Chapter 480

Lushunkou and Jinzhouwei were the front lines, and they had to cross the sea. As long as the imperial court sent officials who were not conducive to Huang Han, they would all die in shipwreck due to the bad weather at sea without exception.

Don't worry about who will take advantage of the loopholes. The development momentum of the Banner Guard is too vigorous. The capital's major events and small situations are clearly explored. If any news that is not conducive to the "Red Banner Army" is found, there will be special personnel responsible for digging deep.

Huang Han is very confident that the "Red Banner Army" has grown and grown, and it is growing every year. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes and schemes are scum.

It is impossible for Jiannu to cross the Golden State defense line in this life. The later they start, the more people they lose here.

First raise the bandits for three to five years, and wait until the day when the "Red Banner Army" has an overwhelmingly superior force, the troops will be divided into several groups to complete the encirclement and annihilation of the slaves. It is a dilemma for cavalry to run all over the grassland.

Huang Han's ideal is: Either don't do it and take a defensive position to hide your strength and bide your time;Refueling tactics are absolutely not necessary!

The No. [-] Fuchuan that washed up on the beach was generally better than the ship that hit the rocks. After unloading, it was dragged by three warships with paddles at high tide, and dozens of sailors stood in the waist-high water to push it. Nine times out of ten, a stranded ship will be able to sail on its own.

The calculation of the rebels this time is completely benefited from the Prophet, and the benefits obtained are the most in recent years!

The rebels who looted thousands of households really robbed millions of taels of precious metals, more than half of which were sent aboard.

Minus the two or three thousand rebels who escaped and carried a few 10 taels of treasure with them, nearly 300 million taels of treasure were confiscated on the ship and the surrendered rebels.

There are also the value of warships and merchant ships, and the value of hundreds of cannons. Even the iron armor on those soldiers is worth 50 taels of silver a pair.

The rebels basically have no experience in naval warfare. When they discovered that they were attacked by more than [-] large ships that they had never seen before, most of the rebels took off their armor because they were worried that the ship would be sunk and they would jump into the sea to escape.

Everyone knows that no matter how good the water quality is, wearing armor weighing dozens of kilograms will definitely sink directly to the bottom of the sea.

Later, the rebels discovered that the "Red Banner Army" shotguns were too powerful, and it seemed that the damage to the ship was extremely limited. The ship could not sink for a while, and they put on iron armor to increase their defense.

The rebels couldn't fight back, so they had to hide in the cabin and toss around. After a few rounds of artillery fire from the "Red Banner Army", their courage was destroyed.

The following proclamation was very effective. The "Red Banner Army" clearly informed the rebels that the reason why they did not fire solid ammunition was to capture warships and capture sailors.

It will be useless to hide in the hold at that time, how can there be eggs under the overturned nest?
Under the threat of powerful artillery fire, when the marines alternately covered boarding the ship, most of the rebels chose to raise their hands and surrender, including many arquebus gunners and gunners.

The rebel army broke through more than a dozen cities in Shandong, defeated tens of thousands of Ming troops, and seized countless weapons, armor, and good horses, which directly made the rebel army who could get on board and escape with iron armor, high-grade mountain armor, There are hundreds of people in Yulinkai.

The rebels were short of food, and more than [-]% of the tens of thousands of war horses, draft horses, and other large animals were eaten, and there were less than [-] war horses in the captured medium and small horse boats.

Without exception, these war horses belonged to the generals of the rebel army and a small number of family members with high status. Among them, there must be mounts of Kong Youde, Geng Zhongming, Chen Guangfu and so on.

These are Arabian war horses that the rebels broke through more than a dozen cities and looted. All of them are very strong, and the judge would rather starve than kill and eat meat.

Everyone in the "Red Banner Army" loves horses, even the sailors. When they find injured horses, they will be treated and bandaged immediately. These horses will be distributed to cavalry officers and officers.

This time the interception at sea not only made a lot of money, but also got great credit. It's just that the "Red Banner Army" has too many military exploits, and more exploits in attacking the rebels may not be a good thing!
Because he was worried that Chen Guangfu, Wang Zideng, Li Yingyuan, Su Yougong and other 21 rebel generals who had been captured alive would speak indiscriminately, Huang Han ordered to go down and execute them directly.

Huang Han's decision actually gave the rebels a good time. Historically, these people were sent to the court to be executed by Ling Chi, and the death penalty was [-] knives.

The work of screening the prisoners has been done by thousands of loyal and educated young soldiers. It has been going on for several days. Among the 8000 captured, [-] sailors and [-] gunners were sentenced to five years of exile.

During this period, they will not receive military pay, and their freedom will be restricted, with only three meals a day and necessary military uniforms.

The remaining rebels screened out more than 2000 people and sentenced them to ten years of labor reform. They will be scattered to the coal mines to dig coal. There will be a ration every day, and if they fail to finish, they will be starved.

There are still 3000 people who are all bloody and debt-ridden, and the death penalty will be executed immediately.

It's not that Huang Han is easy to kill, but that these scumbags have committed serious crimes such as robbery, murder, arson, rape, etc., and each of them has more than three lives in their hands.

This figure does not include the number of people who were killed on the battlefield. They are all killing unarmed and innocent people, including many women and children. These criminals are unforgivable crimes, and none of them can be left behind. Kill them all!
There is a bottom line for Huang Han to give Han people a chance. In the future, as long as anyone who slaughters women and children falls into Huang Han's hands, he will treat them like this, even the imperial court officials and soldiers will not show mercy!
In addition to the rebels killed during the sea battle, the final count killed a total of more than [-] rebel generals and [-] rebels. How to report to the court has become a big problem.

Obviously, it is impossible to tell the truth. The defense lines of Ningyuan and Jinzhou are impenetrable, and how many troops are needed if they are still getting their hands on Yanshan?
Killing [-] rebels at sea without these troops being mobilized, wouldn't this tell the world about the current strength of the "Red Banner Army".

Others didn't know that Huang Han was a prophet, so when they arranged for the interception, they would judge without exception that if they could intercept and kill five thousand elite rebels, the number of attacking generals would definitely not be less than twenty or thirty thousand.

Moreover, the imperial court was still arguing about the reward for the "Great Victory in Yanbei". Now that another "Great Victory in Liaohai" came, the emperor might not be surprised, but surprised by the fighting power of the "Red Banner Army".

No way, in order to avoid the predicament that Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by Lin Feng, the "Red Banner Army" can't repay their merits this time, and can only choose to make a fortune in silence.

As a result, the Gao family's children, Zheng Xiaozhang, and the temporary directors of "Sun Moon Shipping", Huang Kezao, Yang Jian, and Shao Juncai, began to contact nine merchants, intending to sell their heads against the generals of the Ming army who were suppressing the rebellion in Denglai.

(End of this chapter)

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