Chapter 477 Cage Tactics
Huang Han just managed the Liaoxi Corridor, he didn't want to look too ugly, and he didn't want to make enemies publicly.

Therefore, the smuggler Jiaman was allowed to contact his family after two years of forced labor. At that time, it was already the seventh year of Chongzhen, and the "Red Banner Army" that had developed again for two years would be promoted to several levels.

The merchant who was caught on the spot and got all the stolen goods may contact the backstage after he is free. It is nothing more than resentment and resentment, and he is ready to make trouble for Huang Han and take revenge.

But there are no fools who can be high-ranking and rich. They have to weigh whether they can shake the "Red Banner Army" that has established a strong foothold outside the customs. Are they not afraid of backlash?After all, it was the merchants who broke the law first.

The third smuggling route is the favorite of all merchants. It goes directly from Tianjin Wei to Gaizhou Wei and lands. This business route is the fastest, cheapest, and originally the most profitable.

But now it belongs to the most money-losing road of no return, how expensive sea ships are!After loading the goods and going to sea, there was no news. No one was alive or dead.

Merchants have to go on a ship to accompany them to taste the value of the goods, and they have to provide compensation for the missing staff, accountants, sailors and gunners on the ship. After calculation, the loss of silver lost by throwing a No. Businessmen with less strength will go bankrupt overnight.

Two of the three commercial routes were cut off, leaving only the long road out of Zhangjiakou. Just when the merchants felt that life was difficult, the new "Sun Moon Shipping" released news.

Since the border trade market is too large, it is necessary to seek the cooperation of powerful merchants, and the "Sun Moon Shipping" can unimpeded the Liaohai Sea.

The temptation was huge. Immediately, dozens of powerful merchants gathered in Huxue City. Unimpeded access to the Liaohai meant passing through the north and east trade routes. It was difficult to get this condition without making a fortune.

After fierce competition, nine merchants, including the Wu family, won. Of course, there will not be the eight imperial merchants of the Qing Dynasty. The Fan family, the Wang family, the Jin family and other rich locals in Shanxi actually came, but they The lack of official and business background did not catch the eye of "Sun Moon Shipping".

The eight imperial merchants have been infiltrated by the Qiwei for two or three years, and now they are happily cooperating with "Sifang Express". Huang Han has basically mastered the connections of these merchants in the imperial court, and found that these people are not the existence of any high-ranking official willing to go into battle for them .

Fan Yongdou, Wang Dengku, Jin Liangyu, etc. are all from grassroots backgrounds and have no official background. The so-called someone in the court is just a network of relationships established through bribery after they have made a fortune.

Huang Han deliberately didn't disturb them, and let them lead a huge caravan and even hired "Sifang Express" chariots and horses. The bodyguards went out of Zhangjiakou to deliver food and supplies.

These stingy Shanxi merchants are especially good at accumulating wealth. If they are given one more year, their total assets will increase by at least [-]%, and they will be raised as pigs, and they will be killed for the New Year.

The nine selected merchants are without exception the spokesmen of bureaucratic capital. The Gao family, the Li family who was once an old man, and the Zhang family who have been honored by the Ming Dynasty for more than 200 years, etc., are all red-topped. merchant.

But they are all willing to accept the bottom line given by the "Red Banner Army" to "Sun Moon Shipping", and they all signed a letter of guarantee promising not to smuggle food, ironware, and medicine.

Therefore, the nine sea merchants in Liaohai were born, and they all got the right to hire sea ships to deliver goods to any place.

It’s just that a No. 3000 lucky ship has to pay the protection fee of [-] taels of silver to “Sun Moon Shipping” for a trip. If you directly hire the merchant ship of “Sun Moon Shipping” to transport goods, you will get a fair price.

If the merchant ship that has paid the protection fee suffers cargo loss, "Sun Moon Shipping" will pay ten times the protection fee. That is to say, if a No. , all losses are basically the same.

Now that the trade route is cut off, as long as the allowed goods such as liquor, tea, silk, cloth, and porcelain can be delivered to Gaizhou, the profit can be doubled or even several times immediately.

Based on the cost of a shipment of 5000 taels, the gross profit rate is about 2 taels, which does not include the profits that can be obtained from returning goods such as mountain delicacies, deer antler, buckskin, mink, dongzhu, Korean ginseng, etc.

The merchants are all shrewd and capable, and they all know that there are huge profits here, and the nine big merchants who got the right to operate are really overjoyed.

Investigating and selecting merchants is actually just going through the motions, just to not expose the purpose of firmly controlling the smuggling quota and profits of these merchants.

The nine spokesmen were determined by default after discussing with Huang Sifang. Basically, they did not consider their business strength, but fully considered the power of their masters behind the scenes.

Giving the officials of the imperial court the convenience of smuggling money is equivalent to holding them in the palm of their hands for the crime of slavery. In the future, if they dare to target the "Red Banner Army" in the court, Huang Han will send people to these people to be a whore and a bitch. The powerful families who erected the archway should be warned.

The intelligence value of the dignitaries should not be too low, and they are counting on the Liaohai management rights given by Huang Han to make a lot of money, and their remarks against Huang Han in public should swallow their stomachs.

The Wu family who got the right to manage the business was the most active. The business of the Wu family was not exclusive to Wu Xiang, and several bigwigs in the imperial court also had a part.

And immediately negotiated the price of entrusting the "Sun Moon Shipping" sea ship to transport, and the shopkeeper of the Wu family patted his chest to ensure that the merchant ship Jian slaves who arrived in Gaizhou would not rob them by hand, and would provide assistance within their ability.

That's true, Hong is far-sighted, and he is indeed a rare hero. It is because of him to succeed the murderous madman Nurhachi that Houjin can become stronger and stronger.

Daming has always enforced a blockade on Jiannu. In order to get rid of the shackles imposed by Daming and break Daming's cage tactics, Hong has adopted too many methods.

Among them is an important one, encouraging any merchants to trade goods in Dajin Kingdom, the rights and safety of the merchants will be guaranteed, and the transported cattle, horses, and ships will not be lost.

If the businessman is robbed in the territory of the Dajin Kingdom, if it is found that the robber is from his own country, he will be sentenced to a felony beheading. If he is found to be a bandit, the Dajin Congress will dispatch troops to snatch the goods back for the merchant.

As a result, there were nine companies in the sea that kept going back and forth, and the trade with Jiannu gradually increased in the autumn of the fifth year of Chongzhen, and the drunk immortal liquor series became the best seller.

Spirits sell well because the slaves are short of food, how can there be surplus food to make wine?A small amount of baijiu is brewed from ridiculously expensive grains, and the price is so high that ordinary people cannot afford it.

The "Red Banner Army" system uses sweet potatoes and potatoes to brew a series of highly drunk immortals. It is cheap and good, and of course it is sought after by the Tunguska savages.

(End of this chapter)

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