Chapter 468

Both Shenjiying and Jinyiwei were bewitched. A group of generals headed by Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Chen Gao, and Lin Daye had already informed all the men and women of the Beijing camp that there were countless gold and silver treasures in Dengzhou City. Jinyiwei school lieutenant, Lishi.

Money touches people's hearts. Now Jingying and Jinyiwei are trying their best to complete the first ascent, and strive to break into Dengzhou as soon as possible to seize the gold and silver treasures that are at their fingertips. Therefore, the enthusiasm for training ants to attack the city is high.

Zhu Dadian is a scholar-bureaucrat who instinctively resists eunuchs intervening in politics, but Fang Zhenghua, a great eunuch, gives him a completely different feeling, because Fang Zhenghua never fills his own pockets, and personally leads a group of eunuchs to participate in the exercise and sweats profusely.

Therefore, even though Fang Zhenghua domineeringly used the governor of Shandong as his subordinate, in order to suppress the rebellion, Zhu Dadian suppressed his anger and endured it. He has been worrying about the food and grass of the army.

In February, the weather is gradually getting warmer. Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian use the binoculars given by Huang Han to look at Dengzhou City in the distance every day. Pay attention to the dispatch in Dengzhou City by means of [-]/[-] surveillance.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian took care of the captain of Jinyiwei who was on duty. Once they found out that the Dengzhou rebels had moved, they had to report it immediately, even in the middle of the night. They would take turns to be on duty overnight.

Jin Yiwei used binoculars on the mountain to keep an eye on Shuicheng [-]/[-]. When the rebels fled at night, the lights in Shuicheng were brightly lit, and Jin Yiwei immediately noticed something strange.

The besieged city of Dengzhou was in short supply of all supplies, even firewood, and of course there were even fewer candles and lamp oil. At night, there were only dots of torches on the city walls for illumination, and the city was basically pitch black.

Now the water city is suddenly so bright, of course the rebel army is preparing to take action tonight, the cannon fodder abandoned by Kong Youde has not noticed that the main general is about to escape, the Ming army outside the city is the first to feel it.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian, who were notified at night, immediately came to Hangbang Mountain to look down at Dengzhou Water City. After watching for a while, they judged that the rebels were going to flee tonight.

As a result, the drums of the Juju generals rang in the middle of the night, and the generals of the Ming army were dragged out of the bed by their servants to wear their helmets and armor. Many generals were surrounded by their servants and came to the camp of the Chinese army, and they closed their eyes to catch up on sleep.

The next shocking news woke up all the dozing generals. It was the chief eunuch who was going to lead Shenji Battalion, Jin Yiwei and other generals to launch a surprise attack in order to capture Dengzhou City at night.

Fang Zhenghua's words are very deceptive. The Ming army and the rebels have not fought for the past two months. The rebels must have been slack. It is impossible for them to expect that the Ming army will suddenly launch a general attack tonight.

Li Ruolian also jokingly said, "Generals, Mr. Fang planned everything carefully. Even our generals came to accept the orders in their sleep. They felt that this raid came suddenly in the middle of the night. The reaction of the rebels can be imagined. Our army went all out. Killing the head of Dengzhou city is no problem."

The generals, including Wu Sangui and his son, Zu Dabi and Zu Kuan, didn't realize it. They all agreed that Fang Zhenghua, the great eunuch, and Jin Yiwei Tongzhi were talking nonsense.

Our army went all out to kill Dengzhou City, who is our army here?All the generals were thinking in their hearts, they agreed that they shouldn't have brought their subordinates to Dengzhou City to die because of two psychopaths.

Relatively speaking, the Guan Ning army is relatively calm, because they are iron cavalry, and no one will use cavalry to attack the city.

Chen Hongfan, Liu Zeqing, Liu Liangzuo, Deng Qi, Mou Wenshou and other generals were all taken seriously because most of their subordinates were infantry, and the task of attacking the city would definitely be assigned to them. Ying and Jinyiwei are the main attackers?

Zu Kuan, Zhang Tao, Jin Guoqi, Zu Dabi, Wu Xiang and his son, Jin Guochen and other generals all looked at Li Ruolian who was speaking coldly, thinking that this man was exaggerating, but in fact he only knew how to flatter the supervising army, which is really not a thing!

All the generals began to discuss in disorder. They were suffering from the fact that Shandong governor Zhu Dadian, the highest-ranking civil official, went to Laizhou to adjust food in person and happened not to be in the army. Everyone knew that only civil servants had the capital to argue with the eunuch who supervised the army.

Feeling the supervisor's gaze on him, Shandong Deputy General Liu Zeqing, who was whispering to each other, suddenly felt his anus tighten, and he immediately went to work:

"The final general thought that the attack at this time was too hasty, and the soldiers were in a daze without any preparation. When they set off on the road under the moonlight, they might flee into the mountains to hide due to fear of war. It is so late at night, and the servants are hard to guard against."

Deng Qi, the commander-in-chief of aid and suppression, came out of the squad and echoed: "My lord, I think that Vice General Liu's words are reasonable. The Chuanwazi under my command has never been afraid of death, and I don't want to die in battle. It has caused complaints, please be aware of it, my lord."

Although Chen Hongfan, the commander-in-chief of the Right Commander Changping, has a small number of troops and his combat effectiveness is not satisfactory, but because he can drill camps, his rank is the highest among the generals. He said loudly:

"I think that I know that the rebels are already killing and eating. There is really no need to increase the casualties of our army in vain and attack Dengzhou. I believe that Dengzhou will be destroyed in two or three months. I ask you to think twice."

Liu Liangzuo, Mou Wenshou, Zhang Tao, Jin Guoqi and other generals were also unwilling to be troublesome, and they all came out to advise, thinking that using time to trap the rebels to death was just around the corner, and there was really no need to take the risk of raiding the city late at night.

At this time, only a few people in Jinyiwei did not take it seriously. Li Ruolian, Lou Yun, Zhang Chao, Ai Guodong and others went out to join the battle. Li Ruolian said:
"Seeing that there is no food in Dengzhou City, the rebels are already killing people and eating them. At this moment, morale must have plummeted. If they don't attack at this time, is it possible that the imperial army will see tens of thousands of Denglai people become food for the rebels?"

Lou Yundao: "My lord, I will invite you to fight, and take advantage of the moonlight to kill and injure the city of Dengzhou and save the people from the upside down tonight!"

Chen Gao, Lin Daye and more than a dozen generals of the Beijing camp also came out to salute and said in unison: "My lord, the general is willing to launch a night attack to attack Dengzhou City without hesitating to shroud his body in horse leather!"

Gao Qiqian, Wu Sangui and his son, Zu Kuan, Zu Dabi, etc. all found it incredible. When did Jingying and Jinyiwei become so loyal and patriotic?
Fang Zhenghua laughed out loud, and he resolutely said: "Good! Good! Good! Loyal to the emperor, patriotic and pity for the people, this supervising army will definitely tell the truth about the battle tonight to the emperor.

Since Jin Yiwei and the soldiers of the Beijing Camp are willing to launch an attack, our family will follow suit.

The supervising army ordered the rest of the battalions to stick to the defense line. If any general escaped a rebel in the defense area, the supervising army would severely punish them. The Shangfang sword in the hands of the supervising army has not seen blood yet! "

Except for Jin Yiwei and Jingying generals, all the generals and civil servants including Gao Qiqian thought that Fang Zhenghua was completely crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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