Chapter 496
The concubines and concubines in the harem were willing to come to watch the excitement, of course because they were curious about the female soldiers. Xiao Kunxing was fascinated when he saw the seven or eight hundred female soldiers who did not want to be male.

She remembered Huang Han's instructions, and said very seriously: "Father, mother, and sons and servants will devote themselves to learning literature and martial arts in the future, and when they grow up, they will lead troops to fight like General Qin to relieve the country's worries!"

Tong Yan Wuji, Chongzhen laughed when he heard his daughter's rhetoric: "Good! Ambitious, my father likes it."

Many ministers who watched the ceremony were talking about it, guessing that the Marquis of Dongping might not have enough troops, otherwise how could he even use female soldiers.

No matter what the ministers say, this time the military parade is very effective. There are 10,000+ soldiers, civilians, and officials in the capital who have seen the "Red Banner Army" with their own eyes. From the eyes of ordinary soldiers, they can feel confident and unyielding .

Most of them believed that with such a powerful "Red Banner Army" stationed in Ningyuan, Shanhaiguan would be able to sit back and relax.

Huang Han, who led his troops to leave the capital, chose to enter Zhangde Prefecture in Henan Province from Baoding Prefecture, Zhending Prefecture, Shunde Prefecture, and Guangping Prefecture, because this is on the east side of Taihang Mountain, and the flat terrain is conducive to marching.

The more than [-]-mile official road from the capital to Zhangde Mansion is in good condition. With the physical strength of the "Red Banner Army", it is no problem to march [-] miles a day for half a month. Go lighter and lighter.

The situation on the road was good at the beginning, but after four or five days, it was completely different. Too many refugees took their families and took the official road. They hoped to find a place where they could live, but they often saw Ming soldiers. The team is desperately trying to escape.

Seeing the military-civilian relationship at the end of the Ming Dynasty, Huang Han realized one of the reasons for the downfall of the Ming Dynasty. The common people not only did not trust the government's army, but also feared it like a tiger.

It doesn't matter if the common people can't tell the good from the bad, Huang Han has a thick skin, and he will brag about himself as a "great savior" to let the common people in Shengdou recognize the "Red Banner Army" and support the glorious, great, and correct self.

The chief banner of the Propaganda Team has been writing all the way since he left the capital. What he wrote most was a concise sentence, "The 'Red Banner Army' starved to death and did not plunder the common people!" The second most written content was "A good boy would rather die thief!".

Some leaders ranked third, "Anyone who massacres and robs the common people is a bandit in the eyes of the 'Red Banner Army', and they will be killed when they are chased to the ends of the earth!"

Such as "Officials and soldiers will be punished with three grades for killing good men!", "The 'Red Banner Army' has a deep brotherhood with the common people!" Propaganda slogans abound.

After marching for more than [-] miles, Huang Han issued an order to build a supply station at Sunliu Village, [-] miles south of Baoding Prefecture, near the official road, to take in refugees.

Zhuangzi's defense was nothing compared to Baoding Fucheng in the north, and Boye County [-] miles away to the south. The reason why Huang Han didn't choose Fucheng and County as supply points was to consider the refugees who were about to take in.

It is impossible for prefectures and counties to let refugees into the city in order to protect themselves. This cannot be blamed for the indifference of the civilian and military officers stationed in the city.

Because too many fortified cities were breached, the civil servants and sages who guarded them were stupid, and they saved a moment of benevolence and caused disasters.

It is difficult to distinguish between refugees and bandits. The consequence of being put into a city is that the common people in the city will all become refugees and bandits, and civil servants and military generals will most likely die.

Before Chongzhen 13 years ago, there were very few civil servants and generals who were willing to surrender to the rogues. Generally, the officials who could not escape after the city was broken died terribly. The mobs who lost their restraint were extremely cruel. The attack is extremely vicious.

Huang Han fell in love with Sun Liuzhuang because it was more than [-] miles away from the capital and less than [-] miles away from Tianjin Wei Port. The "Red Banner Army" reinforcements from the sea could arrive in two days for cavalry and five days for infantry.

Having a nail nailed firmly here will directly lead to the safety of the four or five hundred miles to the north and east, and it should be able to reduce the damage caused by the bandits, so that many farmers can continue farming without fleeing.

Of course, Huang Han would not leave too many people to attract people's suspicion. He left a small number of young musketeers with young roots as seeds, and left some small families to garrison the guards in the West Liao Corridor. Military training exists in the form of clan armed forces or local group training.

The Han people have an idiom "competing for the Central Plains", which shows the importance of the Central Plains. Huang Han's layout here is facing the Central Plains, not only to increase the population but also to expand the influence of the "Red Banner Army".

As the name suggests, Sunliuzhuang is a Zhuangzi dominated by the two surnames of Sun and Liu. Due to the constant refugees, robbery and theft became commonplace, and the population of nearby villages had to gather in the Zhuangzi to stick together, and farming has been abandoned.

This is a chain reaction, and it can be regarded as a butterfly effect, even though it is just a large group of refugees passing by here, and there is no fierce battle.

Even if the common people from all over the country entered Zhuangzi and escaped the catastrophe, it would make their already unsustainable living conditions even worse.That's because the fields have been trampled, and the lack of field management directly affects the autumn harvest.

If the officers and soldiers extort some of the already small amount of food, the three to four thousand people gathered here are likely to turn directly into refugees and bandits.

More than [-] soldiers and auxiliary soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" came to set up camp outside Sunliu Village. The two chiefs and a group of elders here were terrified.

"Bandits are like a comb, soldiers are like a grate, and officials are like a shave." It vividly shows how hard it was for the good people to survive in the late Ming Dynasty!

Thousands of troops crossed the road, and the elders of the Sun and Liu families sighed, thinking that the law of heaven was unfair, and the livelihood of the thousands of people in Sun Liuzhuang, which was already unsustainable due to the continuous refugees I am afraid it will become increasingly difficult.

Hiding is not a problem!In the end, patriarch Liu volunteered to take dozens of clansmen into several carts and drive several pigs, a dozen sheep and dozens of stone wheat to the Ming army camp, hoping that the officers and gentlemen who commanded the army would hold their hands high.

Patriarch Liu, who led the team, tremblingly came to the "Red Banner Army" camp two or three miles away from Zhuangzi, and had a different feeling.

They found that the officers and soldiers here were very friendly, no one raised eyebrows, and no one threatened them. When they learned that it was the villagers who brought pigs, sheep and food to the army, a general who patrolled the battalion immediately expressed his gratitude and sent A group of people sent them to the Chinese army to meet Dongpinghou.

(End of this chapter)

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