Chapter 472
Huang Han himself boarded the "Wolf's Nest", which was a new warship with a displacement of [-] tons, not a flagship.

The flagship is Yang Dacheng, the captain of the "Tiger Cave" used by Huang Yong, the leader of the water camp, and Huang Chunsheng, the captain of a large warship called "Eagle's Nest".

The captain of the "Wolf's Nest" is Shen Xianyi. He is not at this time, and the part-time marine corps chief mate An Xiaole will take over the command, and Yu Fei will serve as the second mate on this ship.

The latest information from Shen Xianyi predicts that the direction of the rebel fleet is the islands of Dongjiang Town. It is roughly estimated that our navy can arrange an ambush circle more than 150 miles northeast of Lushunkou, which can completely intercept the rebel fleet.

While deploying to intercept the rebel fleet, the propaganda team was also personally led by Liu Zaiqi to Lushunkou. Dozens of people headed by He Shouxin boarded the sentry boats and began to propagate at sea.

Liu Zaiqi, who was highly motivated, knew that the primary task of the sentinel ships was to track and monitor the rebel fleet, so he could only drop by to carry out propaganda. He simply found a few chariots and rushed to the fishing ground to shout out.

The propagandists and sailors on dozens of small boats will remind them to be alert whenever they find fishing boats and work boats processing seafood, and they must quickly avoid warships that are not flying red flags without characters.

Such propaganda is to make fishermen more vigilant. As long as fishing boats and working boats at sea are not tricked into lowering their sails and stopping, the rebel warships are seriously overloaded. Of course, they do not have the speed to hunt down fishing boats and working boats.

The fishermen at sea and the workers in the canning workshop all recognize the logo of the "Red Banner Army" and the unique warships of Shuiying. What's more, the sailors of the "Red Banner Army" have uniform uniforms and strict discipline.

After listening to the advice of the sentinel boats, the fishermen expressed their opinions one after another. Not only did they know how to escape when they saw the rebel ships, but they also reported the direction of the rebels' escape to the "Red Banner Army".

Liu Zaiqi encouraged fishermen to take advantage of the small size and flexibility of fishing boats to monitor suspicious warships, and the "Red Banner Army" would give generous rewards for valuable information.

The "Red Banner Army" kept its word and never deceived the ordinary people. Too many fishermen are living day by day because the "Red Banner Army" basically controls the Liaohai Sea and makes big purchases.

They all smiled and said that they don't need to give rewards, they are willing to serve General Ping Liao, as long as they find rebel ships, they will definitely send a few fishing boats to follow them, and then immediately look for the "Red Banner Army" to report the enemy's situation.

There are sentry ships watching all over the sea, and there will be thousands of fishing boats notified to keep vigilant. It may be difficult for the rebels to escape the eyes of thousands of people.

On February [-]th, the sixth year of Chongzhen, the warships of the "Red Banner Army" were waiting to hunt on the route that the rebels were about to pass, and they were not worried that they would not be able to wait for the enemy ships.

Because all the small warships and sentry ships were dispatched, the team of nearly a hundred large ships was too large to escape the sight of the sailors who were observing with binoculars.

It is true that people can make things happen in heaven!

After everything was arranged properly, only the weather was not perfect. From time to time, there was a cloud of fog drifting across the sea. The warship suddenly plunged into the fog and the visibility was less than fifty paces. In order to prevent collision accidents, half of the sails had to be lowered and slowly moved forward.

Naturally, the rebel fleet was also affected by the weather. None of the ships was at full sail, and the speed of the ships was even slower. Shen Xianyi, who was trailing behind, followed more easily. At this time, he had already received the military information from the sentinel ship, and knew that the main ship waiting to be robbed and killed The team has assembled at the predetermined location.

Shen Xianyi did not send sentry ships to inform the main force to adjust the deployment, because the main force chose the right location for the ambush.

Few of the rebels possessed telescopes, but Kong Youde had one, which was captured from the Portuguese mercenary leader Gonzalo de Sierra. Xu Guangqi called him "Silao, the leader of the West".

When Dengzhou was attacked by the rebels, the Ming army collapsed. The Portuguese gunners continued to fight loyally until the leader, Gongsha Silao, was killed. Half of the people were killed and injured before they gave up resistance.

Kong Youde has been observing the sea with binoculars, and of course he notices the frequent appearance of sentry ships of the "Red Banner Army".

The sentinel ship had 11 people, and each had a one-pound Francois machine gun at the bow and stern. It was too small, and Kong Youde didn't care at all, because he was familiar with the Liaohai Sea and knew the combat effectiveness of the Ming army's navy.

He was not afraid of being targeted by the sentry ship, because when the sentry ship sent the letter back, there was no possibility that the navy of the Ming army would come to intercept him.

First of all, the performance and speed of everyone's warships are similar, and it is impossible to be overtaken by a distance of several hundred miles. Besides, the Daming Navy came to intercept, and it is not certain who will hit who.

Kong Youde was full of confidence in the combat effectiveness of this fleet, and believed that the five three-masted gunboats led by Chen Guangfu, Li Yingyuan, etc. would not have any opponents in the Liaohai Sea. Boat.

With this attitude of the general, the rebels were even more ignorant of their future, and did not even feint at all. They chose to take the nearest route and headed straight to the mouth of the Yalu River.

Since there is basically no food, most of the rebels can only get a few small pieces of dried meat that can barely keep them from starving. It is self-evident what these meats are.

Therefore, time is very precious to the rebels. If they float on the sea for three to five days, a small half of them may fall down.

Even though they were starving, their escape from the besieged Dengzhou City gave the rebels hope. They were all ready to go to Zhenjiang Fort to eat their stomachs once they landed. Besides.

"Boom, boom, boom..." A series of cannons shattered the illusions of the rebels.

That was when Huang Han discovered the rebel fleet, he didn't even bother to give Kong Youde a chance to speak, and directly ordered all the warships to approach at full speed and launch an attack immediately.

In order to fight against the rebels more efficiently, Huang Han conveyed to the whole army not to be merciless, those rebels who are bloody and debt-ridden are man-eating devils, use shotguns to kill them to the maximum extent, and do not hesitate to kill all the rebels.

When they were suddenly attacked, the five main battleships preset by the rebels rushed forward to meet them, but the three-masted gunboats with open decks were already behind the new warships of the "Red Banner Army" in this era.

The three-masted gunboat was equivalent to a few symbolic shots before being misfired under the rain of bullets. Unfortunately, when the "Red Banner Army" beat the rebels to mourn, another cloud of fog drifted from the sea.

The rebels are not stupid. They have seen the shelling of the encirclement and suppression warships like a storm, and they know what it means to have a disparity in strength.

Seeing that if there is another naval battle, the fate waiting for them is that people will be killed or the ship will be sunk. At this time, the rebels don't care whether they will collide with the ship or not.

Kong Youde had a purpose in mind, and still commanded the No. [-] ship to sail northward. He imagined that he could rush to the mouth of the Yalu River and get rid of those huge warships that were chasing and intercepting him.

(End of this chapter)

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