The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 481 First Level Marketization

Chapter 481 First Level Marketization

Huang Kezao, who used to be a soft-boned soldier who was prepared by the Daoist Bai Yangcui, was smart and educated. After being taken in by Huang Han and given a surname, he gained a new life.

He has been working hard all these years, and his evaluations in all aspects are good.

Yang Jian is the impeccable loyalty of the township party in Jiulitai Village. Shao Juncai actively followed the "Red Banner Army" in Chongzhen for three years. He was the Musketeer Baizong who was brought out by Song Pengfei himself. The Marine Corps has always stood the test of time.

The three of them have their own strengths, so the organizational structure of "Sun and Moon Shipping" is completely different from that of "Sifang Express". matters.

Huang Yi has been helping his elder brother with work since the second year of Chongzhen, and he can no longer read the Four Books and Five Classics in the past four or five years.

He likes new learning and doesn't want to pass the imperial examination to become an official, so Huang Han keeps him by his side to train him personally, trying to train him to be the head of the "Sun Moon Sea Transport".

The future development of "Sun Moon Shipping" is similar to the Dutch East India Company with national characteristics, and it needs loyal, reliable and talented people to take the helm.

Huang Yi has a flexible mind, not only knows the Four Books and Five Classics, but also has learned all the new textbooks edited by Huang Han, and even pointed out the shortcomings of the textbooks.

This matter has not been discussed with my father, because Huang Yi was sent to the county to study Kaimeng when he was eight years old. Gold list title.

With Huang Han's reputation and the strength of the Huang family, it is not difficult for Huang Yi to pass the academy examination and get a scholarly reputation at Huang Yi's current level.

The key point is that Huang Yi has begun to reject the Four Books and Five Classics, but instead fell in love with the art of war and firearms, and is even more eager to travel across the ocean to that dry continent to see the big rat that his brother told about, which is as tall as a man and hops on his hind legs.

Huang Han did not think that the Four Books and Five Classics are useless, at least they are beneficial to the accumulation of moral cultivation and cultural heritage.

It’s just that talking about these useless things in the troubled times at the end of the Ming Dynasty is purely self-defeating. Huang Yi is keen on real knowledge and of course his brother’s strong support, so he secretly keeps him by his side and looks for opportunities to give him military merit.

In April, Huang Yi, who had already passed the county examination in the fifth year of Chongzhen last year, will go to Yongping Prefecture to take part in the government examination. Zheng Guochang personally arranges someone to take care of him. .

Huang Han also has a fourth brother, Huang Ang, who is a concubine. This year he is 11 years old. This child is more difficult. It is because the economic conditions of the Huang family are enough to hire a private school. Study in a well-known academy.

This is a common problem of the Han people, and it is also a virtue of the Han people. Everything is inferior, but the only one who reads is high. I hope my son will become a scholar-bureaucrat.

The control of student examinations in the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty was not too strict. In general, you can go through the back door and rely on favors, but it is a different matter when you take the exams and Jinshi.

Therefore, the bottom line of the utterly corrupt Ming Dynasty is still there, and poor students who study hard on sage books can still pass the destructive imperial examinations and become one of the nobles of the court.

Huang Kezao regarded himself as a domestic slave no matter what official position Huang Han gave him. He may have compared the two masters due to his experience. Now he has become dependent on Huang Han, and he is a bit blindly obedient.

When he got the order, he asked Zheng Xiaozhang, Gao Zhongyong, Gao Zhongxiao and others to convene the discussion of the nine major merchants without asking the reason. So mysterious.

The merchants who came here had good eyesight, and learned that the head of a famous rebel general asked for 500 taels of silver, and the rebel soldiers asked for seven taels of silver. The supply of goods is limited and outdated, and these will be scored on the spot.

While doing business, Huang Han didn't forget to be a favor, and gave Huang Long and Jin Sheng five hundred harvests plus the heads of two rebel generals, Su Yougong and Chen Guangfu.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian didn't need to treat them like this. They had more than five thousand beheads, and dozens of generals to kill. No matter how many they had, it was useless because they didn't have much room for promotion.

The heads of the rebels were more sought-after than the goods. Within a few days, nine merchants completed the transaction. The "Red Banner Army" received more than [-] taels of silver, and the incident of intercepting and killing the rebels was erased from history.

The generals who bought the heads can only guess privately, and no one knows how many heads have gone to the market.

And no one can confirm who killed the rebels and was unwilling to repay the credit, because there was no "Red Banner Army" who made the deal, and they were approached by nine merchants. How can generals and officials go to the bottom of troubles?

Besides, Huang Han deliberately muddied the water and gave Dongjiang town a lot of gains. Many people may think that the poor and frightened Dongjiang soldiers want to get cash and sell the heads of the rebels at a price higher than the two taels of silver rewarded by the court. .

Some people also speculated that Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian led the Beijing camp and Jin Yiwei to break through Dengzhou and got too many beheads. They were worried that the imperial court would embezzle too much, so they sold some of the rebel leaders to get cash.

It's not surprising that this is a common phenomenon in Ming Dynasty, whipping Kuai Niuer!The final result will of course lead to no general willing to be a fool.

Seeing that it was already late February, spring plowing would be ushered in soon, so Huang Han also planned to stop for a while.

Except for non-commissioned officers and above, the rest of the regular soldiers must be organized to help families with insufficient labor force to cultivate. We still adhere to a principle-there is no free lunch, and the army is enough to lend a helping hand when labor is most needed. Not a single penny will be missing.

Because only by doing so can the principle of fairness be demonstrated, otherwise there will be people who think that stupid soldiers don’t need money to work, and deliberately take advantage of their own laziness and profit.

The nine merchants who have been approved to operate in Liaohai are doing well in spring, and a large amount of drunk liquor is sold to the Houjin control area. These merchants can freely enter and leave Shengjing. penetration.

Originally, the "Red Banner Army" had a map of the Houjin-controlled area, but it was all the works of the Ming Dynasty's abstract school. Now it has drawn a traffic map of the Jiannu-controlled area based on the visual inspection of the flag guards and the size measured with steps.

(End of this chapter)

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