The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 465: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 465 Two birds with one stone

According to Huang Han's judgment based on the deployment of the Ming army in Denglai, the rebel army's vain attempt to break through the [-]-mile-long and city-high wall built around Dengzhou by tens of thousands of rebel soldiers and civilians would never be able to do so.

Besides, they shouldn't choose to break through the siege and flee to the hinterland of Shandong, because it's unreasonable. The court came to encircle and suppress tens of thousands of people. How long can a few thousand people survive at this time?

Time has passed, and the situation in Shandong is not the same as when Li Jiuzheng just rebelled. At that time, the army in the interior of Shandong was small and had no combat effectiveness.

Now the tens of thousands of people in the imperial court came here to suppress the rebels, how could they be polite when they saw the rebels who were at the end of their rope?It is estimated that the limited number of people who rush out in a few days will be surrounded and wiped out by the imperial army with absolute superiority in strength.

The only way for Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming to go to sea is the only way. This is not only Huang Han's judgment, but also a story that has happened in history.

Intercepting them at this time will capture more than a hundred warships, merchant ships and hundreds of artillery pieces, including more than twenty Hongyi cannons. The strength of Langji's instructors has developed by leaps and bounds.

Since then, Jiancheng is no longer an obstacle for the Eight Banners. As long as they are determined to seize the city and not worry about gains or losses because of casualties, they can spend their time pulling Hongyi cannons to attack the fortifications.

The sea can't stop Jiannu. The Houjin army with the navy had the ability to compete for the islands, and it didn't take long to destroy Dongjiang Town, which retreated to the islands. Rejuvenate.

Dengzhou used to have a water city with a water camp. Many big merchants settled in Dengzhou. Naturally, their merchant ships used Shuicheng as their home port. Now those ships are completely cheap for the rebels.

Some time ago, Sun Yinglong, a brainless lieutenant general, boasted to others that he and Geng Zhongming had a friendly relationship like brothers, and he was able to persuade Geng Zhongming to arrest Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde and return to the court.

Sun Yinglong, the lieutenant-general, was an idler and was under Zheng Zongzhou, the governor of Tianjin. He really contributed a lot to persuading Geng Zhongming to capture Li Jiuzheng and Kong Youde to surrender.

Vice-General Sun led more than [-] people from Tianjin Shuiying and dispatched all [-] or [-] warships to Dengzhou to contact Geng Zhongming.

Geng Zhongming is actually the worst of the Sanshun Kings. He is completely different from Kong Youde and Monk Kexi. He belongs to the hardcore traitor who actively surrendered to Jiannu.

Kong Youde never thought of rebelling against the imperial court, but had to rebel after Wuqiao was coerced by Li Jiuzheng to attack the county and kill thousands of soldiers, civilians and officials.

Shang Kexi is at odds with Shen Shikui, who succeeded Huang Long who died in the battle as the commander-in-chief of Dongjiang Town, and was forced to surrender and become a slave.

As early as the third year of Chongzhen, Geng Zhongming tried to collude with slavery and rebellion. In the fourth year of Chongzhen, his brother Geng Zhongyu died unexpectedly because of his conspiracy.

This hard-core traitor was no ordinary person, he dared to take risks, and resolutely boarded a small boat on Sun Yinglong's flagship to reminisce about the old days.

The next day, Geng Zhongming's family sent two heads, and the family told Sun Yinglong that everything went well. Li and Kong were executed. Now Geng Zhongming is waiting in Shuicheng for the imperial army to land in Shuicheng and take over Dengzhou.

The stupid Sun Yinglong didn't doubt him, and Le Zizi led the fleet into the water city. He was eager to do meritorious service and landed with the little two thousand troops without any investigation. He couldn't wait.

As a result, Geng Zhongming came to close the door and beat the dog. Sun Yinglong and a dozen servants were beheaded on the spot, and the rest of the sailors knelt down and begged for surrender.

With little effort, the rebels obtained the entire Tianjin navy, and captured dozens of large warships from the Ming army. Among them, there was a three-masted gunboat that was even larger than the No. 1 Fuchuan. It has the ability to transport more than [-] people and hundreds of cannons at one time.

The three-masted gunboat has always been the main warship of the Ming army's navy, and the Tianjin navy has few ships in total.

This type of ship is based on the multi-watertight cabin design of the Xiyi deck warship combined with the Dongfang ship. It is equipped with three to five Hongyi cannons that fire the ten-jin shells of the Ming Dynasty's measurement unit, and it is also equipped with many small Francophones. gun.

It's just that the speed of the three-masted gunboat is not as fast as that of the No. [-] Fuchuan, and reaching three or four knots is the limit.

Apart from the navy of the "Red Banner Army" who deliberately concealed its strength in Liaohai, the navy of the Denglai rebel army should be the only one in Liaohai, and the number of ships of the Dongjiang Town Navy is far less.

It is also because the rebels own Shuicheng and a large number of ships, so Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other confidants of the judged generals feel that there is a way out, so the morale of the army is stable.

They also know that the transportation capacity is limited. Dengzhou now has [-] to [-] soldiers and civilians. If they really can't hold on and have to retreat from the sea, they can't take all of them.

It's just that Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. really don't know that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind.

Huang Han really cared about the Denglai rebels. He clearly knew that there were Tianjin naval divisions in history who threw themselves into the trap and did nothing. He just wanted the rebels to have more warships and merchant ships, so they could bring more cannons, gold and silver treasures and People and horses come to die at sea.

The feeling of killing two birds with one stone is really cool!

Liaohai originally had Tianjin Navy, Denglai Navy, Longwu Navy Remnants Shanhaiguan Water Camp, Dongjiang Town Water Camp, and the "Red Flag" built on the basis of the remaining ships of the Longwu Navy Middle Camp and Zuoying in Juehua Island. Army" water camp.

The combat effectiveness and number of ships of Dongjiang Town Water Battalion are small, and it is impossible for friendly troops to be enemies with the "Red Banner Army". If they have crooked ideas, Huang Han will let them be wiped out by Japanese pirates.

The method is too simple. Directly call the Udwater and Venlo, the warships on the Xiyi deck, and organize more than [-] Zhuyin ships, each equipped with six Fron machine six-pound cannons. .

Huang Han even let Xiyi and Japanese people with fancy heads appear on the deck to be seen by the sailors from Dongjiang Town who were being attacked. In the end, this unsolved case would definitely not be resolved.

After the capture of the Woodwater and Venlo, they were less suspected, so they have always kept a low profile. They have never revealed that such deck warships belong to the "Red Banner Army". After all, the Woodwater with a displacement of [-] tons So eye-catching.

If the imperial court knew that the "Red Banner Army" water battalion had the strength to defeat and capture the Xiyi deck warships with dozens of cannons, it might find ways to weaken it, and it was very likely that it would be transferred to the South China Sea to fight pirates and balance it with Zheng Zhilong.

(End of this chapter)

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