Chapter 488
The government will also distribute the taxes that should have been paid by ten families to seven or even five or three families.

The times were not good in the first place, so the government's actions naturally accelerated the speed at which the owner-cultivators went bankrupt and became refugees.

Therefore, the court's army of bandits suppressed one thing and lost another, and bandits came and went endlessly.

Huang Han's presence in the field is to spread the word of mouth among the farmers. These former refugees are willing to take risks to enter the "Red Banner Army" system to receive money and food every month, and enjoy the benefits brought by the harvest. They are already satisfied.

Now it is also found that General Ping Liao cares about them and respects them. Of course, these people will follow the "Red Banner Army" wholeheartedly.

Huang Han finally came to Huxue City. This time, he did not leave his post without authorization, but came to Funing to supervise the reclamation and focus on spring plowing with the approval of Liaodong Jinglu Gaodi.

The Han Dynasty all paid attention to farming. General Ping Liao would certainly get support when he took the initiative to ask for half a month to personally direct the farming, and the emperor would also get praise. How could his own Gaodi not support it?
Therefore, Huang Han was able to receive the imperial decree in Funingwei. Huang Sifang's intelligence analysis had been sent to Huang Han three days in advance. It is impossible to judge whether he will stay in the capital as a prince of Xiaoyao, but he can be sure that the emperor has no intention of dealing with him. Han University can go to Beijing with peace of mind.

Huang Han knew about Hanzi's appointment as the chief military officer of Shanhaiguan.Hanzi didn't care at all whether he could be the leader of one side, but the good thing happened to be his turn.

He immediately rushed to Tiger Cave City to ask what to do after Fa Xiao.Huang Han trusts Hanzi, and doesn't worry about him playing solo when his wings are stiff.

Huang Han is a prophet. When he came to Ming Dynasty, he firstly wanted to strengthen himself. He never mentioned in front of his subordinates, even his father, brothers, wives and concubines, where he would go in the future.

When dealing with major and minor matters, he has always adhered to the basic principle of being loyal to the Ming Dynasty against the slaves and the Tartars, and embezzling money and food is also for the development of the "Red Banner Army".

Han Zijun answered correctly before, and he can say something. As long as he doesn’t mention the sea power possessed by the "Red Banner Army", he won’t cause trouble. Han Zi is straightforward and doesn’t like to use his brain. It is too clear how strong the water camp has developed.

Huang Han didn't deliberately tell the fool how to answer correctly, lest this honest man would have worries in his heart and be unable to deal with it calmly.

Things are often like this, too deliberate will be counterproductive, and it will be more conducive to the future layout for Chongzhen to see a frank and frank boy who answers all questions.

If the emperor wants to be summoned, Huang Han will of course accept the order to choose a day to go to Beijing. This is an ordinary summons, not an urgent one. The civil servants and generals who are summoned can arrange the handover of work before leaving.

Huang Han acted swiftly and resolutely, since he judged that the trip to the capital was not risky, he immediately started to arrange the affairs in the army.

On the third day, Huang Yong led Huang Chunsheng, Shen Xianyi, Lin Minghai and other water battalion generals to set off.

Huang Yong and others commanded 21 large warships with a displacement of more than [-] tons and [-] small warships and sentry ships with a displacement of less than [-] tons.

The task is to protect more than 150 merchant ships with a displacement of [-] to [-] tons led by Huang Kezao and Shao Juncai among the three heads of "Sun Moon Shipping" to trade in Nagasaki, Japan.

Yang Jian stayed in Tiger Cave City to deal with the business of "Sun Moon Shipping". This year, the business of buying, selling, hiring, and leasing merchant ships is booming, and the benefits are of course rising steadily.

Now the shipyard and "Sun Moon Shipping" are accounting separately. When a merchant ship is delivered, the shipyard in charge of Wang Yuqi will also add [-]% of the gross profit.

Yang Dacheng remained in charge of the water camp and was stationed at Lushunkou. In addition, three battleships of the [-]-ton class that had just been launched this month for sea trials, and nine large new warships remained in Liaodong Bay.

There are also five three-masted gunboats that have been repaired and dozens of warships and sentry ships with a displacement of less than [-] tons. can do it all.

Shen Ming has been promoted by Huang Yong as the captain of the "Woodwater".

He is going to still fly the flag of the East India Company on this ship, take the "Venlo" and three sentry ships to leave the merchant fleet and sail alone, to see if he is lucky enough to meet the warships and soldiers of the East India Company again. The gram boat came to round up.

Huang Han has a contract with the Wa State, presumably at this time the well-organized Wa people have prepared polished rice and sent it to Nagasaki to wait for the transaction. As for 30 shi? 50 shi?Still more unknown.

Therefore, Huang Han sent enough warships and merchant ships to bring back 90 million shi of supplies, not counting the shipping capacity of the ships that the generals of the water battalion were going to seize.

As the mighty fleet headed east, Huang Han immediately took ten personal guards consisting of four warriors and six apprentices on the official road to the capital.

In fact, at this time Huang Han was already famous and powerful, and he could lead thousands of cavalry to Beijing, but the more Huang Han was in this situation, the more he kept a low profile, only bringing ten personal guards.

There is no need to worry about encountering rogues and bandits on the road. During this period of time, the law and order in Gyeonggi, Tongzhou, Jizhou, and Yongping Prefectures is good, and they are not afraid of being plotted by the enemies. The banner guards will investigate closely. If there is a trouble, they will naturally show up to warn .

Gu Kui, Yan Congyou and the other four warriors had already entered the capital for the fourth time and felt nothing. Huang Yi, Wang Xuan, and Yang Xiaochui were all going to the capital for the first time, and they all blushed with excitement.

In the spring of the sixth year of Chongzhen, the land of Gyeonggi basically got rid of the shadow of slavery and looting three years ago, and its vitality was recovering. The land from Huxue City to Kaiping Town was thriving.

In fact, Huang Han brought vitality to this land. He spent three years vigorously building water conservancy facilities and borrowing food for the people who were on the verge of starving to death at that time.

Together with Xu Guangqi, Zheng Guochang, Liu Zhilun and Gaodi to restrain the gentry and officials, please reduce or exempt taxes.Suppress bandits and robbers, and give living space to small people in Shengdou. At least 20 people survived in this area, and at least 300 million acres of fertile land were left barren.

Now the self-sufficiency of grain here has been achieved, and villagers and farmers can still sell surplus grain every year, and a virtuous circle has formed.

For this reason, Xu Guangqi and Zheng Guochang wrote to the imperial court many times, requesting all state capitals to use Yongping Mansion as a model for successfully saving hundreds of thousands of people through production, and strive to make the places where the Ming Dynasty suffered military disasters no longer deserted.

It's a pity that these two elders are somewhat wishful thinking. Without a strong military force as a backer, without a large amount of capital investment, and without a strong leader, is it possible to complete such a large plan?
The emperor really hoped that the common people could live and work in peace and contentment, and issued a decree calling for the promotion of the governance experience of Yongping Prefecture. Unfortunately, no prefecture or county has been able to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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