The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 479 Maintaining the Stability of Dongjiang Town

Chapter 479 Maintaining the Stability of Dongjiang Town

In history, in June of the sixth year of Chongzhen, he suffered a big loss from Huanglong on his way to Houjin.

A few days after Kong Youde surrendered and became a slave, he took revenge with his headquarters and Eight Banners cavalry, not only captured Lushunkou, but also killed thousands of soldiers from Dongjiang Town below Huanglong.

Now this possibility should be ruled out. With the strength of rebel generals such as Kong and Geng, they should not be opponents to attack Mao Chenglu's garrisoned Zhenjiang Fort.

Besides, there was no need for the watch boat to keep a close eye on Dengzhou Water City, Huang Han would change the key reconnaissance locations next.

Zhenjiang Fort and the coast of Yizhou will be patrolled twice a day by sentry ships. If Dongjiang Town is attacked, the water battalion of the "Red Banner Army" will be able to rush to the battlefield within two days, and the warships will bombard the enemy at sea to support Dongjiang Town.

Even if the Golden Army only has a symbolic meaning after firing artillery at sea, the killing effect may be zero.

But the spiritual encouragement brought to the persistent Dongjiang soldiers is not trivial. They realize that they are not fighting alone. The enthusiasm for fighting will make the fighting power soar too much, and it should be no problem to repel the invading enemy.

There is also a reason why Dongjiang Town did not participate in the chaos in Denglai. Emperor Chongzhen once asked Ji Yu Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian, and learned that Huanglong, the chief military officer, had not been in Dongjiang Town for a short time, and Jin Sheng, the military guard, was also a newcomer.

Even though these two civil servants and military generals are loyal to the court, they still need to guard against the other generals of Dongjiang Town who have two hearts. They must not arrange Dongjiang soldiers to fight the rebels who are also from Dongjiang Town.

The lessons learned from the past must be guarded against. At that time, Sun Yuanhua ordered Zhang Keda and Zhang Tao to lead the team to attack Li Jiuzheng. The rebels backfired. More than [-]% of Liaodong soldiers defected on the spot, and half of them came from Dongjiang Town.

The result was very sad. In Dengzhou City, Geng Zhongming and Chen Guangfu led the former Dongjiang soldiers to defect. Under the cooperation of the inside and the outside, Jiancheng and the big city of Dengzhou were captured by the rebels in an instant.

Emperor Chongzhen had learned his lesson. He decided to take preventive measures, and specially ordered Huanglong and Jinsheng to appease the islands under the jurisdiction of Dongjiang Town, and strictly ordered them to strictly prevent the generals from Dongjiang Town from defecting to the rebels.

The severe situation in Denglai also made Huang Long and Jin Sheng feel like they were sitting on pins and needles. After all, the judges there were all from Dongjiang Town without exception.

Dongjiang soldiers rebelled in Wuqiao and swept across half of Shandong. They had nothing to do with Huanglong and Jinsheng. Those people no longer belonged to Dongjiang Town, but belonged to the governor of Denglai.

But they were really worried that the serving generals of Dongjiang Town would follow Li Jiucheng and Kong Youde to rebel.Due to the short time in command of Dongjiang Town, I don't know much about the generals under my command, and I don't think I can build trust.

If Dongjiang Town turned against anyone after the emperor issued the imperial decree, the two of them would be guilty of a great crime!

Therefore, they have been on high alert from the beginning to the end, fearing troubles. During this time, they tried their best to send a lot of food and military pay to the islands. Trade comes.

Originally, in history, Deputy General Chen of Lushunkou and Deputy General Mao Chenglu of Guanglu Island led their troops to participate in the Denglai Rebellion, but Huanglong, who was impatient, spared no effort to fight against the rebels.

Today's Dongjiang Town focuses on maintaining stability. Huang Long and Jin Sheng have gathered ships in Dongjiang Town to patrol the islands and benevolent generals, and they do not allow any generals to lead their subordinates into the sea without permission. The purpose is to prevent someone from taking the opportunity to defect to the rebels.

Li Xia, the old general of Dongjiang Town, also understood better, chose to cooperate, and tried his best to stay out of the barracks during this delicate moment.

In fact, the emperor, Huang Long, and Jin Sheng were simply overwhelmed. Mao Wenlong was rehabilitated, and Mao Chenglu's knots had long been untied.

The story that he massacred Jiannu prisoners of war in front of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians and gained the notoriety of "beheading a hundred people" has been widely known, which made the later Jin army want to capture him.

Under such circumstances, Mao Chenglu never thought of rebelling, surrendering and becoming a slave.

The rebel activist Chen sometimes died for the country as early as the year before last. Shang Kexi did not participate in the Denglai rebellion at all in history, but surrendered to Houjin after Huanglong died in battle. Therefore, Dongjiang Town is actually stable and united.

Without Huanglong showing up with Dongjiang Town Water Camp, the "Red Banner Army" water camp happily ate alone. Under the search and stalking of sentinel ships and small warships, and the spontaneous tracking of fishermen, none of the rebel ships that escaped slipped through the net. The calculation of the Denglei rebels came to a successful conclusion.

This time, taking action at a critical moment made Huang Han a windfall. It also made "Sun Moon Shipping" have [-] or [-] more merchant ships, and [-] more three-masted gunboats that could serve in the Liaohai Sea.

The captured warships and merchant ships must be repaired, especially the No. [-] Fuchuan that washed up on the beach and hit the rocks.

Fortunately, the Chinese ship has an anti-sinking multi-sealed cabin design. Some rebels on the No. [-] Fuchuan that hit the rocks jumped into the sea to escape, and after evacuating some soldiers who raised their hands and surrendered, the Fuchuan was immediately empty.

Shen Xianyi arranged for sailors and prisoners to board the ship to empty the artillery and belongings, and then carry out simple emergency treatment. Basically, the ship that hit the rocks can be sailed to the Qingniwa dock not too far away for repairs.

In the future, Qingniwa will develop into a shipbuilding base, because there are unique conditions here. At least the timber transportation distance brought by Dongjiang Town will be reduced by [-]%, which will save too much cost and labor.

Another reason is very important. After all, Huxue City is located in Shanhaiguan, and there is too much noise to explain it. The court is already suspicious. What if some people come up with a bad idea and let the court take over the dock of Huxue City?
Flip?Against the decree?This means that it is a prelude to rebellion, and Tiger Cave City will attract many Ming troops to complete the siege, just like the siege of Dengzhou.

This will definitely be an unacceptable result for the "Red Banner Army" system in great development.

The loss is difficult to estimate. First, the investment in the capital city that never sleeps will definitely be confiscated, then the coal mines, factories, and workshops in Luanzhou, and then the more than [-] million acres of farmland in Yongping Prefecture and Funingwei...

In addition, this year's hundreds of thousands will grow to millions of taels of Liao's salary. Although the Liao's salary is not enough to support the army, it can reach a half of the level. If you turn against the court, you will lose this large amount of income that is easy to get every year.

This kind of loss is too great, so if the imperial court really wants to forcibly take over the Huxue City dock, Huang Han can only resort to dragging the word, and then secretly transfer the equipment and move, and finally leave the imperial court with a normal dock.

The peninsula of [-] to [-] square kilometers between Jinzhou and Lushunkou will be managed as an independent kingdom where merchants gather, Qingniwa will be built into the largest military port in Ming Dynasty, a sailor school will be established on the shore, and a naval base will be established.

(End of this chapter)

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