Chapter 495 Fantasy
Many tourists looked excited, just like they accidentally discovered a big star when they went out to play.

A middle-aged man who looked like a scholar-bureaucrat in casual clothes asked, "I never heard that Marquis Dongping has an heir? Who is the child in his arms?"

"General Ping Liao was knighted? When did this happen?"

"Just three days ago, the Holy Majesty conferred the title of Marquis of Dongping, and sent troops from the 'Red Banner Army' into Shanshan to suppress the bandits. Marquis Dongping personally led the troops. It is reckoned that these bandits are not far from death this time."

"Great, with the 'Red Banner Army' we are just around the corner to put down the Dingliu thieves!"

Someone suddenly shouted: "Hou Wansheng of Dongping! General Wansheng of Pingliao!"

Immediately, many people shouted, the original purpose of Huang Han, who was dressed as a scholar, was to keep a low profile and not want everyone to know, but now he became the focus.

Xiao Kunxing felt honored to see the excitement of the crowd around him, and put his arms around Huang Han's neck to lift his little head high.

There are pros and cons, next, Huang Han doesn't need to line up, because everyone is willing to let this family rank first, and they think it is an honor to play with Huang Han.

Not long after, many people found out that the child in Huang Han's arms was the four-year-old Princess Kunxing. They were all amazed, wondering what the relationship between Dongpinghou and Tianjia should be?
Huang Han took Xiao Kunxing and his wives and concubines to have fun. At the archery prize booth, Xiao Kunxing, Zheng Xiu'e, and Chu Chu worked hard and couldn't get the first prize, the cute plush bear.

In the end, it was Kun Xing who pestered Huang Han to get the prize. When they went out to the playground, it was Huang Han holding Kun Xing, and the little girl was holding a furry bear that was bigger than her.

The child was so happy to see his teeth but not his eyes that he giggled from time to time when he slept at night.

Huang Han played with his wife and concubines and Xiao Kunxing for three days in a row. He saw countless people, and it has become a good story in the capital.

Tens of thousands of people in Shengdou, who have benefited from the Everbright City project and gained food and clothing, are full of hope for the future. They sincerely wish the Huang family and the Tian family to live in harmony and enjoy themselves.

Many officials are envious and jealous. Fortunately, Huang Han is trying his best to achieve a win-win situation through harmonious means. He has not dealt with civil and military officials, nobles, and eunuchs. There are not too many people who hate Huang Han.

Too many ladies envy Zheng Xiu'e's good life, being able to show her face and do things freely and play freely. The girls in the brothel all hope to be convinced by Chu Chu and become a hero's concubine one day.

The emperor also heard the news that Huang Han was holding his daughter to play, he just smiled and said "Cheng He Dian" and let it go, obviously he didn't dislike Huang Han's move, and even had a good impression of it .

Chongzhen loves his family and is happy to see Huang Han and his wives and concubines get closer to their relatives.

When Zheng Xiu'e sent Kunxing back to the Forbidden City, the little girl hugged Huang Han's neck tightly with tears in her eyes and refused to let go until Huang Han promised to take her out when he came to the capital next time Let go of playing.

When the little girl returned home, she received many gifts from Huang Han, including a set of new textbooks, several pens, a set of building blocks, and a set of exquisite toy bows and arrows.

Huang Han hoped that his birth would affect Xiao Kunxing, and told her to read more new books in the future. If there are things she didn’t understand, she could write them down and ask questions when Zheng Xiu’e or Chu Chu entered the palace. She could also learn to write letters for them to explain. Solve it yourself.

And asked Kunxing not to study hard and not spend too much time learning female celebrities, but to practice archery when he has time, and try to practice horseback riding when he grows up.

In fact, Chongzhen was capable of literature and martial arts, and he could also ride a strong horse and draw a strong bow. If his son and daughter were willing to practice riding and shooting, he might not stop him.

It is obvious that Kunxing has become dependent on Huang Han and has too much admiration. She actually fantasizes that one day she can kill enemies for the country like the old lady Qin Liangyu and sister Qin Yuyi.

Conscience of heaven and earth, Huang Han didn't expect Kun Xing to be able to develop Qin Yuyi's force value, the Nine Difficulties in the story was a fictional character.

He just wanted Kunxing not to be as weak as in the real history. He hoped that she would strengthen her physique and develop a force capable of self-protection. He also hoped that she would have riding skills, so that she could at least ride a horse and run away when she was in danger.

On the day she returned to the Forbidden City, the early-witted Auntie Zhu chose a gorgeous pen from the gifts Huang Han gave, and the queen led her to the Imperial Study Room to present it to her father in person. The daughter held her in her arms and kissed and kissed again and again.

Seeing her husband's kind smile, Empress Zhou couldn't help crying. The emperor was too busy to find a way to let him put state affairs aside for a while, because the Tian family lived so aggrievedly, Zhou Hou really yearned for the free days of Dongpinghou's family.

She imagined that it would be great if the emperor and herself could hold their daughter and take their son to the playground to have fun!

Chongzhen is definitely not a faint emperor, but he is not a shrewd and capable emperor who has insight into the details. He should be a mediocre feudal emperor.

However, when the feudal dynasty developed to the end of the Ming Dynasty, the military, politics, economy, and ideology were simply a mess. The problem could not be solved by the emperor's diligence, and a strong man with great wisdom was needed to turn the tide.

Chongzhen's level is obviously far from enough. If he hadn't been broken by the robbers and chose to die for his country, he would die of exhaustion sooner or later.

After staying in the capital for half a month, on March [-], Qin Yuyi, Wang Gensheng, Sang Yu and others led the troops to arrive. Since there were nearly [-] female soldiers in the camp, curious common people came in droves.

This time, Qin Yuyi mustered all her strength to make meritorious service. The two female soldiers selected from the six commanders were not only bright in armor, dazzling in swords and guns, but also appeared to be about the same size, not to mention their mental outlook. describe.

Perhaps the female soldiers have long been used to people pointing and pointing, and each of them raised their proud heads and looked at everything with confident eyes.

When the emperor learned of the arrival of the "Red Banner Army", he ordered the auxiliary soldiers to pass around the city with their luggage, and let the main soldiers enter the city from Guangqumen and pass through Xuanwumen to leave Fuchengmen.

At that time, when Huang Han leads the detachment through Chang'an Avenue, a ceremony will be held, which is similar to reviewing the three armies.

Without any deliberate arrangement, Huang Han put on his helmet and trotted on his horse, followed by dozens of generals. Of course, the most eye-catching one was Qin Yuyi. She was taller than most men in a military uniform, and she looked even more heroic.

It was not only the emperor who was parading on the Chengtian Gate, but also a dozen court officials. Even Emperor Tianqi's Empress Zhang Yan also came to watch the ceremony. Of course, Empress Zhou also appeared on the gate tower with her children and concubines.

(End of this chapter)

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