The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 490 Catering to the Holy Will

Chapter 490 Catering to the Holy Will
The fool discusses the matter, and at the same time expresses the center in person, he also made a high-profile statement that he will not be greedy for the food and salaries used by the imperial court to raise soldiers. He will do his best to bring out a brave mountain navy.

The emperor hated civil servants and generals who were greedy for ink and had nothing to do. Of course he was happy to see a fool with such an attitude.

The decree has been sent to Huang Han to see him and be granted the title. Chongzhen knew that Huang Han would arrive in a few days. He didn't want the idiot to meet Huang Han in the capital, so as to prevent the two from eating and living together again. Big plans for influence.

Of course the banner guards were able to make Hanzi meet Huang Han on the way back to Shanhaiguan, but they quietly told Hanzi not to stay for a moment, but to rush back to Shanhaiguan directly to take up his post.

At the same time, Huang Han's instructions were conveyed that Hanzi must fill the main barracks with [-] infantry and [-] cavalry before the end of the year and intensify training to ensure that the combat effectiveness is no different from that of the "Red Banner Army".

There is no need for him to worry about equipment and military pay. He can count as much as he can ask the court, and the part that is not enough will be directly delivered to Shanhaiguan Water City by "Sun Moon Sea Transport".

Generals will bring servants with them when they take office. Huang Han has prepared 500 men for Hanzi to follow him into Shanhaiguan in the name of servants.

With 500 members of the officers' team, plus better treatment than other battalions, the old frontier troops were screened out and part of the old and weak were eliminated, and new recruits were recruited to supplement them.

This is not a big talk, because there is a great way to recruit recruits!
Of course, Hanzi will recruit guard troops who have completed military training in Yongping Mansion, Qiantun, and Gaotaibao. These people are all reserve soldiers of the "Red Banner Army". Discipline is indistinguishable from the "Red Banner Army".

This is the benefit of strengthening the reserve service, and it is also a good effect of distributing six coins and five buckets of miscellaneous grains to rural households on a monthly basis. In the "Red Banner Army" system, every household has combat effectiveness and discipline.

Huang Han's visit to Beijing this time was not only low-key but also very humble. He entered the outer city at noon without delay and went to the inner city to the imperial city to see the emperor.

This move really pleased the emperor Longyan. At this time, Chongzhen was only afraid of Huang Han's ability to lead troops and make money, and did not regard him as a stumbling block that must be removed. He also hoped that the "Red Banner Army" would make new contributions to the country by killing enemies.

When Huang Han asked to see him, he summoned him immediately, and greeted him in front of the door as a show of courtesy.

I haven't knelt down to anyone for a long time. At this time, Huang Han had no choice but to push the golden mountain and upside down the jade pillars to bow down. After three kowtows, Chongzhen helped Huang Han up, and the two peers entered the platform hall hand in hand.

The emperor had too many questions to be answered, from the deployment of troops on the Ningyuan defense line, to how the scout battle was fought in the buffer zone of the first [-] miles of Jinzhou, to the effect of germ warfare, whether it would be launched every year in the future, and so on.

Huang Han was the best at telling stories, and the emperor was very satisfied with Huang Han's answer, and he listened with great interest, and before he knew it, he was gone in an afternoon.

In the end, the emperor acted in compassion, looked at Huang Han with earnest eyes and asked: "Ai Qing, I know that Ningyuan and Jinzhou are going to face Dongnu directly, and they need a lot of troops.

It's just that the bandits from Shanshan and Shaanxi are getting more and more violent, and they are now beginning to corrupt Henan. However, the army in the interior is too weak, and too many generals have been defeated and killed. I urgently need a strong army to enter Shanshan and Henan to relieve the people. "

So it turned out that the doubts in Huang Han's mind were solved. What he was most worried about was being left in the capital as a free and unfettered prince, because accompanying the king is like accompanying a tiger, and this is the emperor's territory, which will always bring Huang Han a sense of insecurity.

Hearing what the emperor said, he wanted to lead a part of the "Red Banner Army" into the interior to pacify the area and kill the bandits. Of course, Huang Han would choose to cater to the holy will.

Huang Han had grain in his hand, and the expectation of transporting hundreds of thousands of shi of polished rice back from Japan, so he could completely accept hundreds of thousands of refugees and send them to reclamation outside the customs.

Nowadays, the Luanzhou garrison battalion and Sifang Express bodyguards often join hands to exterminate bandits and bandits. The capital is relatively stable, and there are many jobs and big purchases brought by the "Red Flag Army" system. The common people see hope in their lives and are willing to go out There are fewer and fewer.

However, all the land owned by Huang Han in Funing and Yongping Prefectures has been allocated to the households and farmers. Now the speed of purchasing and annexing the land has long been unable to keep up with the needs, resulting in many people who want to farm for the "Red Banner Army" but do not want to go outside the customs. Farmers gave up following.

This is often the case with people, but if there is a glimmer of hope, who is willing to leave their hometown to go to the dangerous place outside the customs, this matter can only be done on a voluntary basis, too much coercion is counterproductive.

The war in Denglai has come to an end. Because of Zhu Dadian, the governor of Shandong, who is brave enough to take charge, and because too many landlords and old fortunes were destroyed by the rebels and died, a large number of unowned land appeared.

Coupled with the fact that a large number of ordinary people died in the war and many ordinary people went to Lushunkou and Ningyuan, land conflicts have been alleviated. Who would leave their hometown when they can farm for a living in their hometown?

In the past two months, fewer and fewer Shandong people went to Ningyuan. In order to avoid suspicion and prevent Zhu Dadian from stabilizing the local "Red Banner Army" propaganda team, they have begun to withdraw one after another, which means that they have given up the population in Shandong.

Under the current situation, there is no door-to-door business. Huang Han needs a large population development and can only find those refugees who will starve to death in a few days without help.

The feudal dynasty had many barriers, and it was basically impossible for the refugees to flee to the capital. It was very possible to organize and fight all the way to the capital. At least ten years later, the thieves could do it.

Obviously, it is impossible to sit and wait for the refugees to come to the door in Gyeonggi. In fact, the main reason is that there are Huang Hanhe and the "Red Banner Army" who dare to fight and can fight. Towards a good trend.

Because the original refugees had the opportunity to resume production, they are now good citizens, farmers, workers or small business owners.

This is actually the result that Huang Han is happy to see. The settled people will produce food and create wealth, so that they can enter a virtuous circle.

Therefore, Huang Han, who needs a large population, must enter the interior to pick up the people who are dying, and give them fields or jobs, so that they can support themselves through production and create labor value to feed more people.

Huang Han replied: "Your Majesty, I will take the elimination of Jiannu as my own responsibility in my life. Taking a defensive position in Ningyuan and Jinzhou is not a passive slack in the war, but an intention to accumulate strength to give Jiannu a thunderous blow, but it will take several years to accumulate. Only then can it be done.

The two armies led by the minister and his son were integrated, and the overall strength of the "Red Banner Army" was strengthened, and they could use the convenience of having a water camp between Ningyuan and Jinzhou to quickly support each other, which can greatly save the troops needed to hold on. "

(End of this chapter)

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