Chapter 469 Kong Youde Runs Away

Gao Qiqian, the supervising army, had to stand aside since Fang Zhenghua, the supervising army carrying the Tianzi sword, came to Denglai with a direct leader.

Eunuchs know that everything about themselves comes from the holy family, and asking for credit, competing for favor, and calculating each other are self-taught.

Seeing that the Denglai rebels had only the last piece of territory left, Dengzhou City, and knowing that the rebels had no food, Dengzhou might be destroyed by itself, so Gao Qiqian hated Fang Zhenghua who made a mess in his heart.

The reason is very simple, if Fang Zhenghua hadn't led the Jingying and Jinyiwei to Dengzhou, Gao Qiqian would have won the great achievement of suppressing the rebels and regaining the lost ground.

Seeing his competitor Fang Zhenghua making a big mistake, Gao Qiqian was secretly happy in his heart, he didn't say anything to stop him, he was already thinking about it.

Once tonight's attack and loss of soldiers will be returned in vain, he will secretly report to the emperor to impeach Fang Zhenghua for his arbitrary and arbitrary refusal to accept the harsh advice of the generals, resulting in heavy losses to the Beijing camp.

At this time, he happened to notice that Wu Sangui's lips were moving and wanted to make a speech, so he immediately stopped him with a wink. He liked this delicate godson better, and he also wanted to support him more after regaining the position of the first supervisor.

Wu Sangui is now a third-rank guerrilla general. He is two years younger than Huang Han and is twenty this year.

At this time, he was infected by Jinyiwei and Jingying's collective request for a night attack. He also wanted to lead his troops to join the battle. He just wanted to ask for orders, but was stopped by the dead eunuch godfather, so he had to shut up quickly.

Appointing a eunuch as a godfather is an expedient measure, there is no trace of sincerity, when Fang Zhenghua brought the Tianzi Sword to supervise the army, Wu Sangui deliberately created an opportunity to curry favor.

But because of his good friend Huang Han, Fang Zhenghua didn't have the slightest liking for Guan Ningjun. Seeing Wu Sangui, who had already recognized Gao Qiqian as his godfather, rushing to flatter him, he felt extremely disgusted.

Fang Zhenghua was even more disappointed tonight. He was not only disappointed with Guan Ning's army, but also with other aid troops.

In his heart, he thought that it would be too cruel to enter Dengzhou and defend the four gates to collect all the money of the rebels. It would be too ugly to eat alone.

Seeing the insensitive attitude of these Ming army generals, Fang Zhenghua did not feel guilty at all. Instead of letting these scumbags get drunk with money, it would be better for him and Li Ruolian to share a part of them and keep the big ones to continue training.

He saw Wu Sangui's intention to come out of class to speak, and he still had expectations in his heart, but Gao Qiqian gave him a look, and the young general shrank his neck.

Fang Zhenghua didn't like Wu Sangui even more, and at the same time he was wary of Gao Qiqian. It was obvious that the grandson was playing tricks on our family.

Fang Zhenghua is no less vicious than Gao Qiqian, and he has killed dozens of people with his own hands. His psychological quality is half a block away from Gao Qiqian.

What's more, Fang Zhenghua also has family skills in martial arts and archery, and he has thousands of direct descendants. His position has reached four ranks, and Gao Qiqian's fight with him is purely self-defeating.

Gao Qiqian didn't know that a look in his eyes exposed his ulterior motives. He also thought that when Fang Zhenghua led the Jingying and Jinyiwei to the battlefield, he would contact Guan Ningjun in private to make some preparations just in case.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhenghua has a high IQ. After he gave the order to start the action, the generals split up. He directly pulled Gao Qi up and dived up to Hangbang Mountain to watch the battle, and ordered four selected Kung Fu eunuchs to lead a hundred personal guards There are guards on the left and right, and everyone is allowed to enter and not to exit.

Fang Zhenghua has cooperated with Huang Han many times, and his current style is somewhat imitated by Huang Han. He knows the necessity of allowing entry and not allowing exit, so no matter who has any thoughts, as long as he sticks to the basic principle of allowing entry and not allowing exit , It is useless to let you be resourceful.

There are 300 troops in the Beijing camp and about [-] Jinyiwei troops, of which Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian's direct descendants add up to more than [-]. When the rebels start to flee, choose a city wall with ants to attach to the city. The probability of success very big.

The escaped Kong Youde took with him his direct descendants, most of them were Liao soldiers and the old troops of Dongjiang Town. Of course, the combat power was the most powerful existence among the rebels. The other rebels were either rioters or captured Ming soldiers. , There is basically no fighting power and fighting will.

If there is no strong city to rely on, these non-directed soldiers will collapse immediately after being hit.

On February [-]th of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the moon and stars were scarce, and the Ming army launched a surprise attack in the south of Dengzhou City without warning on the fourth watch day.

All the Hongyi cannons deployed by the Shenji Battalion on Hangbang Mountain, which had been silent for more than half a month, fired, and all the Fran cannons that were smuggled to the south of Dengzhou City also fired.

In an instant, the south wall of Dengzhou became a mess, and then a guard sent his servants to Shuicheng to report to the "Marshal Capital" who was sitting there.

However, the gate of Shuicheng was closed tightly, and no one answered in the dark lights at the top of the city. The abandoned rebels immediately understood their situation, and soon the news that "Marshal Du" ran away with his descendants spread.

Then the rebels who resisted in Nancheng dispersed, and they all flocked to Shuicheng, hoping to find a ship and escape.

The fourth watch attack was just in time, and Kong Youde was given two hours to escape, so that the defenders at the top of the city couldn't find the commander at all.

Jin Yiwei tried thousands of households Zhang Chao was really brave. He personally led his hundreds of households to the top of the city first and made great achievements. The next thing was to be destroyed. The rebel army was defeated at the first touch. A large number of small boats and fishing boats were squeezed into the sea...

Since the horse boat is a large transport ship, it is relatively heavy and its speed is much slower than that of the No. [-] Fuchuan and the three-masted gunboat. Kong Youde worried that the large horseboat would drag down the speed of the entire fleet and stay in Shuicheng, which is considered to be reserved for the abandoned soldiers A silver lining.

But when the rebels rushed onto the horse boat, they found that none of them knew how to make this big guy sail, and they all wanted to cry without tears...

The 100 troops from the capital camp and Jin Yiwei did not dare to waste a moment when they entered the city. They were very busy collecting gold and silver treasures and seizing supplies. On average, killing a rebel army could confiscate more than [-] taels of gold and silver.

At noon, the generals who besieged Dengzhou all knew the good news that Dengzhou had been taken, and they immediately ordered troops impatiently.

But all the generals who asked to enter the city were rejected by Jin Yiwei without exception.

Jin Yiwei's reason is very good. In order to dig out the generals of the Ming army who may have liaison with the rebels, they strictly prohibit anyone from entering the city. The purpose is to prevent the destruction of criminal evidence such as letters.

Jin Yiwei, who came to fight the war, now made a high-profile statement that he was handling the case, and clearly informed that which general could not wait to ask to enter Dengzhou when the victory was already decided, he had to focus on investigating his motives.

When these words were released, the generals who were so frightened that they were ready to move immediately took their troops to stick to the line of defense honestly. They knew that there were many benefits in Dengzhou City, but they did not dare to rob Jinyiwei and the Jingying troops.

(End of this chapter)

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