Chapter 467
The confidant soldiers who carried the artillery told all the rebels generously that the reason why the cannons were carried on board was to strengthen the firepower of the warships. If there were Ming army warships intercepting them at sea, they would definitely be beaten to ashes.

Most of the soldiers didn't understand that there was a regulation on the ratio of the guns on the warships, that it wasn't just a matter of simply carrying a few guns and firing them. After listening to Kong Youde's and Geng Zhongming's serious introductions, they all believed it to be true.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming even made a big show of announcing the plan to evacuate Dengzhou City three times for the generals to publicize widely. Since there must be a sequence of three times, the bravest and most active soldiers will undoubtedly be the first to evacuate Candidates.

Kong Youde publicly stated that he would live and die with all the robes, and that he himself would be the last one to evacuate Dengzhou in Shuicheng.

Too many lies are the truth, and the soldiers, rioters, and bandits involved in the rebellion are basically fools with strong limbs and a simple mind. Since Marshal Kong, who took over as "Marshal Du", will stick to Dengzhou until everyone boards the boat and evacuates, then What else is there to worry about?

The generals reached a consensus on where to go after going to sea, Zhenjiang Fort at the mouth of the Yalu River, which is exactly the same as history.

Kong Youde knew that Dongjiang Town is different today, so why didn't he change his plan and still go to Zhenjiang Fort to land?

There is a reason for that. Zhenjiang Fort has always been the territory of Dongjiang Town. Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Chen Guangfu and other traitors are too familiar with the mountains and rivers there.

They also know that Dongjiang Town's garrison at Zhenjiang Fort will not be too many, with 3000 to [-] men and horses. Not opting in will kill him.

The rebels who pay attention to the weather changes every day finally discovered that the sea ice began to melt in early February. After a few days, they couldn't wait for the sea ice to melt slowly. up.

Damn! "Daming perishes in the sky" is really not a casual talk. Historically, the Denglai rebels had been out of food for many days and really couldn't hold on. If they ran a day late, they would be weaker, otherwise they wouldn't dig ice to get their ships.

However, mid-February in the sixth year of Chongzhen was relatively warm, and Kong Youde easily made all the big ships sail out of Dengzhou Water City.

If it was as cold as the sixth year of Tianqi, as long as Kong Youde was held back for half a month, the hungry rebels might not be able to defend the city.

Because the Ming army besieged the city in a hurry to attack, the rebels could no longer stand it.

The weather in the sixth year of Apocalypse was so cold that Juehua Island and the sea more than a dozen miles away from the mainland were so frozen that thousands of troops could run, which directly led to the Houjin Army being able to attack an island with cavalry raid tactics.

Throughout history, and even the history of wars in the entire world, is there any example of an island more than ten miles away from the mainland being raided by enemy cavalry?

And the last dynasty of the Han people, Ming Dynasty, was so sad that such a small probability event could be used by Jiannu.

But since Juehua Island was attacked in the sixth year of the Apocalypse, until now, nearly 400 years, there has never been an example of Juehua Island being so frozen that it is connected to the mainland and can run horses.

In the sixth year of the apocalypse, more than [-] Tartars and Jian slaves raided and destroyed the large supply base set up by Daming on Juehua Island.

A total of more than [-] warships, merchant ships, transport ships, and fishing boats frozen in the port were burned by the Houjin army. More than [-] soldiers, civilians, and merchants on Juehua Island were slaughtered. The direct material losses of the Ming Dynasty were no less than tens of millions in silver two.

In order to effectively cooperate with the army to recover the lost land in Liaodong, Sun Chengzong, Mao Yuanyi and others, the independent battalion Wu Longwu Navy expanded on the basis of aiding the Liaohuaiyang Navy and Zhejiang Navy was almost destroyed.

Now when Daming hoped for God's help to freeze the rebel ships so that they could not cross the sea and escape, God didn't open his eyes at all, and gave him the warmest spring in recent years.

The result in history is that Jiannu got a well-equipped sailors and gunners, hundreds of cannons, thousands of well-trained gunners and a dozen Portuguese instructors in vain.

When the stuffed pie that fell from the sky hit Nu Chief Red, this kid was probably in a dream, he couldn't believe it, and later found out that Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and other judges were all bringing their families and mouths. .

He was so stimulated by joy that he kept muttering "God bless the Great Jin Kingdom!", so Kong Youde's men were awarded the title of "God Bless the Army".

On the early morning of February [-]th when the Dengzhou rebels were still asleep, Kong Youde, who had vowed to stand firm until the last brother evacuated safely, ran away overnight with Liao soldiers, sailors, and gunners.

Fang Zhenghua, the chief eunuch of the army, received a letter from Huang Han in the first month, and also accepted the rice, white flour and mutton, canned sea fish, and drunk liquor from Huang Han's people, which allowed him to reward the three armies with a high profile.

In the letter, Huang Han talked about the "Great Victory in Yanbei" and said that he was safe and sound. Finally, he pointed out that the rebels are like grasshoppers after autumn, and they will not be able to reach for a few days. when.

With Huang Han's categorical conclusion that the rebels would voluntarily give up Dengzhou and escape by sea, Fang Zhenghua naturally refused to attack the fortress, and the counter-insurgency troops under his command were less than half of those in history.

If we blindly adopt the aggressive tactics, the Ming army that suppressed the rebellion would indeed not have such strength. The key point is that the artillery fire of the rebel army is still stronger than that of the imperial court's encirclement and suppression army.

If you suffer huge casualties and force your brute force to storm the fortified city with sharp artillery fire, resulting in heavy casualties and low morale of the besiegers, it is very likely that the plan of encirclement and annihilation will fall short if it is backlashed.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, when the combat power and equipment are almost the same, you must have five times the strength to be able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Today, the total number of Ming troops suppressing bandits does not exceed [-], while the rebels claim to be [-]. How can such a tough battle be won?The only way to persist in the siege is to cause the city to run out of food, and even if the people in the city are starved to death, the rebels will also be starved to death.

Fighting is really cruel, no one would think of Shengdou Xiaomin, even a historically proven hero like Fang Zhenghua.

He clearly knew that the people in Dengzhou City would be the first to starve to death if the siege tactics were adopted, so he did it without hesitation.

Fang Zhenghua counted the days after receiving Huang Han's letter in the first month, and felt that the sea ice would not melt for many days. He changed his strategy and ordered the Shenji Battalion deployed on Hangbang Mountain to stop the daily shelling.

Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, was appointed by Fang Zhenghua, who was carrying the Tianzijian to supervise the army, to manage food, grass and military supplies. During this time, he had been organizing the Ming army and civilians who besieged the city to build siege equipment such as ladders and shield vehicles.

Fang Zhenghua recruited Li Ruolian to lead the infantry and warrior battalion of Shenji Battalion, Four Guards Battalion, and Jinyiwei to conduct rehearsals of ascent to the city every day, and often conduct ants to attack the city at night.

(End of this chapter)

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