The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 476 The Bacterial War Begins

Chapter 476 The Bacterial War Begins

Kong Youde bewitched: "Brothers, we are all the Denglai rebels who murdered and set fire to the sleeping beauty together, and we are the robes who broke out from the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood.

We have also experienced a great adventure at sea, and we have survived ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships like a Tang monk. It is really not easy for us to survive until now, and we have surrendered to the Kingdom of Jin with the commander. In the future, the commander will have the opportunity to lead everyone to enter Shandong and even North Zhili. "

Geng Zhongming took the lead, waving his fists and shouting: "We are all brothers in life and death, and we have achieved a positive result by voting for the Dajin Kingdom. In the future, we will definitely follow the commander-in-chief to enter Daming to avenge our revenge."

A small banner officer of the rebel army who lost two brothers after escaping at sea raised his arms and shouted: "We want to avenge our hatred and lead the Dajin Army to find the 'Red Banner Army' bad luck."

This cry resonated. The remnants of the rebel army did not hate the Guanning Army and all the encircling and suppressing troops. They only hated that they were not dispatched by the imperial court to put down the rebellion, but took the initiative to strike. They were ruthless and accurate, and made all the rebels dream of making a fortune. The crushed Huang Han.

The red-eyed rebels were clamoring: "Revenge, revenge, revenge, destroy the 'Red Banner Army', kill Huang Hanman's family, old and young..."

The spirited rebels advanced much faster. It may be that their slogans were too loud, and a team of slave sentries detected the movement and touched them.

Kong Youde really has some skills. He organized dozens of people who can speak Jurchen and Mongolian to shout out wherever they find high mountains and dense forests. The content is:
Denglai General Kong Youde, Guerrilla Geng Zhongming and several thousand people volunteered to vote for Dajin Kingdom. If there are brothers from Dajin Kingdom in the forest, please come out and talk to them.

The effect of this propaganda was good. The first team to hear the confession of the rebels did not show up after the Golden Army sentries, but they immediately sent three brothers back to report to the superior, leaving eight people to continue to follow and monitor the thousands of teams that threatened to surrender. Start with assassinations and sneak attacks.

Next, the rebel army began to turn around. Niu Luerzhen, the chief general of Jiannu stationed here, got the report and knew that the matter was serious and dared not neglect it, so he came to observe the movement in person.

He heard with his own ears that the Ming army asked to surrender and decisively arranged for three vests who could speak Chinese to show up and talk to the rebels. Immediately afterwards, Geng Zhongming followed the three vests to see Niu Lu Ezhen. Team Jiannu went to see Jiala Ezhen.

Knowing that thousands of former Dongjiang soldiers broke through from Denglai and took the initiative to cross the sea to join the Dajin Kingdom, Jia Laerzhen personally accompanied Geng Zhongming to Shengjing to meet his master.

At the same time, the Hou Jin army's garrison troops nearby all started to encircle and rushed to station around Kong Youde's department.

Niu Lu'erzhen got orders from the superior to let Kong Youde's 3000 small men set up camp on the spot, and the Dajin Congress tried its best to send food and supplies to prevent the soldiers who were about to surrender from freezing and starving.

The Hongmen in Shengjing City are arranging spring plowing, and the Jiannu are also facing a serious food crisis, which is no less serious than that of Daming.

Therefore, they attach great importance to spring plowing, and basically refuse to launch a war in spring. Many vests and infantry will join the crowd of farmers, of course, these people are farming their own fields.

Originally there was Yue Tuo, a clever Baylor, who handled many matters of the household department, but he suddenly fell ill. According to the Han doctor's diagnosis, Yue Tuo was actually infected with smallpox.

There is another thing that is also very strange. Mang Guji Gege came to report to Da Khan to arrange a doctor. Mang Gurtai, who was as strong as a cow, was under house arrest in the mansion and drank heavily every day. He did not go out at all and contracted the epidemic.

It seems that this spring has some evil spirits, not only Yue Tuo, Mang Gurtai, but also many children of the Eight Banners dignitaries are infected, even Amin, who should not be infected by the epidemic, is dying of terminal illness.

Huang Han's bacterial warfare plan formulated last summer was approved by the emperor, and it was officially launched at the end of January this year. Since the management of the "Red Banner Army" system is the most efficient in the entire Ming Dynasty, even if the coverage rate of vaccinia cannot reach 100%. Far away!
Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi, Jiang Shiji, Ye Zifan and other eight newly appointed doctors could not wait to try their skills when they received the task last year.

These doctors are scholars without exception, they all hate Jiannu, and of course cherish the opportunity to kill enemies for the country.

Then they had a big discussion, envisioning a variety of transmission channels.But no matter what method is used to spread the virus, the contaminated things must be sent to the Jiannu control area to have a chance of success.

When Jiang Shiji, Ye Zifan and the other eight reported the difficulties they faced to Huang Han, the young grand master laughed. He said that he didn't need to use his brains in this area, and he would let Jiannu fight for it. Spend money on viruses and take them home.

Received the highest instruction to fully cooperate with the germ warfare, under the secret guidance of Qiwei, and with the help of Sifang Express and Sun Moon Shipping, some merchants who have business dealings with Houjin are looking forward to a good day.

This is normal, the world is full of hustle and bustle, all for profit, merchants smell the smell of money, of course they will rush to Tiger Cave City.

Originally, there were three routes for merchants in the Ming Dynasty to smuggle goods to Houjin. One was to go directly from Zhangjiakou and bypass the Mongolian prairie to reach Shengjing. big problem.

That is, the customary rule on the grassland not to snatch caravans has been repeatedly broken. The reason is of course that the tribes have been fighting for years, and too many defeated soldiers have lost their binding force. All they want is good wine and food, regardless of whether there is a tomorrow.

No wonder they, the tribe was wiped out, women and children were lost, they had no future and naturally no awe, so it was only natural to start grabbing the caravan.

The second way is to go out of Shanhaiguan and pass through the Liaoxi Corridor to Shengjing. This road was no problem before. As long as you buy off the generals guarding the city gate in Shanhaiguan, and then negotiate the share with the Guanning Army and the ancestors, everything will be fine.

It's a pity that the business routes in the Liaoxi Corridor are completely impassable now.

There were two reckless caravans who bribed the Shanhaiguan guards and left without hearing from them. The Guan Ning army never saw these two caravans passing through the defense area, and they all agreed that they disappeared in the section from Shanhaiguan to Ningyuan.

How could these caravans disappear in the "Red Banner Army" defense area? This is a kingly paradise with good law and order.

It's just that these two caravans have violated the great Ming law, blatantly smuggled contraband to the enemy country, and tried to use a lot of money to corrupt the upright and selfless military generals of our Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, the entire caravan was arrested and tried, and finally all goods and cash were confiscated, and all were reformed through labor for seven years.

After two years of re-education through labor, if the labor performance is outstanding, you can write to your family to pay a fine to avoid the rest of the sentence.

Let the merchants decide whether to dig coal in the mountains for labor reform, or spend 100 taels of silver to buy a one-year sentence.

(End of this chapter)

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