Chapter 489
During Huang Han's three days on the road, the emperor happened to spend two afternoons inspecting the cityscape of the capital, and for two nights in a row dressed in scholar's attire, he came to the Nightless City for a private visit.

Accompanying him were the three most favored ministers at the moment, Wang Cheng'en, Cao Huachun, Fang Zhenghua, and his retainer Jin Yiwei Tongzhi Li Ruolian.

The prosperous capital city and the bustling city that never sleeps often give people the illusion that the emperor temporarily forgets that the people in Shanshan and Shaanxi are not living well, that there are many disasters in Henan, and that the remnants of the rebellion in Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangxi have always attacked the Ming army repeatedly.

He watched the changing of the guard ceremony by the "red shirt guards" through the bright glass windows in the exquisite private room of a teahouse. He couldn't help laughing when he saw many people watching.

Chongzhen asked Fang Zhenghua: "Fang Banban, those guards look good, are they useful?"

Fang Zhenghua said affirmatively: "Your Majesty, this is useful and effective. General Ping Liao once said that it is best for soldiers to kneel less, and to enforce discipline and obedience while enhancing their sense of honor and self-esteem. "

Chongzhen thought for a while and said: "It makes sense." He looked at Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua, and said: "Since it is beneficial to do so, you can also follow the example in training Jingying and Jinyiwei."

Fang Zhenghua said: "This servant is awake, and will definitely keep His Majesty's teachings in mind!"

Li Ruolian said: "My minister will definitely do it seriously."

The emperor left the Forbidden City in the afternoon. Under the covert protection of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, accompanied by Wang Chengen, Cao Huachun, Li Ruolian, and Fang Zhenghua, he wandered around half of the outer city, and then sat in a teahouse in the city that never sleeps, watching the night view after dark.

What he saw and heard in one afternoon gave the emperor a sense of accomplishment. He was no more free than he is now when he believed in the king, and he often had the opportunity to go to the streets. He is the emperor.

"Wang Banban, Cao Banban, I came out to look around for a few hours and didn't see a single beggar. Could it be that you have imprisoned all beggars temporarily?"

Chongzhen is not confused, sometimes he can be regarded as shrewd. He suspects that Dongchang and Jinyiwei have joined forces to whitewash the peace, deliberately showing him a bustling, clean and stable capital.

Cao Huachun smiled, and said politely: "Your Majesty, how could this old servant do such a deliberate thing? This old servant knows very well that His Majesty paid a private visit in secret in order to see a real sentient being. Now the capital needs to find out It is extremely difficult for a beggar.”

"Oh? Could it be that the beggars in the capital were really raised by the Huang and Zheng families?"

"Your Majesty, it can only be counted as raising a small part. Now those beggars who are disabled or too old live together outside Guangqumen, where they can get enough food and clothing. The rest of the beggars who can work have jobs and don't need to go to the streets. begging."

Chongzhen was silent, how much money would such a large sum of money spend on food every year?That Huang Han is really generous, but is it a blessing or a disaster for him to invite buyers like this?
Fang Zhenghua whispered: "Your Majesty, this should be what General Ping Liao advocated. Merchants earn money to give back to the society, and to do good deeds. I think the profits earned from coming to the city that never sleeps are enough to allow Huang and Zheng to do this good deed."

Chongzhen nodded and said: "It makes sense, Wang Banban, remember to remind me in the future, if there are any officials who impeach Everbright City extravagantly, let them go to Guangqumen to see those disabled beggars. If they are willing to take over those beggars with money The clothes, food, and shelter of beggars are immediately banned from the city that never sleeps."

Wang Chengen, Li Ruolian, Cao Huachun, and Fang Zhenghua all said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

The emperor, who was in a good mood, visited the night scene of the city that never sleeps, and tasted half a bowl at a stall selling bean brains. He chatted with the stall owner, father and daughter about his family's living conditions, and learned that this small stall is enough for a family of seven. Ample food and clothing, Longyan Joy.

The next day the emperor visited a lot of places and went to the sauna room at night. Of course, the reception of the emperor must not be sloppy. The entire VIP area of ​​the leisure club revolves around the emperor, and no outsiders are accepted. The reason is to receive the two inner ministers.

Wang Chengen and Cao Huachun also came here a few times before, but they never had private appointments. They also liked to chat with familiar officials in the sauna room. What happened today?Many senior officials who met the inner minister in the VIP area were full of suspicion.

Some well-informed adults knew what they were talking about in private in the Puke area.Even the noble man who is serious and busy with state affairs has come to the city that never sleeps. From this we can see how attractive this place is?
That night, the emperor went to taste a small bowl of duck blood vermicelli with great interest, and was amazed when he saw that the busy people were all women.

This time Wang Cheng'en didn't dare to speak loudly, but only told the emperor that Huang Han believed that women could reach half the sky, that in Funing Wei, women were strictly prohibited from binding their feet, and that they provided jobs for women as much as possible.

This is completely a challenge to the feudal etiquette that has been established, and Chongzhen chose to remain silent.

Chongzhen is a very self-disciplined person. After two nights of private visits, he immediately warned himself not to be lost by those enjoyments, and continued to return to the Longshuan to review the never-ending memorials.

But Huang Han left an indelible impression in the emperor's heart, and Huang Han's talent made Chongzhen amazed!

The emperor summoned Hanzi on the platform the second day after he entered Beijing. Several cabinet ministers and officials from the six departments were present. Hanzi was honest and honest and won praise from many important officials. The emperor couldn't help but think of Qianji Town who died for the country. The commander-in-chief, Wu Jinglue, Dongping Hou Mangui.

That fierce general is also straightforward, cute, quick-spoken, and loyal to the court. Now he has another fierce general of this type, Yang Dalang. Chongzhen finally made up his mind to entrust him with an important task. Stationed in Shanhaiguan.

Then the emperor summoned Hanzi alone and gave him a python robe and jade belt to show his favor. Of course, Hanzi was happy to see his teeth but not his eyes when he received the generous gift from the emperor. It was only natural to thank the emperor for saying something loyal.

It's just that the emperor didn't allow the fool to stay in the capital, and ordered him to take office immediately to rectify the soldiers and horses in Shanhaiguan as soon as possible, and encouraged him to train the soldiers in Shanhaiguan to be no less than the "Red Banner Army".

The meaning of the emperor's words is very clear. The people under the command of the general army of Shanhaiguan and the "Red Banner Army" where Huang Han and his son have been mixed together are not the same.

The fool masters a principle. When he can't figure it out on the spot, he uses a smirk to make a fool of himself. Often this trick is very effective. It is impossible for others to know whether he has an opinion in his heart or not.

Huang Han didn't break his face with the imperial court, and now he is still a loyal minister and good general of Ming Dynasty with a heroic aura. It is difficult for the emperor to make his words clear.
(End of this chapter)

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