Chapter 474
Huang Han didn't care too much about running away with 31 ships. He chased them overnight at the speed of the "Red Banner Army" warships. As long as the sentinel ships could provide accurate directions, they couldn't escape.

As for who was killed and who was caught, there is no time to screen now. The "Woodwater" led six warships to escort the spoils to Lushunkou, and ordered Shen Ming to be responsible for screening the rebel generals, and all the remaining warships participated. Chase fleeing enemy ships.

In the afternoon of the next day, according to the continuous reports from the sentinel ships, more than [-] No. [-] Fuchuan that had been locked were approached by eleven "Red Banner Army" warships.

The rest of the remnants of the rebel ships should have run away, it doesn't matter, the light and fast sentinel ships will be watching.

The fleeing rebels have seen the power of the "Red Banner Army" warship's gunfire, and they all understand that they will stay on the warship and wait for their fate to be killed, captured, or sink into the sea with the sunk warship. At this time, they are running at full speed None of them dared to fight.

Even though the [-]th moon rose into the sky, and there was a beautiful view of the bright moon on the sea, the visibility was still unsatisfactory.

Huang Han really didn't know who was captured and who ran away. He didn't have the time or interest to ask, because the captured warships belonged to rotten meat. When he had time, he would chat with the rebels slowly about life and ideals.

The most urgent task now is to chase and capture as many rebel ships as possible overnight. It is Huang Han's wish to catch them all in one go!

As the stars moved and the sky became brighter, more than a dozen rebel ships fleeing north appeared in the telescope, and the chasing "Red Banner Army" burst into cheers.

Suddenly, one of the No. [-] blessing boats fled with full sail and headed towards the shore at full speed without hesitation, completely ignoring the possibility of hidden reefs and shoals.

Kong Youde, the current boss of the rebel army, was riding on this ship. Through the binoculars, he saw that the "Red Banner Army" warship was chasing after him, and it was getting closer and closer.

He found that this kind of warship had never been heard or seen before. It was surprisingly fast and frighteningly large, and he knew that if he raced on the sea again, he would be captured sooner or later.

People were killing people in Denglai. At this time, Kong Youde had no illusions about the Ming court at all. He knew that he could not compromise. There was only one end to surrender or be captured—he was hacked to pieces at the entrance of Caishi in the capital.

Kong Youde indeed possessed the essence of a hero. He ordered the captain to land on the beach in a straight line, without fear of running aground or running aground. The chasing boat was bigger and had a deeper draft. If it really entered the shoal densely covered with hidden reefs, life would emerge instead.

Since the ship has been sailing along the coastline, more than [-] miles away from the mainland, Kong Youde thought about it, it doesn't matter if the beach fails to fulfill his wish and runs aground halfway, it's better to paddle ashore with a small boat than to wait for death on the sea.

It may be that the characters in the records and history belong to the level of Xiaoqiang, and they are not existences that will die when hit. Although Huang Han arranged cleverly and patiently waited for the best time, there are still various problems.

First, God blessed the rebels. The continuous fog on the sea made it difficult for the "Red Banner Army" to take advantage of the speed and artillery fire, and gave the rebel fleet a chance to disperse and flee.

Now it is because Kong Youde, who can be regarded as a hero, took decisive measures and chose to land on the beach when he saved himself.

It's possible that Kong Youde's life was not to die. His beach run went smoothly, but the melted ice lost its strength and was knocked away.

Kong Youde's No. [-] blessing boat washed up on the beach without hitting a reef or running aground.

The rebels on the boat cheered thunderously, and they dared not stay on the boat. Immediately, more than a dozen people jumped into the waist-deep sea water and trudged to the shore.

The rebels behind saw that their companions had entered the water, but they refused to do so. They took off their clothes in a blink of an eye, packed up and pulled the cables into the sea, and then waded ashore with their clothes and belongings on their backs and put on their clothes.

The dozen or so rebels who went ashore first were shivering in the cold wind. Looking at their companions in dry clothes, their intestines were green with regret.

The tracking ship found a rebel ship unloading, secretly screaming, it is obvious that the rebels on that ship were able to escape.

In order not to allow the rebels to take more of the supplies on board, the sentinel decisively approached within [-] steps and fired the Franco cannon on the bow. Tie Zi, who was less than three coins, still made the rebels cry for their fathers and mothers.

The way to survive was ahead, and the rebels had no sense of resistance at this time. As soon as the chasing guns sounded, the rebels on the No. [-] blessing boat immediately rushed to the bow and jumped into the sea, like dumpling.

The sailors abandoned their warships and fled, and the gunners threw away the cannons they were in charge of, and immediately abandoned their ships and ran ashore.

In fact, this No. [-] blessing ship is equipped with six six-pound cannons with iron cores and copper bodies. As long as the gunners dare to fight, the stranded hull will no longer sway. He must have escaped two miles at once, out of the effective range of the six-pounder.

At this time, the eleven sailors on the sentry boat didn't know that they decisively chose to rush forward and open fire to make great contributions.

The crew of Kong Youde's boat escaped for their lives as soon as they were attacked, which resulted in more than [-] gunners trained by Sun Yuanhua who hid in the bilge to escape from the control of the rebels, including seven Portuguese mercenaries led by Edwards.

Geng Zhongming discovered that Kong Youde had successfully landed, so of course he followed suit, and other rebel ships also rushed to the shore one after another. More than [-]% of the ships were successful, only three No. .

Many of the rebels on the ship immediately took off their iron armor, leather armor, and cotton armor, jumped into the sea and swam desperately to the coast.

Some soldiers were landlubbers afraid to jump into the sea, and they fought over two wooden life rafts that could carry ten people.

Some of the rebels simply did not take the risk of fleeing for their lives. They thought that they would never be able to swim ten miles in the icy sea water and starve their eyes with hunger. They still stayed on the boat and waited for the arrival of the "Red Banner Army" to pray for surrender.

Kong Youde, who has already landed, has not forgotten the identity of the boss. There are more than a hundred servants on his ship, including more than 200 sailors and gunners. The damage caused by the attack by the sentinel ship is not too great. people.

At this time, he commanded the servants to yell, ordering the people who went ashore not to run around, and they must not run away. Now only in groups can they have combat power, otherwise they will not even be able to deal with wild animals.

It didn't take long for Geng Zhongming's crew to go ashore, and his luck was even better. There were not many "Red Banner Army" sentry ships that came with him, and most of them went to track other enemy ships that had escaped.

Several sentry ships chose to attack which of the twenty-odd No. [-] Fuchuan was very random, so Geng Zhongming calmly went ashore without being shot, and the servants even changed him into dry clothes.

The servants all ran to both sides of the coastline in order to concentrate the landing personnel and prevent them from running away.

(End of this chapter)

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