Chapter 475 Gritting Teeth
Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming are quite familiar with the terrain here. Walking more than [-] miles southwest along the coastline, there is a former Daming fortress, Huanggudao Fort, but it should be abandoned now, because it is impossible for Jiannu to send troops to garrison it.

They used to fight guerrillas here many times when they followed their adoptive father Mao Wenlong, and they also led people into deep mountains and old forests to dig Korean ginseng to earn some military pay. They knew that this place was nearly three hundred miles away from Jinzhou, which Daming actually controlled.

It would take two or three days for the Jinzhou troops to come here. Besides, they landed here on a temporary basis. If the Jinzhou Ming army is not a god, how could they predict it?
Even if they send troops, they have to wait until the news reaches Golden State, so they should be safe and sound for the time being.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming boarded a small hill about two or three miles away from the shore to observe the situation at sea with binoculars. Why didn't they rush to the depths of the mainland?
That's because the two boys are still worrying about gains and losses.

They imagined that since this area was already under the control of Jiannu, if the "Red Banner Army" gave up going ashore to attack and retreat, they could organize people to return to the stranded No. [-] Fuchuan to move more belongings.

The two of them were even trying to figure out how to carry a few cannons ashore. They had been learning how to shoot cannons from Portuguese instructors all these years, and they were more or less superstitious about firepower. They were really reluctant to part with the red cannons produced by the Portuguese.

When they first rushed to the beach, everyone had only one thought in their minds—to run for their lives. Obviously, their fortunes were saved now, and they wanted to bring more money and weapons.

These are the capital to settle down with Jiannu in the future, and there is no doubt that the greater the capital, the greater the benefits, so these thieves who are still in shock are still worrying about gains and losses.

Not long after, the seven warships of the "Red Banner Army" slowly approached the coastline, and then sentry ships and life rafts full of soldiers began to land. In less than half an hour, hundreds of people formed formation on the shore. Look at that posture Is to prepare for the manhunt.

Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming let out a long sigh. They knew it was a dead end, so they gritted their teeth and gave an order to retreat. The whole army marched in the direction of Phoenix Fort, trying to contact the Dajin Army as soon as possible and take the initiative to surrender.

The rebels don't worry about being rounded up by the "Red Banner Army" again, who is afraid of anyone who is going over mountains and mountains on two legs?
Besides, they are relatively familiar with the environment here, and the number of them is several times larger than that of the "Red Banner Army" who went ashore. Most of them have blunderbuss in their hands, so it is not certain who will fight who at that time!

Kong Youde looked at the fleet flying the red flag, feeling itchy with hatred in his heart. He made it clear that they were playing tricks and eating tricks, making all the belongings and gold and silver treasures he had accumulated in Shandong for more than a year cheaper for Huang Han.

More than 3000 people went to sea, and now only less than [-] people around have been able to go ashore. The more than [-] people who lost contact were either killed by the "Red Banner Army" or captured. I am afraid that they will have to go ashore for supplies to avoid roundups.

My family knew their own affairs, and there was not even a single grain of food on board, and in order to transport more supplies and soldiers, each ship barely had enough fresh water to supply the people on board for three or four days.

Originally, based on Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming's calculations, three days and two nights were enough time for the fleet to land at Zhenjiang Fort and launch an attack. Who would have thought of crashing into the encirclement of the "Red Banner Army" navy.

Now Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming and a group of rebel generals all realized that this was a planned operation by the "Red Banner Army", and they had been setting up their nets.

Fortunately, there was a cloud of fog on the sea, which made the plan of the "Red Banner Army" incomplete, causing more than [-]% of their ships to get a chance to escape from the encirclement.

It feels really bad to be played like a monkey by others, and the fact of making a wedding dress for others makes Kong Youde and the other judges blow their beards and stare with anger.

The rebels were beaten so badly that they lost eighty percent of their hands, the materials they worked so hard to get on board, and most of the gold and silver treasures. The "Red Banner Army" scolded Huang Han.

There were five or six hundred lucky family members among the rebel ranks, among them were the families of Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming. After the most tense moment, most people relaxed, and suddenly there were women crying and children making noise.

Kong Youde was also in a terrible mood. The original idea was to lead more than [-] people to break through Zhenjiang Fort and hold it, and then let Geng Zhongming personally negotiate with Jiannu.

He can arrogantly show that he has tens of thousands of people, hundreds of artillery pieces, including more than [-] Hongyi cannons, and nearly [-] warships, cargo ships, and merchant ships.

But now?He only has more than two thousand soldiers, only one thousand and five hundred bird guns, not even a small Frangler cannon.

He was quite flustered when he disembarked. There were originally seven Franji instructors on his ship, but when he counted the number of people later, he found that these people had disappeared, and it seemed that many gunners were also missing.

Without the cannons, it doesn’t matter if there are artillerymen or the instructor Kong Youde, because the cannons of the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty in this era have their own individuality, and usually the gunners are matched with the cannons.

If the gunners who normally use cannon A are transferred to use cannon B, the gunners basically can't find the accuracy, and they are completely blind. To get familiar with the personality of unfamiliar cannons requires a lot of retraining.

Kong Youde must immediately solve the big problem of an empty stomach. He hopes to meet the sentry horse of the Dajin Kingdom as soon as possible to clarify his sincerity in surrendering to the Dajin Kingdom.

Whether to accept the surrender is another matter, the most important thing is to have something to eat first, and there will be no food to satisfy the hunger for two or three days, even Kong Youde thinks that he can no longer hold on.

The rebels who left the beach and walked on the mountain road were dejected. They had long since lost the vigor they had when they looted and looted homes in Shandong. Seeing this situation, Kong Youde suddenly laughed, and the laughter scared dozens of crows into the air. croak" sound.

Geng Zhongming saw that Kong Youde was about to make a fool of himself, so he had to force himself to make fun of him loudly: "Our army is so poor that we can't even eat a bite of food, why is the commander still laughing?"

Kong Youde said hoarsely: "Could it be that the deputy commander didn't find out that God bless our army, that Huang Han has plotted against our army long ago, I guess that guy has been plotting against us for a year or so.

In the end, our army was really surrounded by many huge warships with frightening artillery fire without any precautions, but what happened?
Hahaha!The sky will never die, I will wait!The sea was full of fog, and we were able to break out of the encirclement and successfully set foot on the territory of the Kingdom of Jin. "

Geng Zhongming knew that Kong Youde was boosting morale, but he also felt lucky to be able to escape, and it made sense to have God's blessing.

He also laughed loudly and said: "Haha! I will wait for God to bless Hechou not to make a comeback, brothers cheer up, and don't let the Dajin Army underestimate our Dongjiang soldiers."

(End of this chapter)

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