Chapter 493 Zhou Yuji

Fang Zhenghua has a good memory, and he has fought side by side with more than 1 people in the Beijing camp for more than half a year, so he knows these generals quite well.

He introduced the generals under his command like a few treasures, and every time he introduced a person, the general had to kneel and kowtow in front of Huang Han.

This is not polite, but because Huang Han is already a super-grade Marquis, and according to the Ming Dynasty etiquette system, civil servants like governors have to bow down.

With so many people, it would be troublesome for Huang Han to step forward to help him after introducing one of them. He said politely:
"You generals, don't give a big salute. We are all men who have seen blood on the battlefield. It's no fun to engage in these clichés. You put your fists together, and I can just give the 'Red Banner Army' a one-handed salute."

Seeing that Huang Han was so reasonable, many generals agreed loudly and introduced many military officers. Only one who had just been promoted to guerrilla general attracted Huang Han's attention.

This person is of medium build, probably in his early thirties, with a strong back and waist, and looks powerful.

Huang Han thought to himself, it turns out that he is Zhou Yuji, the main character in the Ningwuguan drama, and today he finally saw a living person.

Zhou Yuji is a loyal and courageous hero. In the spring of Chongzhen 17th, when Taiyuan fell, Xinzhou and Daizhou fell one after another, he still devoted himself to the country and fought against thieves.

He insisted on defending Ningwuguan and fought to the death. After being captured alive with serious injuries, he still cursed at the bandits for not wanting to give in. In the end, he was hanged on a high pole by the bandits and shot to death with random arrows.

After the frenzied intruder shot Zhou Yuji to death, he was still resentful and ordered his bandits to tear Zhou Yuji's body into tens of thousands of pieces.

Not only Zhou Yuji was loyal and brave, but even his mother and wife were role models of loyalty and righteousness. After Ningwuguan was lost, the whole family of Zhou’s family, under the leadership of Zhou Yuji’s wife, fought to the death and refused to surrender. In the end, they were all burned to death in Ningwuguan Gongyi, which stood firm. .

Loyalty is everywhere, and traitors abound, regardless of the crowd.

The military generals include Man Gui, Zhao Lvjiao, Zhou Yuji, Cao Wenzhao's nephew, Wang Tingchen, Yang Guozhu, etc. who died generously, as well as traitors and traitors such as Zu Dashou and his son, Wu Sangui, Liu Liangzuo, and Ma Guangyuan.

The eunuchs include Wang Chengen, Fang Zhenghua, etc. who are loyal and righteous for thousands of years, as well as Du Xun and Gao Qiqian, who are shameless and soft-boned.

Among civil servants, there are Qian Qianyi, Sun Zhixie, Hong Chengchou, the leaders of the Donglin Party who have gone to the dog's belly, and there are also many heroes such as Lu Xiangsheng, Shi Kefa, and Sun Chuanting who fought for the country and died.

No matter which camp Huang Han is in, as long as he is willing to fight for the country, he is willing to make friends. Literati, officials, eunuchs, and warriors are all treated equally.

Most of the generals of the Beijing camp and the royal guards who came to drink were not deep in the city. After a few glasses of wine, they became less reserved and more chivalrous.

Huang Han clinked glasses with Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua, the guerrilla generals Huang Degong and Sun Yingyuan he met just now, and then took advantage of the wine to grab Zhou Yuji to drink, and drank three glasses in a row.

At this time Zhou Yuji was just a guerrilla from the third rank, penniless, so excited to receive such courtesy from Huang Han, Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian, Lou Yun and other old friends felt strange.

Huang Han pulled Fang Zhenghua over, and said solemnly: "Fang Gonggong, do you know why this lord can lead troops and is good at fighting?"

Many people heard the voice and immediately put down their glasses to listen carefully to the following.

No one thinks that Huang Han is talking wildly after drinking, because his military achievements are unparalleled, and no one in Ming Dynasty can match it. Everyone is looking forward to getting Dongpinghou's mantra after drinking.

Fang Zhenghua regained his spirit and said eagerly: "I don't know, our family would like to hear more about it!"

"It's easy to say, but it's too difficult to do, four words - know people and use them well!"

"Everyone understands this, but people's hearts are so far apart, how can they do this?"

"Haha, my lord knows how to judge people. When I met Eunuch Fang, I concluded that you were a loyal and courageous talent. Didn't it come true today? At that time, my lord didn't know Mr. Li, and he was still laughing beside you." made a sound."

The scene of meeting Huang Han for the first time came to mind, Fang Zhenghua said with a smile: "That's true, later Master Hou also said the same when he saw Master Li, and now he is also skyrocketing!"

Li Ruolian immediately took Huang Han's hand and begged: "Master Hou has such ability, so he can't hide his secrets, how about teaching the officials?"

Huang Han glanced at the dozens of generals and eunuchs in the flower hall, and said with a smile: "I can affirm that everyone present here, such as Huang Gueran and Sun Guerrilla, are loyal ministers and good generals, and their future is limitless. I am even more sure that Zhou Gueran will shine in the future. Please wait and see."

Huang Degong and Sun Yingyuan, who were named rashly, were a little surprised. I don't know when Dongpinghou remembered them.

Everyone knew that Huang Han's words were out of concern for everyone's face, and the point was to see that Zhou Yuji was extraordinary. Their eyes were all focused on Zhou Yuji's face, and they were at a loss for this rough warrior who was not good at words.

Fang Zhenghua laughed loudly and said: "Our family understands, and tomorrow we will give priority to supplementing Zhou Gueran's troops, so that he can train a new army as soon as possible, and let him shine like the Lord Hou's auspicious words in the future."

Huang Han joked: "Eunuch Fang is not mean enough! I'm going to sell face and ask Eunuch to be accommodating, and transfer Zhou Guerrilla into the 'Red Banner Army' as a general!"

Fang Zhenghua was worried about the lack of good generals under his command. Seeing that Zhou Yuji even looked up to Huang Han and was willing to let him go, he smiled and slapped his eyes and said: "No! There are so many generals under the Marquis who are accustomed to fighting, it's not good. Come dig the corner of our Beijing camp."

Fang Zhenghua has been in the capital for more than ten years, and he knows the generals in the capital relatively well. Most of those people came from famous families, and now they have long lost the bravery of their ancestors, and now most of them have become ostentatious.

Zhou Yuji was one of the few oddballs, and he couldn't get along with most of the generals in the Beijing camp, that's because the Beijing Youzi looked down on him as a small soldier around him.

Zhou Yuji, who served in Liaodong for several years, fought with Jiannu, not because of his ancestors, but because of his meritorious service, he was promoted to the rank of the fourth-rank general manager of the Jingying Qianzong. Entered the general threshold.

No matter how unreasonable Zhou Yuji was, he knew what to do at this time. He came to Huang Han and knelt down and kowtowed: "The last general thanked Lord Marquis for his appreciation, but the last general has benefited a lot from Fang Gonggong's love and love, so I can't change my mind."

Huang Han hurriedly helped Zhou Yuji up to Fang Zhenghua, Li Ruolian and others, and said, "See, Zhou Guerzilla is a rare and good general who is courageous and loyal!"

Both Cao Huachun and Wang Chengen saw this, and heard that Huang Han had predicted that Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian would prosper when they first met Fang Zhenghua and Li Ruolian.

But they all remembered Zhou Yuji, and they were going to see if this little guerrilla in the Beijing camp who had been appointed by an unknown new official could really do what Huang Han said.

Huang Han was very happy, he really helped Zhou Yuji with just a few words, it's unknown if this tiger general can be reused as soon as possible, maybe he can change his fate!
(End of this chapter)

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