Chapter 478 Pus and corpse fluid

Although the sales price of the "Drunk Immortal" series of high-grade liquor in the Jiannu-controlled area is more than three times the sales price in the Daming Jingshi.

But even so, Jiannu still thinks that it is too cheap and cost-effective. Drinking a few sips of wine can save a catty of food, and the price is almost the same.

Later Jin robbed a large amount of gold and silver, which directly led to the depreciation of precious metals and high prices, and because of the severe shortage of food, the price of food remained high.

In the year of Tianqi, there was a sky-high price of five taels of silver for a bucket of miscellaneous grains. Now Houjin's grains are about three to five times the price of grain in the capital of the Ming Dynasty.

Due to the extremely high price of post-gold grain, long-distance transport of grain from Zhangjiakou to bear the risk and consumption along the way can still make a lot of money, which makes Shanxi traitors who are not afraid of hardships and dangers and can kill their mothers for profit and sell their fathers resolutely go to make a fortune. .

It is well known that wine is made from food, and the popularity of the cheap and high-quality Drunk Immortality series baijiu can be imagined after it entered the Jiannu market.

The nine merchants who obtained the right to operate believed that they had taken advantage of the food embargo, and purchased baijiu in large quantities to send to Jiannu.

As a result, potatoes and sweet potatoes, the new crops in the "Red Banner Army" system, became popular, making many winemaking workshops and a large number of craftsmen get a good income.

Now the enthusiasm of households and self-cultivators in the "Red Banner Army" system to plant new crops such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and peppers is high. It is estimated that the proportion of acres in Chongzhen's six years will be as high as [-]%.

In this era, brewing is completely labor-intensive, employing many workers, and half of the jobs were promulgated by Huang Han in the system in a clearly stipulated form.

This regulation is very simple and has been well implemented, that is, the proportion of female workers in a brewery shall not be less than half, and the owner who violates the regulation will be punished with a penalty of three to ten times the tax payable.

In order to prevent owners, businessmen, and capitalists from being black-hearted, the "Red Banner Army" system issued a series of regulations to protect workers, including minimum wages and daily working hours.

Now merchants and owners know that the workers they hire must not work more than five hours a day, and they are given three days of paid holidays each month.

The nine major merchants that have obtained the right to operate the Liaohai Sea have made a lot of money last year by trading several ships, and will ship to Gaizhou in the first spring of this year.

Ma Yuanyi, Ye Zifan and other eight doctors led more than [-] young medical apprentices to smear the collected things that they thought were virus-infected on the outside of wine jars and bottles.

Of course, silk and cotton cloth will not be forgotten. In short, as long as the goods are transported to the slave side, they will tamper with them.

What they did was disgusting. I don’t know where to find dozens of homeless people infected with smallpox. Of course, those who were seriously ill died in the end. The mortality rate of smallpox exceeded [-]%, and this was only under the condition that doctors provided treatment and care.

In fact, with Daming's medical methods and the knowledge of the source of infection, Shen Langzhong and the other eight people have a good judgment on what is the best virus carrier, so they try as much as possible.

It is also because the commercial liquor sold to Jiannu accounted for the majority, so the most manipulations were made on wine bottles and wine jars.

In order to obtain more viruses, Shen Langzhong and Ma Yuanyi ordered the medical students not to bury the dead infected with smallpox for the time being, but to smear the pus and corpse fluid of the dead on the wine jar, and then told Sun Moon Shipping to do everything possible Fast delivery to Gaizhou.

Although there was no large-scale outbreak in the Jiannu-controlled area this year, a large number of people were infected with smallpox. I don't know if the germ warfare launched by the eight doctors had an effect.

Logically speaking, it should be, because it is recorded in history that Yue Tuo died of smallpox infection in Chongzhen 12 years ago. If Yue Tuo was infected this time but did not die, he should never die of smallpox infection again, but became Maziyue It's just a trust, which goes against history.

The confinement of Amin contracted smallpox must be the result of intimate contact with the polluted wine jar, and the same may be true of Mangurtai.

It's just that the spread of epidemics tends to spread faster in densely populated areas, and Houjin is definitely sparsely populated, and it seems that the effect of germ warfare is not obvious.

Hong, who was so busy, got a report that Kong Youde, a guerrilla Geng Zhongming and other generals from Dongjiang Town had brought two or 3000 people to join him, and he refused to believe it.

He immediately summoned Geng Zhongming to personally ask the ins and outs to judge the authenticity.

Geng Zhongming, who was determined to be a traitor and traitor, knelt down and kowtowed and crawled when he saw Hongxie was far away. Then he honestly introduced the situation of the troubles in Denglai for more than a year, and cried that they had brought [-] yuan. The rest of the people went into the sea, originally intending to take Zhenjiang Fort and dedicate it to the Great Khan.

It's a pity that it was calculated by Huang Han. The "Red Banner Army" deployed dozens of warships equipped with a large number of artillery on the sea to ambush the fleet that was about to defect to the Dajin Kingdom. In the end, they lost more than 3000 people and all the ships. Only [-] people are not enough to enter the Dajin Kingdom.

Hong Xie learned that the main generals who surrendered, such as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming, were all with their families, and felt that Geng Zhongming's explanation was credible.

Because Geng Zhongming kept saying that it was God's blessing, when they were ambushed by the "Red Banner Army" water camp, it happened that the thick fog was thick, which made them escape by luck, otherwise they might be buried in the bottom of the sea.

The next situation is simple, Hongxie has accepted Kong Youde and these Ming traitors.

It's just that high-ranking officials were not given rich salary as in history, only the first-class generals were given to Kong Youde, the second-class generals were given to Geng Zhongming, and the rest were also given official positions. What's interesting is that the name of this traitor army is still called "God Bless Army" ".

That's because Hong Jie thought that God's heavy fog would bless Kong Youde and his group to have the opportunity to submit to the Dajin Kingdom, and also bless the Dajin Kingdom to strengthen its strength, so Jinkou Yuyan bestowed the name "God's Blessing Army".

The game of black and white at sea was not perfect, thousands of people ran away, Huang Han regretted it but was helpless, after the thousands of rebels captured through interrogation finally knew roughly which rebel generals escaped, Huang Han couldn't help laughing.

It seems that it is not too easy to change the fate of the elite level in the history of the late Ming Dynasty. The characters such as Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming belong to the level of Xiaoqiang, and it is not easy to be killed.

A group of traitors did not die, Huang Han didn't care at all, intercepting all the ships, many artillery and gunners, sailors, and thousands of murderous veterans would directly cause Kong, Geng and other traitors to become slaves, and it didn't hurt.

At the very least, the traitors have no troops, no navy and artillery, and it is difficult to do anything if they want to. After all, the Jinzhou defense line at this time is no small matter, and the strength of Dongjiang Town is far greater than history.

(End of this chapter)

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