originally, the monopoly of the exclusive production of dried fish and canned sea fish within the system was broken. Now there are more than [-] such production workshops, and all of them have their own signs.

The "Red Banner Army" system encourages businessmen to invest in industries. The tax is really only one out of [-], and it is guaranteed that no officials, yamen servants, and subordinates need to get cards.

Now many mainland merchants are aware of the importance of food. If canned sea fish that can be stored for a year or two is shipped to Shanshan and Shaanxi, it will not be a problem to earn several times the profit.

Therefore, merchants who invested in building processing workshops in the source of goods did not fear the barriers of the sea, and came to Lushunkou to settle down. This is also because of the business scope and good public security here, and also thanks to the normalization of sea transportation, and the price of sea passenger transportation is fair. reason.

After Huang Han came to Lushunkou, he even organized a dinner for merchants who were not in the system. He used this behavior to show the public that Lushunkou is open and welcomes everyone to buy properties and make a fortune together.

General Pingliao, who lives in the first rank of the official residence, chatted happily with low-status merchants, asked them about the difficulties they encountered in their operations, and made a high-profile statement that they could use mortgage workshops and real estate to borrow money from "Sifang Bank" for development.

The merchants were already very excited to receive this courtesy. Seeing that General Pingliao also provided financial support with preferential terms, promising that the interest on the loan would be only [-]% per year, and each and every one of them stated that they would use Lushunkou as their home from now on to expand production. .

Nowadays, many eliminated armed merchant ships are purchased or rented by fishermen or merchants, and become fishing boats and working boats for processing canned sea fish on site.

In order to encourage more people to ask for protein from the sea, Huang Han not only gives support to ships but also lends loans to fishermen and ship owners, with the aim of making them scale up as soon as possible.

Huang Han still adopted the principle of addition to increase the total amount of food for the Han people. One catty of fish caught by the Ming Dynasty was equivalent to five catties of grain.

Sparing no effort to obtain food has long been not limited to satisfying the food and clothing of the "Red Banner Army" system, but to prepare food reserves for the millions of disaster victims who are starving for food.

Huang Han knew that the culprit that caused so many victims was not a natural disaster, but a man-made military disaster, but in the current situation of Ming Dynasty, what can be done?
Only by strengthening the "Red Banner Army" and increasing the total amount of food in the system, as time goes by, the base area will be as solid as a rock. At that time, you can lead your troops to attack the Tartars in the north, destroy the slaves in the east, and conquer the bandits in the west to complete the hegemony.

After finishing his internal affairs, Huang Han turned his attention to Denglai. There was a big deal to be done there. If it was successful, the total value of the precious metals robbed over the years might not be as much as this time.

Of course, this is to count the rebels who fled from Dengzhou by boat, because when the time comes, the rebels can't hold on in Dengzhou at all, and if they don't run to the sea, they will all starve to death.

The "Red Banner Army" continued to subsidize Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian's grain. At the end of the year, Huang Han asked Huang Yong to personally deliver a large amount of canned sea fish and some captured mutton and beef.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian were overjoyed to see Huang Han's younger brother Huang Yong, the guerrilla general of the water battalion, coming to Dengzhou to deliver food and meat. They accompanied the dozens of people brought by Huang Yong to inspect Dengzhou's defense line in detail.

Among the entourage brought by Huang Yong were two young officers, Shen Ming and Yu Fei, who had just come to the water camp as trainees, two young officers personally trained by Huang Han, so of course Huang Han had a thorough understanding of the deployment of the Dengzhou siege army.

Besides, Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian were not prepared to hide anything from the "Red Banner Army". They basically knew everything without saying anything, and even asked Shen Ming and Yu Fei, whom they were familiar with, to go back and report.

And asked them to send someone to tell them immediately if General Ping Liao had any suggestions.

(End of this chapter)

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