Chapter 483
The emulsification and saponification technology is not too difficult. With Huang Hankai's golden finger and "Tiger's Cave City" new teachers and students' practice regardless of cost, it is a matter of course.

The new school in Tiger Cave City is also advancing with the times. It has long been not satisfied with teaching students three years of reading, literacy, arithmetic, and basic military training. class study.

Advanced studies include more than a dozen classes in medical skills, painting, mathematics, mechanical manufacturing, chemical research, physics research, etc. Therefore, many teachers and students in Huxue City New School are studying three acids and two bases.

In his previous life, Huang Han had checked the production methods and formulas of ancient cosmetics and still had some impressions. In addition, due to the vigorous development of the marine fishing industry, the output of pearls doubled.

Seawater pearls that are not very good in shape cannot be used as jewelry or raw materials for jewelry, so they lose too much value.

Remove the kernels and grind them into powder, add borneol and musk, and the highest-grade face powder made of natural materials such as bean powder and rice powder dyed by flowers, the price far exceeds the gold equivalent.

Because seawater pearls have nuclei, the ratio of making pearl powder is only [-] to [-]% of that of a single sea pearl, and it takes too many hours of careful female workers, so it is very valuable.

The highest-grade face powder containing seawater pearl powder has no toxins and side effects. After using it, the skin of women who love beauty will turn white and red, and the red and white complement each other. It not only whitens the appearance, but also removes moles and wrinkles.

The cosmetics brand invested by Chuchu is called "Chunxiangsui". It not only produces outrageously expensive face powder and cream containing seawater pearl powder, but also produces general cosmetics sold to people with upper-middle-class living conditions.

Huang Han encouraged Chu Chu to make huge profits, stipulating that all cosmetics should be priced at more than three times the gross profit, without considering the working people at all.

Because in this era, ordinary people are starving to death, so how can they have spare money to paint?No matter how cheap you sell it, even if you sell it at a loss, ordinary people at the grassroots level will not take a look at something similar to cosmetics.

Only high-ranking officials, nobles and landlords have the financial resources to buy luxury accessories, so there must be no scruples about huge profits!

Noble ladies, beauties in the boudoir, and girls in the halls and halls can't stand the new feeling brought by high-end cosmetics without exception, and the concubines in the palace are no exception.

When many concubines in the Forbidden City got a box of face powder, a bottle of cream, and eight pieces of soap with four scents, they still felt that General Pingliao's wife was stingy.

Because Huang Han is now well-known in Daming, and the city that never sleeps has been said to be a miracle in the business world of Ming Dynasty. Everyone knows that the Huang family has strong financial resources. Shot?
Later, some concubines felt that they were three points more beautiful than usual after using these three things, and quickly sent maids and eunuchs to ask people to buy these good things. In the end, many concubines were dumbfounded, and these things were so expensive that they frightened people to death.

A box of high-end sea pearl powder actually sells for 36 taels of silver, a bottle of cream containing pearl powder with whitening effect is 24 taels of silver, and a piece of pure suet soap costs five taels of silver.

After doing some calculations, it turned out that Mrs. Huang gave a meeting gift of 100 taels of silver to a concubine.

The women in Chongzhen are not extravagant, and the low-ranking concubines are not rich in more than ten taels of silver per month. I am afraid that buying such expensive cosmetics by themselves will become a heavy burden, because they also heard that there are many good things in the "spring phase" , as well as shampoo, hair oil, lipstick, eye cream and so on.

Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu, who came to the Forbidden City for the second time, were completely different from the first time. Not only the two empresses, but also several noble concubines were extremely enthusiastic.

Chu Chu, who came from a humble background, was overjoyed to receive such courtesy, so the concubines basically got a whole set of "Spring Xiangshou" series of cosmetics.

Of course there are two sets for the imperial concubine, and four sets for the two queens!
The most distinguished women of Ming Dynasty in the palace are not only coveting the gifts brought by Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu, they all like to listen to stories.

The outside world is very exciting, the vast sea, towering mountains, raging Yellow River, and surging Yangtze River always make the caged birds feel refreshed.

This is often the case with people. Once you get acquainted, you will establish a friendship. Whether it is a friend with wine or a handkerchief, it is not a true friend, but at least it is not an enemy.

Besides, Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu came here just to get along with the concubines in the palace, they were more or less flattering, and it was only natural that they got a good impression.

Women in the palace often talked about General Ping Liao, and of course they fell into the ears of the emperor intentionally or unintentionally, so Chongzhen always thought of Huang Han as a conditioned reflex.

What's more, when the court was discussing major events, General Ping Liao was still mentioned by many important officials, and the emperor couldn't forget Huang Han even if he wanted to.

Liaodong Jinglue Gaodi continued to present the rewards for the "Great Victory in Yanbei". The emperor, the cabinet ministers, and the six officials discussed on the platform many times but failed.

The memorial for Baiganbing’s request to return to Sichuan has been heard by Datian for two or three months, and it has been delayed without approval. The old lady Qin Liangyu, who is far away in Shizhu, Sichuan, has also delivered a memorial, which is also a petition to ask the Holy Son of Heaven to release Baiganbing back to Sichuan. .

Both the emperor and the ministers believed that Qin Liangyu, who was only thinking of the imperial court, had opened his mouth, which was enough to show that the situation in Sichuan was not stable.

Ma Xianglin, Qin Yiming, etc., who were eager to return home, had already made full preparations for departure. At the end of February, as soon as the order from the Ministry of War arrived, [-] white soldiers were on the road the next day.

The lack of white soldiers in Shanhaiguan will directly lead to a decline in defense power. Gaodi's request to appoint Yang Dalang, the first hero of the "Yanbei Great Victory", who was stunned by Jizhen's deputy general Yang Dalang, as the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan was brought up again.

There are many officials in the imperial court, and it is very important to perform their duties. Liaodong Jinglu Gaodi shoulders the heavy responsibility of fighting against Dongnu and guarding Shanhaiguan. In order not to reduce the combat effectiveness of Guancheng when the white soldiers are withdrawing, they must be able to fight and dare to fight. The fierce general is reasonable.

Although most court officials were jealous that Gao's family was too close to General Pingliao, but think about it the other way around, if he served in Liaodong, would he still be able to rely on Zu Dashou instead of relying on the "Red Banner Army"?

However, General Pingliao's sudden emergence and development momentum are too strong. If Shanhaiguan is also involved, it will be unpredictable!
For this reason, the emperor had a lot of worries. Both Huang's father and son were commander-in-chief, and they were all on the front line of fighting against the establishment of slaves. This year, they will be able to use up their troops.

At that time, the imperial court will pay 5 to [-] horses and horses, pay for the purchase of weapons, armor, and horses, and pay for the repair of the city and fortress, and so on.

Calculating the cost for one year may require more than 200 million taels of snowflake silver.

(End of this chapter)

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