Chapter 486 Overconfidence
At this time, Huang Sifang said softly in front of the two of them: "My lords, rest assured, the silver is stored in the Sifang Bank to ensure that it will not be lost. Now even the internal money of the Holy Majesty has been deposited by the prince who trusts the Huang family."

Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian said in unison: "Is there such a thing? Even the internal money is deposited in the Sifang Bank, and it will be natural for the Ministry of Households to spend money in the Sifang Bank in the future."

Huang Sifang said: "That's true. The Ministry of Household Affairs is already in contact with Madam. There are two elders, Xu and Zheng, as guarantors. Presumably there is already a charter."

Opening a bank to connect the world is only the first step. The next step is to consider minting coins. It is too troublesome to use silver. Time and resources are wasted in terms of fineness, weighing, and dehumidification.

The use of currency is the only way in history. After Huang Han established his reputation, he could mint gold coins, coins, and copper plates to enter the market.

The head of the Sifang Bank is naturally Zheng Xiu'e. Now the state capitals of Beizhili and Nanzhili have semicolons, and will expand to counties in the two capitals and thirteen provinces in the future.

Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu often went to the Forbidden City, and it was inevitable that they would meet the emperor more often.

It was a group of women chatting happily with Empress Zhou, and the emperor, who was supposed to be buried in the royal study reading memorials, suddenly came to visit Zhou Hou and happened to see Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu.

The daughter of the court elder and the imperial wife of General Hang Yin, Zheng Xiu'e has a high status, and has the experience of managing millions of properties with a unique temperament.

After meeting the emperor, she was not at all stage-frightened and answered fluently. On the contrary, Chu Chu, who was usually articulate, was too excited and her body couldn't help trembling, and she was a little incoherent.

Accompanied by the Empress, Concubine Yuan Gui, and Concubine Tian Gui, Chongzhen took the chance to chat with Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu who had met the ceremony.

Zheng Guochang is a loyal minister, and the Zheng family is of course loyal to the emperor, and Zheng Xiu'e at this time is no exception.

It is possible that the vast majority of people choose this way at this time, disdain to be loyal to a family and a party, and only Huang Han is the only one who will only be loyal to the nation and the motherland!

When the emperor asked, Zheng Xiu'e knew everything, and left Chongzhen with a frank and frank impression. Seeing that his concubine and General Pingliao's wives and concubines were similar in age, Chongzhen expressed his welcome to Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu. Past.

The emperor who returned to the imperial study was lost in thought. General Ping Liao was so capable, even his wives and concubines were so capable. It seems that with him in Liaodong, the general officer of Shanhaiguan would not be able to escape his control.

Chongzhen believed that power was displaced!Most of the people would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. If Yang Dalang, the new general of Shanhaiguan, can get the pleasure of monopolizing power, if someone points fingers at his subordinates, he will probably be rejected.

The "Red Banner Army" needs to garrison Jinzhou, assist in the defense of Ningyuan, and monitor Yanshan. Can it not be mobilized in a large scale?

As long as Huang Han leads a small number of troops away from the main force for a year or two, the civil servants and military generals of the court will have the opportunity to recruit the generals of the "Red Banner Army", and there should be generals who are not willing to be subdued to take the initiative to stand out.

At this time, as long as these generals are treated favorably, it should not be a problem to get their loyalty. From now on, the "Red Banner Army" will not follow the ancestors' birthday like the Guan Ning Army, but a strong army dispatched by the court.

Emperor Chongzhen was concerned about obscenity, and he had the right idea, but he didn't think it wouldn't work.

Where is the key problem?Money and food!This is the most obvious problem.

Daming still has deeper problems. Does the grassroots soldiers of Ming Dynasty have a future?Can their worries be resolved?

There were many deductions, and the food and salaries received by the generals were not enough to support the soldiers. The treatment of the "Red Banner Army" was greatly improved by Huang Han, who was not short of money, and now it was much better than that of the Guan Ning Army.

Huang Han, the head of the "Red Banner Army", knew that it was okay to use idealism to boost morale once or twice, but if it was too much, he would be disgusted or even rejected, and it would definitely not work in the end.

In order for his subordinates to be devoted to loyalty, they must fully consider their benefits and future. Huang Han adopted the method of embodying the high salary and good welfare of the "Red Banner Army" on every ordinary soldier, which has achieved good results.

The "Red Banner Army" has no other generals' private soldiers. In theory, most of them are servants supported by Huang Han. "All" means "none". This is a united group centered on Huang Han .

After the generals got used to the "Red Banner Army" system, they couldn't adapt to the mode of leading troops under the Jiading system at all.

For example, if a "Red Banner Army" is actually awarded as a guerrilla general with [-] soldiers, if he leaves the "Red Banner Army" system, he will immediately face the dilemma of having less than half of his military salary.

This had to be the result of the emperor's deliberate care. Originally, the treatment given to soldiers by the imperial court was far lower than the current actual income of the "Red Banner Army". Coupled with the blatant disappearance of officials, half of them could reach the hands of guerrilla generals.

How can he keep 600 troops when the food is getting worse and the military salary has been reduced by more than half?
By idealism?How much personal charm does it take to be able to complete such a flicker?Even Huang Han thought he couldn't do it, and it was obvious that no one in the Ming Dynasty had the ability to play with such a deception.

It is estimated that in less than a year, this general must have betrayed his relatives, and it is very possible that he will become a polished commander in the end.

The education of the "Red Banner Army" over the years is nothing but child's play. At the very least, soldiers with knowledge are less slavish and more confident. They recognize the "Red Banner Army" as a collective and agree with Huang Han, the patriarch who can give everyone ample food and clothing and a bright future. .

A general who breaks away from this system will become nothing, and even his own soldiers may not follow him.

Because the general's personal soldiers are not private soldiers, they have no clan, relatives, or employment relationship with the general. Their employment relationship is with the collective "Red Banner Army".

If the general adopts the method of deducting part of the military salary from everyone and focusing on raising some "red flag troops" who expect to gain loyalty and turn them into servants, then the general is very wrong.

Since its establishment, the "Red Banner Army" has always paid attention to the principle of fairness and strived to achieve a sunny governance. Every soldier is used to an atmosphere of fairness, justice and openness.

The soldiers will definitely feel flustered when the military pay is suddenly reduced by more than half and all the benefits are gone.

They also found that a small number of people benefited from the deduction of a lot of military pay by the general, and the soldiers who were less slavish would inevitably explode in anger and beat the general into a sieve nine out of ten.

The emperor didn't know the inside story of the "Red Banner Army". It is understandable to speculate with common sense. He was an overconfident young man, and he was ready to take action when he had a plan in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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