Chapter 494 Princess Kunxing
It's involuntary to get involved in officialdom!
Huang Han came to the capital without even seeing his wife, so he had to accompany a large group of generals and eunuchs to drink in the city that never sleeps, and then went to the sauna, and did not return to the mansion until midnight.

The wives and concubines have not slept, and have been waiting for the husband to come home. Huang Han, who is full of alcohol and exhausted, can only cheer up and greet his beloved wife and concubines. Of course, there is another matter...

The next day, Huang Han arranged for six hundred miles to urgently convey the order to transfer troops into the customs.

The "Red Banner Army" dispatched four commander-in-chief cavalry, eight commander-in-chief infantry, including two commanders of female soldiers, one commander of artillery, one commander-in-chief of engineers, one general-banner medical soldier, and one general-banner propaganda team.

The generals who entered the pass to fight included Yuan Siming, Sang Yu, Zhang Yang, Qin Yuyi, Qin Rong, Wang Gensheng, Liu Zaiqi, Liu Dashou, Gu Rushan, Peng Huaiyi, etc. The total number was more than [-], all of whom were Han soldiers.

This is due to the fact that during the civil war it was completely fighting with each other, and they could not lead foreign cavalry into the customs to participate in the massacre of Han people, and they did not want the Mongols to see the plight of Shanshan and Henan Chidi.

There is no doubt that it is necessary to move thousands of miles this time, and it is very possible to move thousands of miles. The consumption of military supplies, food and grass will not be small.

It happened to be the busy season of farming, and the call for reserve service would not affect grain production. Huang Han sent an order to call up [-] soldiers to join the army.

Of course, these 5000 people are the guards who have completed basic training. Their main task this time is transportation. Two people push a wheelbarrow to march, and the food loaded on the cart must not be less than four stones.

No one would be disgusted with participating in military operations, because once participating in the war, all soldiers, including hard labor, will enjoy double pay. Every time a battle ends, a large number of soldiers will be promoted, and the proportion of guards turning into regular soldiers is as high as [-]%.

Therefore, after Huang Hanzheng dispatched the Guards Army to serve as auxiliary soldiers and labor labor, all the households actively signed up, and the number was no less than [-]. In the end, of course, those who had completed military training and were physically strong were selected.

The key to the success of suppressing bandits in the interior is food. In addition to the wheelbarrows provided by the infantry, there are as many as [-] wheelbarrows dispatched this time. In addition to carrying other military supplies, they also carry [-] shi of rations.

In fact, 1 shi of grain is really not much, and it can sustain the consumption of [-] horses for less than half a year.

The Ming Dynasty had a system, and when guest soldiers joined the war, the local state government would provide food and grass. The emperor also promised Huang Han to ensure the supply of food and grass for the "Red Banner Army". The governor and the magistrate dared not neglect Huang Han's status and reputation.

But Huang Han knows the specific situation in Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan, so he can't rely too much on the fucking local bureaucrats. At that time, the localities really can't produce food and kill the officials. .

Besides, it doesn't matter if you really don't need it. The price of grain in Shanxi and Shaanxi is frighteningly high. Selling a part of it can not only make a profit, but also alleviate the food crisis.

After the [-] guards entered Henan, it was estimated that they would no longer need carts in a few days. There would definitely be too many strong men from Henan to do the labor. These guards could be used as soldiers.

Even if their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the "Red Banner Army" soldiers, they are still much stronger than the mainland army.

Huang Si saw that Huang Han had received an order. He must organize the "Sifang Express" to find several cities or clan armed villages in Henan to establish supply points, where there must be more than [-] shi of grain.

Huang Han didn't need to go back to Tiger Cave City to lead the troops, Zhang Yang, Qin Yuyi, Liu Zaiqi and other generals would arrange everything and bring the troops to the capital.

There was basically no detour from Tiger Cave City to Henan passing through the capital. Huang Han happened to relax and spend time with his wife and concubines while waiting for the army to converge.

Over the years, due to the frequent expeditions abroad, the wives and concubines who wanted to add children to the Huang family always had no chance to conceive.

Now that Zheng Xiu'e and Chu Chu want to hug their children when they see other people's children, they may often bring small gifts to the four-year-old Princess Kunxing because they see how cute they are, and promise to bring her to the Everbright City Playground to play.

When Huang Han learned that his wives and concubines were so acquainted with the royal family, he praised him greatly, and decided to accompany his wives and concubines to the playground, and asked them to enter the palace some day to bring Xiao Kunxing with them.

On the ninth day of March, the sun was shining brightly, and a group of people strolling on the pedestrian street in the city that never sleeps is more eye-catching. This is Huang Han taking his wife and concubines and Xiao Kunxing out for a spring outing.

It's great for a princess to go out of the palace, and there are dozens of nurses, mothers-in-law, and maids accompanying her, but Dongpinghou, an idiot, doesn't care about royal etiquette at all, and he doesn't salute when he sees Princess Daming.

He directly picked up the little child and took his wife and concubine with strides away. He left a sentence and gave the princess's entourage a day off, allowing them to roam the pedestrian street freely.

Zheng Xiu'e didn't know what to do with her husband, she saw her husband so happy like a child, Kunxing laughed like silver bells while being carried by a burly uncle while shopping.

Huang Han couldn't help but feel pity for Xiao Kunxing, who was carved in pink and jade. He secretly vowed to change the fate of this child, so that she would not experience the tragic death of her family and relatives at a young age.

What's more, we can't let the evil Man Qing pretend to be canonized as Princess Changping, and we can't let her weep blood and mourn for a year after the fall of the Ming Dynasty.

After taking Kunxing into the playground, the little girl was dazzled. Because of the joy of spring today, there were too many people with their children and even their wives and concubines to play in the playground, and there were people waiting in line everywhere.

Huang Han didn't take advantage of his power to jump in the queue, he took his wife and concubines to hold Kun Xing and moved forward with the queue, just in time to listen to the chatter of the queue.

Xiao Kunxing was very sensible, he blinked his bright eyes and looked at Huang Han, with a sense of happiness and satisfaction on his face, maybe the palace was full of women and eunuchs, and his father was busy reviewing memorials and doing useless work every day, so he had no time at all For the sake of giving Kun Xing a little more paternal love.

Ever since he was picked up by Huang Han, who was about the same age as his father, Kun Xing fell in love with this broad chest, liked to smell the masculine scent, and never got down to walk on his own.

"The Marquis of Dongping is really strong, no wonder he was able to defeat the Tartars and Dongnu, will you still come here to play with me in your arms?"

The clear and crisp voice of a child was heard by many people in line around them, and they noticed Huang Han and Zheng Xiu'e, and a subordinate who might have seen Huang Han immediately started to make a fuss and yell.

"General Ping Liao! It's General Ping Liao. How can you line up behind the little one? Please hurry to the front."

The Marquis of Dongping was conferred by the emperor just now, not many people know about the people in the capital, but General Pingliao has long been known to everyone, and the subordinates made a voice, and the people in front immediately moved back in order, determined to let the four of Huang Han Go play the carousel first.

(End of this chapter)

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