Chapter 487
Next, Chongzhen saw the confidential documents submitted by Shen Langzhong, Ma Yuanyi and other eighth-rank officials who had obtained the right to perform the germ warfare plan, and learned that several Baylors on Jiannu's side died of smallpox infection.

Bacterial warfare is top secret, only Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun know the inside story, and they can't give Huang Han a reward for their achievements.

In addition, the emperor promoted Li Zhongzi a few ranks for his contribution to urban sanitation and popularized smallpox prevention, and promoted the eight specific persons in charge of germ warfare to two ranks, and encouraged them to make persistent efforts.

At the court meeting the next day, the emperor finally decided on the rewards for the "Red Banner Army" and the canonization of the chief general Huang Han, and issued an imperial decree calling Huang Han to go to Beijing immediately to accept the rewards.

The marquis that Huang Han lost is back again, this time it is still a floating lord, not a hereditary lord who can be replaced forever, and the original position basically remains the same because there is basically no room for advancement.

The emperor summoned Huang Han to the capital to receive the title, and still gave it to Liu Jue because he didn't want him to be a noble in the capital and become a free and easy prince. Instead, he was going to negotiate with Huang Han face to face, and try to let him bring thousands of "red flag troops" into Shanshan. , Henan suppressed and killed the thieves.

Chongzhen believed that once Huang Han led his troops into the interior to fight, he might not be able to escape within a year or two. The emperor still had a little understanding of the personality of his peers, and knew that Huang Han would do his best if he didn't do it. .

He led the "Red Banner Army" into Shanshan and Shaanxi to wipe out the rogue bandits, and he had to give the court an explanation before he had a reason to ask for an order to come back.

Zheng Guochang, who is already an old man, is of course the first minister to receive the good news of Huang Han's title as Marquis. When he came down to court, he took the old man Xu Guangqi to go directly to the city that never sleeps for a drink and soak in the sauna to tell his daughter the good news.

The old men Zheng Guochang and Xu Guangqi were loyal to the Ming Emperor, they were selfless and magnanimous, and they didn't mind at all that Huang Han might leave his army and stay in the capital after he became a Marquis.

The court agreed to set a reward for the "Great Yanbei Victory", but did not disclose how to arrange it after summoning Huang Han.

Huang Sifang was worried that the head of the family would be left by the emperor in the capital as a free prince, so he hurried over to drink with the two elders in order to hear the reaction of the important officials in the court today.

Zheng Guochang and Xu Guangqi both know Huang Sifang, because his one-arm can often leave a deep impression on people.

The two old elders respected the disabled soldiers who killed slaves for the country. Although Huang Sifang only had the false title of commander of the fourth-rank guard and military officer, at the wine table, the two elders still exchanged glasses with him. Be happy.

The two old men were really elated, their beloved apprentice and son-in-law were ennobled, they were honored, they knew that Huang Sifang was Huang Han's confidant, and more or less understood his main purpose of staying in the capital.

Today's court meeting is not a top secret, Huang Sifang asked detailed questions, Xu Guangqi and Zheng Guochang answered clearly.

In addition, there have been no abnormal phenomena recently, so Huang Sifang can judge that no one will take action against the Patriarch during this time period.

As for whether the emperor will keep the Huang Han in the capital to enjoy the blessings according to the ancestral system, it is hard to say.

That afternoon, Huang Sifang's intelligence analysis was sent out of the capital as quickly as possible. The banner guards used codes to communicate, and they were divided into five levels of top secret according to the priority.

The person who sent the letter did not know the content of the letter at all. The courier was only responsible for delivering the letter to the designated place, and did not know the sender and recipient, so it did not matter even if the courier was arrested.

Of course, a lot of knowledge about the secret front was taught by Huang Han himself, and he taught dozens of banner guard leaders headed by Huang Sifang.

The top-secret code needs to be deciphered in conjunction with a set of fragments of the Water Margin that Huang Han and Huang Sifang jointly owned, missing dozens of pages.

Huang Han was busy arranging his subordinates to assist in the spring farming. He went from Lushun to Jinzhou to Ningyuan, Gaotaibao, Qiantunwei and other villages to inspect. The propaganda team also went to the countryside to promote their enthusiasm.

The leaders pay attention to it, and the people who work below will not be overstaffed.

Although the "Red Banner Army" system strives to get rid of the rule of man and tries its best to manage all walks of life with the system, the personal charm of Huang Han, the patriarch, is still particularly important.

Without hypocrisy, Huang Han rolled up his trouser legs and went down to the fields to plow the fields. He only needs to walk around the fields and chat with the villagers, and the villagers will be enthusiastic without exception.

In fact, in the "Red Banner Army" system, ordinary people farm for themselves, because the right to use [-] acres of dry land per household belongs to the household, and half of the harvest also belongs to the household.

The head of the household can also get the basic living guarantee of six renminbi and five buckets of miscellaneous grains every month because of participating in collective actions.

Based on the average harvest of one stone of wheat per acre of dry land in an ordinary year, Huang Han collected half of the harvest, which is actually not much, at least half of which should be returned to farmers and village households.

Because each family will get six shi of miscellaneous grains and seven taels of silver every year, according to the official price of the "Red Banner Army" system, it is almost eleven or twelve shi of wheat.

Huang Han Shide's land income is actually between 20.00% and 50.00%, not [-]% at all. Why not directly collect autumn grain according to the former?
Here is the doorway, which is the embodiment of the essence of leadership art.

First of all, being able to get six hundred cash and five buckets of miscellaneous grains every month will give every household a sense of security! "Having a family with a lot of money is not as good as making a penny every day." This is actually the virtue of the Han people who love to save.

Second, taking money and food from the town governor every month will make the household heads deeply realize the existence of the organization, and increase the "sense of identity" without worrying about mobilizing the "sense of mission".

When foreign enemies come, it is estimated that thousands of households will respond to the call of the "Red Banner Army". Under the voluntary and voluntary defense of their homes, wives and children, and vested interests, who dares to face up to a united team?

Thirdly, due to the monthly payment of food and money, the collective expropriation of labor to repair ditches, reservoirs, roads, and irrigation wells is considered by everyone to be an obligation, and few people have resistance, which further reflects the strength of the collective.

It will not work to lead the Han people to blindly be kind and do bad people, the IQ value of the Han people is too high!The only way to do this is to bind with interests, restrain with the system, influence with morality, and punish with the law.

Huang Han used a trick of distributing money and food every month to unite the peasants who were the most difficult to form a cohesion. The success of the Han people really depends on the recognition of the peasants.

If Huang Han forcibly promoted this model, farmers would scramble to join the "Red Banner Army", and the local tyrants and gentry who owned a lot of land might not even be able to find someone to cultivate it.

The number of Han people who died in the war in the entire Ming Dynasty in the past few years is unknown. The land conflicts in the north, at least in the capital, are actually not too sharp, but the government is too fucked up, unable to stabilize the situation and give the refugees a way to live. The refugees are happy to farm.

(End of this chapter)

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