The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 485 Eliminate Traitors and Eliminate Evil

Chapter 485 Eliminate Traitors and Eliminate Evil
The staff and guards who manage the city that never sleeps are armed with servants, which is completely legal in Daming, because dignitaries and dignitaries all support servants, and the Huang family and Zheng family are also perfectly fine.

When the city that never sleeps was built, six to seven hundred strong, active men were selected from unskilled coolies to stay as writers.

Huang Sifang blatantly sent more than a dozen disabled soldiers to train and manage these people, and organized them to run around the city that never sleeps every day, practicing capture, fighting and assassination.

The guards of the city that never sleeps are not a legal army. Of course they cannot use blunderbusses, wear armor and possess bows and crossbows. However, under the training of disabled veterans from the "Red Banner Army", they can definitely do a good job of dealing with street hooligans.

The clothes of these guards are also very eye-catching. In the eyes of Daming people, they are strange clothes. This kind of clothes is similar to the red shirts of the British in the [-]th century. The only difference is that there is no such weird black three-cornered hat.

Since it is also to maintain law and order in the capital, the work of the guards in the city that never sleeps has been actively cooperated by Jinyiwei, Dongchang, and Wucheng soldiers and horses. They not only catch thieves and hooligans, but also catch refugees and beggars.

In the past, the most troublesome thing for Wucheng soldiers and horses was beggars. If they were caught, they would have to give them porridge. Who would be troublesome?
Unexpectedly, in the past few years, whenever the Huang family saw beggars and refugees, they would arrest them. They didn't mind providing two meals at all.

There are so many labor forces needed in this era. Coal mines, iron mines, stone mines, etc. require a lot of labor.

With the cooperation of Jin Yiwei and others, the Huang family really managed to keep the capital free of beggars and refugees.

It is really easy to manage a city without taking into account human rights. Because there are women selling roasted sweet potatoes, fried potato chips, and duck blood vermicelli at the bottom to participate in the reconnaissance, the flag guards can grasp all major events and small emotions in the capital.

Banner Guards not only spied on information, but also eliminated rape and evil. Several criminal gangs that abducted and sold children, and even mutilated children and pushed them to the streets for begging were detected by Jin Yiwei who got accurate information.

Last autumn, dozens of such traffickers were killed at Caishikou in the capital, and more than a dozen were cut in half. The people in the capital were very happy and everyone applauded.

Now, the guards of the city that never sleeps, wearing eye-catching red clothes on the upper body, a black round hat, a feather on the ear, and black trousers and black combat boots on the lower body, have won wide acclaim from the people in the capital.

The guards of the city that never sleeps are all warm-hearted, not only fighting against the gangsters and evil forces, but also helping the needy, and now the people in the capital Shengdou call them "red shirt guards", and their reputation is much better than that of the Jinyi guards.

The management of the "red shirt guards" by veterans is quite strict, and all systems are based on the "red flag army".

Even the military salute is very particular. The "Red Banner Army" salute has express regulations. The five fingers are close together and naturally straightened. Slightly in line with the shoulders, while looking at the recipient.

Ceremony cannot be abolished. The purpose of canceling the kneeling ceremony is to prevent the soldiers from being weak, not to cancel the hierarchy and etiquette.Under strict management, the "red shirt guards" must keep two people in a row of three when they usually go to the streets, and they are never allowed to hook their shoulders.

This is rare in the military, and often when they appear, they will attract many people to watch. Now the "red shirt guards" shift change ceremony at the main duty station in the city that never sleeps has become a scene, and there are countless people who come to watch every day.

Seeing the strict security of the city that never sleeps, officials, merchants, and ordinary people in the capital are all admiring Huang Han's ability to lead troops. Everyone believes that with the "Red Banner Army" guarding Ningyuan, Shanhaiguan can rest easy.

Zheng Xiu'e spent money to build a shelter outside Guangqumen, and the homeless disabled got shelter from the wind and rain and could eat two meals a day.

The shelter adopts a mutual aid model to depend on each other, and they no longer need to go to the streets to beg for those black-hearted gangs.

All the expenses needed here are provided by the city that never sleeps, and the porridge will be given out once a day early in the morning. As long as the common people who are willing to get up early come here, they can get a big bowl of hot porridge to satisfy their hunger.

Zheng Guochang has written many times stating his achievements. The capital is the most benevolent district, and now he has really become a role model for the world.

The facts are indisputable. During Zheng Guochang's tenure as the inspector of Beizhili, the public security in the capital was good and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. There were no hooligans or beggars on the streets, and the city was clean and peaceful.

Therefore, Zheng Guochang was recommended by many ministers to ask the emperor to make a decision, and became a scholar of Wenyuan Pavilion, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites.

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian couldn't recognize this place when they arrived outside Chongwenmen after half a year's absence in the capital. After the two of them took a dozen confidants around the city that never sleeps, they were all amazed.

Huang Sifang invited everyone to enjoy the welcome banquet in Quanjude and then took them to the sauna. Everyone who was used to military life felt dizzy for a while.

Fang Zhenghua whispered to Li Ruolian quietly: "No wonder the emperor wanted to come and see the city that never sleeps. Our family is also very knowledgeable. Why don't you think you haven't seen it before? You were dazzled today."

Li Ruolian praised: "General Ping Liao is amazing, how did he come up with this city that never sleeps? It's such a good place, everyone wants to come and have a look. In the future, the money he earns here alone should be enough to support thousands of people. servant."

"That's right! Our family led tens of thousands of troops this time, and we really realized the importance of sufficient money and food. If General Ping Liao hadn't been sending boats to deliver things to us, I'm afraid the subordinates would not be able to work so hard!"

"It doesn't matter, we will always find a chance to repay the favors we owe! This time, we have served General Pingliao when the emperor's Weifu private visit."

"This is true. Our family reckons that the emperor will be delighted when he visits the outer city and then visits the city that never sleeps. The capital city has really changed a lot in recent years, and you Jinyiwei have contributed a lot to it!"

Indeed, the earth-shaking changes in the capital are inseparable from the ruthless management of Li Ruolian, a member of Jinyiwei.

Li Ruolian said modestly, "It's nothing, General Ping Liao didn't teach those tricks, but it's not so easy for Jin Yiwei to fine him now, and his income has been reduced by at least [-]%."

"Don't be greedy, kid, and don't make people angry just because of extra fines."

Li Ruolian retorted: "How can it be! We are not short of money now, and we are thinking of depositing the temporarily unused silver in the Sifang Bank to get some interest!"

Fang Zhenghua nodded and said, "Sifang Bank is also the property of General Pingliao's family. Don't worry, our family will deposit the money in a few days."

(End of this chapter)

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