Chapter 471
Last year, the emperor was furious when he learned that all the Hongyi cannons that he personally ordered to deliver to the front line with manpower and painstaking efforts were captured by the rebels.

Now that Fang Zhenghua has regained four of the red barbarian cannons, he can definitely praise the emperor for his meritorious deeds. The emperor's face will certainly be honored if the courtiers show their faces.

The residents of Dengzhou City were not eaten up by the rebels, and thirty or forty thousand emaciated ordinary people were rescued. Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian not only wanted to gain fame, but also pitied the hungry and cold Dengzhou ordinary people. The supported Wa Kingdom polished rice and cooked porridge to relieve the hungry.

The people of Dengzhou who were starving to death were all grateful after drinking two bowls of gruel. Everyone was grateful for the court soldiers and horses who relieved the people, and they all shouted: "Long live my emperor!" "Thank you, Mr. Supervisor, for living! "

In the early morning of February [-]th, I received the news from Kuaima that Shandong governor Zhu Dadian, who lived in Laizhou that night, was so frightened that his face turned pale with fright. Wouldn't all previous efforts be wasted if the deployment was not completed?
Zhu Dadian rushed to Dengzhou with a dozen servants, but Jin Yiwei blocked him at the gate of the city. Even though the governor was furious, Jin Yiwei remained completely indifferent.

Seeing this situation, Chen Hongfan, Liu Liangzuo, Deng Qi, Jin Guoqi and other generals in the army and Guan Ning's generals were all blown up.

The shortest of them fought with the rebels for a year, and the longest fought for more than a year. Only the Jinyiwei and Jingying troops arrived in Dengzhou at the end of October, but now they picked up peaches. Will not accept.

At this time, everyone remembered the night they played in the battle, and everyone regretted it.Everyone is secretly cursing their mothers, scolding the supervisor for cutting off their children and grandchildren.

Zhu Dadian, who had calmed down, felt calm at this moment. Anyway, it is an indisputable fact that Denglai won the final victory in the suppression of the rebellion.

As for who got a lot of captures and which group of people got a lot of gains, there was no essential difference to Zhu Dadian, since the meat rotted in the pot anyway.

In fact, Zhu Dadian didn't feel bad about Fang Zhenghua. After being together for a few months, he found that the eunuch was not extortionate at all. He also used his relationship with General Ping Liao to get a lot of food, which made the army that was seriously short of food less burdensome. .

Presumably Jinyiwei and Jingying refused to allow other troops to enter the city because they wanted to capture more. Those who achieved great things did not care about trivial matters. After all, breaking Dengzhou was the result of their bloody battle. After all, they must have owed General Pingliao a lot of food, grass and silver to return, Zhu Dadian Simply ignore the trivial matters of the post-war struggle for profit.

Fang Zhenghua didn't know that the crowd was outraged, he didn't care, he grasped a principle, he was responsible to the emperor, himself, and his descendants, and he was not afraid of being cursed as an eunuch.

After looting all of Dengzhou City, the Jingying man Ma Jinyiwei withdrew and stationed outside the city, and handed over the mess to Zhu Dadian and a group of civil officials to take over. It was rushed to the capital from six hundred miles.

It is estimated that the emperor's imperial decree will be issued in a few days, and it is reasonable for the counter-insurgency troops to return to their original stations, but the unlucky generals will be transferred to Shanshan to participate in the suppression of bandits.

Fang Zhenghua analyzed that the capital camp that has just made great achievements will not be transferred far away. With a capable and caring army stationed in the capital, the emperor should feel much more at ease.

The suppression of the rebellion in Dengzhou proved that the training of the Beijing camp was very effective. What should we do next?
Naturally, it should be to re-select the soldiers of the Beijing camp to strengthen training, reduce shadow soldiers and appearances, and increase those who dare to fight and can fight.

Indeed, in fact, Emperor Chongzhen has always promoted talents eclecticly, but his vision is really bad.

In history, from the extraordinary use of a commoner Shen Fu as the lieutenant general to lead 7000 people to death, to the promotion of a Shu Jishi of the Imperial Academy who had never led an army to the eighth rank and the task of leading tens of thousands of horse meat buns to beat dogs, and the commission of Yuan Chonghuan's big flicker is equivalent to the power of the world's military commander and so on.

One thing after another fully shows that Chongzhen is willing to employ people and is eager to get talents. Unfortunately, he is really not a hero who knows how to use people well. In a word, Chongzhen has limited aptitude, and he is too mediocre.

Now that there is Fang Zhenghua, a domestic slave who has been proven to know the soldiers, Chongzhen will definitely use it to the fullest, and the Emperor's pro-army Jinyiwei will also gain much better power than in history.

Kong Youde survived with a broken arm, leaving more than half of his men and horses sailing to Zhenjiang Fort. The people of Dongjiang Town are very familiar with this sea area. He thinks that after arriving at the destination to gain a foothold and then make contact, it is no problem for Jin to get a good surrender condition.

But the ideal is very full and the reality is very skinny. Huang Han, who had waited until the flowers withered, finally got the news that the Denglei rebel fleet was going to sea at noon on February [-]th.

There are more than [-] sentry ships of the "Red Banner Army" that will always follow and monitor, and will not lose track of this relatively large fleet. Knowing that the matter is of great importance, there are several new warships in the water camp to respond.

Shen Xianyi is in charge of this tracking mission. He will continuously dispatch sentry ships to report where the rebel fleet has arrived, and roughly judge where the rebel fleet should be five hours later based on their speed and course.

All the warships assembled at Lushunkou were dispatched. The displacement of the three largest warships was about [-] tons, which was about the same size as the captured Dutch deck warship Udwater.

The Udwater, which has been repaired long ago and looks brand new, has already entered service, and the current trainee captain is Shen Ming.

The "Red Banner Army" water camp already has 27 warships with a displacement of more than [-] tons. Except for the two captured Dutch warships, the rest are all new warships with hard sails and soft sails.

Shuying has eliminated all the original No. [-] Fuchuan and Zhuyin Ships, etc., and turned them into "Sun Moon Shipping" transport ships without artillery.

Last year, when three battleships with a displacement of more than 72 tons were built, efforts were made to build small ships. Now Shuying has [-] sentry ships and small warships with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons.

A sentry ship with a displacement of thirty tons is equipped with two one-pounder Furlong cannons, a small warship with a displacement of sixty to seventy tons is equipped with two three-pounder Furlong cannons, and a warship with a displacement of one hundred tons is equipped with two six-pounder Furlong cannons. .

The development of small fast boats equipped with artillery is for cruising the sea area, and it is also for the next step to enter the Yangtze River and even inland rivers to prepare for combat.

In this era, sea transportation is the most efficient existence. Sending troops from Shanhaiguan to Huguang lasts for a long time, exhausting the whole army, but it takes a month to go to Jiangxia and Wuchang by boat through Nantong Prefecture and enter the Yangtze River. The soldiers still look at the scenery all the way like a group tour. as cozy.

(End of this chapter)

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