Chapter 466

Therefore, with the Udwater as the flagship, dozens of armed Zhuyin ships appeared in the Liaohai Sea as the main warship. The faces on board were either Xiyi or Japanese pirates. The court officials and generals would 100% believe that the Japanese pirates who had been silent for decades would make a comeback again.

No one would think that such a fleet belonged entirely to the "Red Banner Army". Those Xiyi and Japanese pirates worked for the "Red Banner Army" for free during the labor reform period.

Due to the sixth year of the apocalypse, the Longwu Navy lost thousands of ships on Juehua Island, and the imperial court has no financial resources to recover.

Therefore, the number of warships and transport ships in Shanhaiguan Shuying is not as large as that in Dongjiang Town.

What's more, after Hanzi became the general officer of Shanhaiguan, this water camp would inevitably be embezzled by Huang Han and transformed into a "Red Banner Army" water camp.

The Denglai Rebellion directly caused the Denglai Navy to become owned by the rebels. In Liaohai, only the Tianjin Navy with thousands of people and dozens of large ships remained under the imperial court.

If it wasn't for the governor of Tianjin being out of his mind, I believe that the stupid Deputy General Sun would have buried the navy for nothing, Huang Han really couldn't think of a way to annex those sailors and warships.

After counting the rebels, Liaohai will become the inland sea of ​​the "Red Banner Army", and basically there will be no sea power of the imperial court here.

From now on, the smuggling and entrainment of all civilian and military generals will depend on Huang Han's face, and they will have to pay tolls to the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han would also firmly control the sea transportation lines in the north of Ming Dynasty, and Huang Han would completely control the transportation of grain by sea, which meant that the imperial court was blocked.

It was not known when Kong Youde was going to flee to sea, so Huang Han began to be stationed at Lushunkou on the tenth day of the first lunar month, and the warships also returned to Lushunkou and Qingniwa ports to prepare for departure.

The coast of the Lushunkou area is winding and has many natural harbors, which can fully meet the needs of berthing the "Red Banner Army" water battalion warships. Here, the wartime order of no entry and no exit is still enforced.

Since June of the fifth year of Chongzhen, except for fishing boats in the system, fishing boats from Tianjinwei and Shandong will be detained as soon as they come here, and they will have to wait until next spring when the flowers bloom.

The detained fishing boats will not let them idle, they can go fishing on the side of Juehua Island in Liaodong Bay, and the "Red Banner Army" will buy all the catch at a fair price.

During this period, too many fishermen received more than double their previous income, so too many fishermen voluntarily asked to settle in Lushunkou, and from now on they will concentrate on fishing for the "Red Banner Army".

The fishermen entrusted the management of their "Red Banner Army" to pick up their families and leave Shandong. Many fishermen's homes are on the islands off the coast of Shandong. They are too poor. There are really many families who don't have all their pants. It is worth bringing with you when you move. There are few belongings.

The purpose of Huang Han's doing this is not to derail history, lest Kong Youde's gang give up using sea routes to escape because of the powerful "Red Banner Army" navy in Liaohai.

Knowing that the Denglai rebels who looted half of Shandong were very fat, Huang Han was forced to rush to Dengzhou to share the fat because of the lack of orders from the imperial court. He could only satisfy his desire by setting up a net at sea.

Time flies, and it is February in the blink of an eye. Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Chen Guangfu, Li Yingyuan and other rebel generals are living in troubled cities.

It wasn't that they didn't want to run from the sea. Ever since Li Jiuzheng died in battle and the attacking team was defeated, the rebels had long lost their fighting spirit and wanted to run away.

But the ghostly weather in the year of Chongzhen was so terribly cold that even the coast of Denglai was frozen three feet, causing the warships and merchant ships of the rebels to be frozen in the water city in early November and unable to move.

The generals of the rebel army learned about the current situation of Dongjiang Town from the captured Ming army, and knew that because the imperial court rehabilitated Mao Shuai, the people of Dongjiang Town were now at peace.

Originally, Li Jiuzheng, Kong Youde and others planned to use Dengzhou as a base to establish a country ruled by warriors, so they didn't wantonly massacre the residents of Dengzhou. Now these butchers showed their fangs.

The reason, of course, was that the food reserves in Dengzhou were exhausted, and the rebels no longer cared about military discipline after they started to starve, and started burning, killing and looting, and the city of Dengzhou was crying and howling loudly.

It's a pity that Dengzhou City was besieged for more than three months after Li Jiuzheng was shot dead, and there was no food in the homes of the people. In the end, many children and women were captured by the frenzied rebels as two-legged sheep and killed for meat.

It's not a problem if it goes on like this!Kong Youde, Li Yingyuan, Geng Zhongming, Chen Guangfu and others all knew that the situation was grim, and they had to consider the next step for tens of thousands of people.

Going to sea is the unanimously recognized escape route, and no one opposes it, but it is difficult for everyone to decide how to live in the future.

Do you want to seize the island and become a pirate from now on, or to force North Korea to give it territory, or to become a slave?

Under Geng Zhongming's efforts to confuse, the result of the discussion is self-evident. The traitors all realized that Daming has nowhere to go, and the only way to survive is to cross the sea and join Jiannu.

Kong Youde was full of confidence in this, and he still wanted to bargain with the slave chiefs, which was true in history. He wrote the surrender of Hong Jieshi quite arrogantly, because he knew that Jiannu, who was good at riding and archery, was eager to get a navy, and he wanted to get a navy. cannon.

He has more than one hundred warships and merchant ships capable of crossing the sea, and even those captured in previous battles, he has five or six hundred artillery pieces in his hand, among which there are more than twenty pieces of Franji Hongyi cannons of three or four thousand catties .

He knew that if he took these belongings and went to join Jiannu, even if he fought them to death before, it would be harmless. They would definitely be treated courteously, and it would be no problem to get territory and official positions.

Kong Youde and the others didn't care whether they were generously gifted by Jiannu, because they were about to bring gold and silver treasures, no less than 300 million taels in silver, and as long as they had land, they would be able to guarantee that their children would eat oil and wear silk for the rest of their lives.

It's just that Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other generals who were born in Dongjiang Town were a little entangled, because the Dengzhou rebels were close to [-], but the shipping capacity of sea ships was limited and they could only transport [-] people at a time. It means that half of the people must be left behind.

Kong Youde knew who to take and who to keep. He first considered bringing Denglai's confidantes from Dongjiang Town, and then all the gunners.

After the calculation, it's gone. Then, it is unrealistic to consider bringing other people with you, because you can bring the old Dongjiang town, gunners, sailors and family members and load as many Hongyi cannons as possible for the certificate of honor.

Although the ship was still frozen in Shuicheng at the end of the first month, Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. had already started to load gold and silver treasures, Hongyi cannons, and Fran cannons onto the ship.

They were very bad, and advertised in the city of Dengzhou, requiring all rebels to obey orders and obey orders, and soldiers who performed well would have priority in getting the opportunity to leave Dengzhou by boat.

(End of this chapter)

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