Chapter 482 Rebellion
Banner Guards could not draw detailed maps of Jiannu's territory, but could only have traffic maps of the main cities and indicate road conditions.

Because it is impossible for merchants to get the opportunity to run around in Jiannu's interior, they can only walk between several big cities through official roads. Of course, lurking banner guards rarely enter Jiannu's hinterland.

Right now, Qiwei is trying every means to get in touch with the Han people. Of course, they are looking for people who intend to return to Ming Dynasty. This job is full of dangers. Jiannu is also good at using spies.

The banner guards were organized and planned actions, never blind. The first three they contacted were provided by Ma Laosan, who had become the chief banner officer of the "Red Banner Army" cold weapon sword shield hand test.

The hard-core traitor Ma Guangyuan was awarded the first-class military officer by the Hongxie just when he was full of ambitions. Of course, the flag guard couldn't move his mind to persuade him to surrender, but persuaded three members of his family's Ding team to surrender.

A slave who has become a traitor is basically not a human being in the eyes of the Eight Banners. Even a favored official like Fan Wencheng has been married to his wife and concubine by Duoduo.

Ma Guangyuan's servants were all old men from when he was serving as the general of Jianchang in Daming. These people followed the patriarch to Jiannu's territory and found that they had become slaves, and they all regretted their past.

It's no wonder that in Daming, a servant of a participating general was a brash existence, but when he came to Jin, he had to nod and bow when he met Yu Ding, a slave. Who could stand such a contrast.

What's more, Ma Guangyuan's family members came here and lived poorly. They were stared at, angry, and homesick, and they couldn't win the trust of the Eight Banners.

Ma Laoer, Ma Xiaoba, and Ma Shiliu are the three people Ma Laosan, Ma Xiaoqi and others suggested to the banner guards to instigate rebellion after careful consideration, because they and these three people have saved lives on the battlefield friendship.

Even if Ma Laoer and the others were unwilling to surrender to Daming, they shouldn't have reported to their master the flag guards who came to contact them.

At the end of February, Shengjing was rather strange, because there were many nobles from the Eight Banners who held funerals.

First, one of the big belors, Daishan’s family, went to the funeral. The eldest son Yuetuo died in his family. Then Amin, one of the big belors, lost his braids. Then Mangurtai, who was as strong as a cow, died suddenly. The dignitaries also died this spring.

Hong is so tired of this period of time, because he has to attend the funeral every day as a pity, in fact, he can only express his true feelings for a while when mourning Yuetuo, and he can't help crying, and when he bids farewell to his fifth brother Mang Gurtai, he feels in his heart It's actually very fun.

There are always big bosses on Jianu's side, and the Han merchants who came to Shengjing to do business are of course gloating.

It is true that they are traitorous businessmen, but it does not mean that they look down on those barbarians. These people just have to make money with slaves.

When merchants returned to Daming, they naturally told Jiannu that this year was very strange, and the stories of Dabeilor who died one after another were hyped up.

At this time, the Han people felt how happy they would never be infected with smallpox after being vaccinated.

Soon the story of the prince Jiannu and many high officials dying of smallpox infection became so loud that even the streets and alleys of the capital were talking about it.

In the clubs, restaurants, and shops of the city that never sleeps, there are many people who happily talk about this matter.

The Han people all regard Jiannu's illness and death of several Baylors as an anecdote, and too many ordinary people listen to it with gusto.

Denglai was pacified, Kong Youde's rebels fled, and the bandits and thieves in Shandong were having a hard time. Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, was not a foodie.

More than half of the troops involved in countering the rebellion were dispatched into Shanshan, Shaanxi and South China to suppress the bandits. The Jingying and Jinyiwei did not share such a hard job and were allowed to return to the court. The emperor also instructed Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian to lead the cavalry to Beijing quickly.

It wasn't that something major happened and needed cavalry to help, but that Chongzhen didn't change his temper, and wanted to hear his favorite eunuch Fang Zhenghua talk about the ins and outs of Denglai's suppression of the rebellion.

Besides, not allowing Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian's cavalry to accompany Shenji Battalion's bulky artillery on the road would save more than a month. The two of them can do a lot of things by going to Beijing one month in advance. This should be what General Ping Liao often said about work efficiency.

Somehow Chongzhen often thinks of General Pingliao recently.

This is actually not surprising, because there are too many wonderful things sent by the wives and concubines of General Pingliao around the emperor, and all the imperial study rooms are replaced with oil lamps with bright glass covers. It is said that such lamps are several times brighter than candles and cost less than candles. half of.

When the thoughtful Empress Zhou happily presented these oil lamps, she told the emperor with satisfaction that she had been worried that the emperor would burn his eyes after repeatedly reviewing the memorials until midnight.

Emperor Menghuoyou knew about it. He didn't expect General Pingliao to use it as lamp oil to make such bright oil lamps. He immediately realized that since using Menghuo oil to light lamps was bright and cost-effective, the demand for Menghuo oil would definitely double in the future.

On the spot, he asked Wang Chengen to issue a decree to Gansu Town and Ningxia Town to do everything possible to increase the production of Menghuo oil.

Wang Chengen didn't expect that the emperor's mind is so good now, he actually knows that he must give benefits to the person in charge, not blindly issuing orders.

He was thinking that Huang Han's aggressive purchase of fierce oil would cause the price to skyrocket, so if he got a large amount of goods and sold them at this time, he would definitely be able to earn back a lot of money for the emperor.

During this period of time, Wang Chengen introduced Zheng Xiu'e to the palace, which was highly praised by Yi'an Empress Zhang, Empress Zhou and several concubines.

Of course, Madam’s diplomacy has achieved remarkable results. When Zheng Xiu’e brought Chu Chu to the Forbidden City to visit a group of women with the highest status in Ming Dynasty, she gave them a lot of knacks, and they were not just for viewing and playing. Objects such as pearls and jade are all practical. nice one.

Fierce oil lamps are one of them, and there are also dioramas that can illuminate the silhouettes of people in detail. What the concubines like most is the cosmetics series given to them, and they also like things that can wash their bodies fragrantly and are called soaps.
The industry that Chu Chu invested in had produced products last fall, when Huang Han found out that the cosmetics that Chu Chu used to dress up were poisonous and decisively stopped them, and forbade any woman in the Huang family to use makeup powders that seriously exceeded the standard of lead.

The idiom "wash all the lead" shows that the makeup powder commonly used by ancient women contains a lot of lead.

The ancients didn't know that long-term use of such cosmetics would lead to chronic poisoning. Huang Han even suspected that many ancient beauties lost their beauty at a young age, which is most likely the result of the decline in immunity after poisoning.

(End of this chapter)

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