Chapter 470 The Emperor's Face

Fang Zhenghua, the Chief Eunuch of the Supervising Army, is bloodthirsty. He likes the battlefield full of severed arms and limbs. He likes to smell blood. Just after the Ming army broke through the southern city wall, he took four martial artist eunuchs down Hangbang Mountain.

He also specially brought a high dive to prevent this kid from playing tricks behind his back.

Entering Dengzhou to kill the enemy is Fang Zhenghua's favorite, and the feeling of hacking the enemy face to face and splashing blood on his head and face always makes him feel excited.

Gao Qiqian was quite courageous at first, but he was calm when Fang Zhenghua dragged him into the city to kill people.

A dozen or so rebels were caught up by Fang Zhenghua, shoveled their shoulders, or cut them in two. Blood mixed with intestines and feces flowed all over the ground, which immediately made Gao Qiqian's stomach churn and his face turned pale.

Then Fang Zhenghua stretched out his blood-red tongue to lick the blood on the Jiuhuan Broadsword, Fang Zhenghua's pale and sickly face cooperated with the abnormally red tongue, and he was so scared that he jumped up and got wet in his crotch.

There is no way, eunuchs are not easy to control the desire to urinate, and this is often the case when they are frightened.

Fangzheng said sadly: "Xiao Gao! Our family likes to kill enemies for fun, you don't know the fun, how about this, you also take a knife and follow our family to chop a few fish that slip through the net and have fun."

Right now, this place is holding Gao Qiqian's life, because if he dies, Fang Zhenghua only needs to report to the emperor, and Gao Qiqian will personally enter the city to participate in killing the rebels and unfortunately die in the scuffle. He used his brain to analyze the cause of death.

The emperor would not even care about the life and death of a domestic slave. Everyone's focus would be on Fang Zhenghua, the chief eunuch who oversaw Denglai, and on Jin Yiwei, who had made great contributions to ascending the throne first.

Gao Qiqian knelt down, and he wailed: "Father, accept your son! The son will be obedient in the future, and the son will only follow the lead of the father in the future, father..."

This kid is enough to be a bachelor and just kneel down and call him father, and he can be regarded as a hero who can afford to let go.

Fang Zhenghua was almost annoyed when he saw a tall man who was about his own age curled up and curled up on the ground calling him father. He thought that this man had no backbone and looked down on him even more, so he lost his intention to play tricks on this helpless villain. .

He said slowly: "Xiao Gao, Dengzhou has already been won, and the supervising army has made great achievements. As long as you are one-hearted with our family, there will be no less generous gifts from the emperor. You can do it yourself!"

"Father, my son understands! My son will definitely honor you!"

Gao Qiqian, who was intimidated, followed Fang Zhenghua step by step and served him carefully. He was really like a filial son, how could he dare to deal with Fang Zhenghua?
Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, etc. have planned their retreat at sea for a long time, and their families have long lived in Shuicheng, and the guards of Shuicheng are without exception former Dongjiang soldiers.

The gold and silver that should be cleaned up in the first month are packed up, and the cannons to be taken away are all brought on board under the pretext of changing to warship artillery.

From the tenth day of February, Dongjiang soldiers began to clear the ice that had begun to melt. During this period, the families of the generals simply lived on board, so as not to affect the boarding speed of the soldiers when they were retreating.

More than 3000 Dongjiang soldiers spent three days clearing the ice, so that the warships in the water city could start. On the [-]th and [-]nd day of February, more than [-] people started to board the ship under the moonlight. It didn't take long for nearly [-] Warships and merchant ships sailed out of the water city one after another.

A team that has abandoned more than half of the rebels will not only not affect the combat effectiveness, but may also be strengthened.

Because the remaining [-] to [-] soldiers except for the sailors and gunners were all Liao people, and most of them were veterans of Dongjiang Town who had fought against the slaves. Kong Youde was quite confident in taking Zhenjiang Fort next.

The team of nearly a hundred large ships that the rebels went to sea sailed very slowly, because these ships were fully loaded or even overloaded, and the ship shapes were relatively messy.

The twenty or so No. [-] Fuchuan warships used by Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming can reach a speed of five knots, but the speed of the dozen or so medium-sized horse boats loaded with Hongyi cannons and some war horses can only be maintained at about three knots.

The five three-masted gunboats seized from the Tianjin Navy were larger than the No. [-] Fuchuan, but their speed could only reach four knots. These five ships should be the most powerful in the entire fleet.

Kong Youde deliberately appointed Wang Zideng, Li Yingyuan, Chen Guangfu, Su Yougong, and Gao Zhixiang, five self-proclaimed military commanders, to each lead a ship. In addition to sailors and gunners, each ship had two to three hundred soldiers.

It was obvious that the main battleships of the fleet were these five three-masted gunboats. If they couldn't beat the chasing and intercepting Deming fleet, the other warships would have no chance of winning, so they could only sail away.

The rebel fleet did not dare to sail with full sail after they left Shuicheng, because they were worried that the ice floes off the coast would damage their own ships. After all, the visibility under the moonlight was insufficient, and everyone knew safety first when they finally escaped.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian achieved a lot by capturing Dengzhou, because apart from the four or five thousand who fled into Shuicheng quickly to fight for the large horse boats and small boats, there were more than [-] rebels in the city.

Most of these people were the Ming army who surrendered when they saw Dengzhou City was broken, and immediately chose to surrender. The rest were green skins, gangsters and mobs. four thousand.

These scumbags who were not good citizens joined the rebel army just to rob and rape. When they were killed, everyone's arms were bulging, and even many gangsters were carrying packages.

At noon, except for a dozen small boats that were able to escape from the water city due to a small number of rebels who knew how to sail, paddle, and steer, the other small boats basically turned around in place, and many landlubbers vomited out their guts.

The bulky and large horse boat could not move without professional sailors hoisting the sails. The rebels who squeezed onto the boat finally gave up and chose to surrender on their knees. The battle was basically over at noon.

Next, Jin Yiwei supervised the capture and returned to the public. During this period, more than [-] rebels who surrendered were beheaded, because these people actually hid a lot of property.

Blood and violence are very suitable for the situation of anarchy. Under the terrifying atmosphere created by Jin Yiwei wielding swords and rolling heads, gold, silver and treasures are constantly found and collected.

During the whole day, Jin Yiwei and the representatives of the Jingying camp of the publicity counted precious metals worth no less than 200 million taels of silver, as well as silk, cloth, armor, weapons, and more than a hundred artillery pieces of different sizes.

Four of the six heavy artillery pieces sent by the Chongzhen Emperor's special envoy to the Denglai frontline last spring were discovered.

That time, the Hongyi cannons were transported from the capital to cooperate with the Ming army to win the battle. Unexpectedly, things backfired. The Ming army was defeated by the cavalry led by Li Jiuzheng in Shahe, and all six cannons were captured by the rebels without firing a single shot.

The other artillery captured are nothing, but these four heavy artillery are of great significance, because it is related to the face of the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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