Chapter 497

Hearing that the chief general who came was actually a Marquis, the Liu clan's long legs gave way and almost fell down in fright, but fortunately his family's Wu Xiaoyan was quick, and they hugged him to avoid embarrassment.

Patriarch Liu whispered to the people around him in a trembling voice: "It seems that Sun Liuzhuang is doomed to escape this catastrophe. In the past, a thousand bosses came, and we all had to peel off the boss. Today, it was actually brought by the prince of the court. With so many soldiers here, we might not be able to return to Zhuangzi tonight."

Kong Wuyouli, the fifth young man of the Liu family, is one of the leaders of the strong men's armed forces. He said viciously: "What's wrong with Lord Hou, he has to be reasonable. We should have a certain amount of taxes and donations. I really can't afford it." What about them? Do we have to force thousands of people from Sunliuzhuang to kill officials and rebel?"

Patriarch Liu suddenly exploded with anger, and slammed his walking stick on his son's thigh, cursing: "We are all good people who farm, study and manage the house. A small injustice is a big one.”

Fifth Elementary was obviously not convinced, but his father's prestige made him shut up obediently.

The Second Primary School of the Liu Family is obviously a scholar. He said, "Father and fifth brother don't need to worry too much. Don't you see the red flags waving in the wind? I guess this brave man may be the one who starved to death and did not plunder the people in the legend." the 'Red Banner Army'."

Patriarch Liu found it unbelievable, he wondered: "Is there an army in the world that doesn't harm the common people? Could it be that the money and food they need fell from the sky?"

Liu Erxiaodao: "I'm not sure about that. All in all, the 'Red Banner Army' has a very good reputation. Now we have also seen those soldiers. Don't you think they are different?"

Liu Wuxiao said: "It's absolutely different. Their war horses are as strong as calves." This kid can ride and shoot horses, and he saw many strong Arabian war horses at this time, and his eyes were straightened.

Liu Erxiaodao: "You know how to look at horses, but you don't notice that the officers and soldiers have a friendly face, and they don't see that their military appearance is neat and their armor is bright. It is obvious that this is a strong and well-disciplined army. Generally, such a team is unwilling to pass. If you harass the place too much, you will lose your reputation."

Patriarch Liu heard his son's cloudy old eyes shine, he nodded and said: "That's so true, I think that when my father was young, I saw Qi's army, and those soldiers were welcomed by the common people wherever they went, and I never heard of them. It is said that the Qi family army harassed the local area.

well!It's a pity that the world is going downhill, and the current army is not as good as the next generation! "

Liu Erxiao said: "It is rumored that the discipline of the 'Red Banner Army' is no less than that of Qi's Army. Not only will they not harass the common people, but they will also help them. If my father doesn't believe me, I will see it later."

Patriarch Liu and his party did not see Dongpinghou, but met Liu Zaiqi, the head of the propaganda team who owned Cong Sanpinjiao. He cheerfully accepted the pigs, sheep and food, expressed his gratitude and returned the gift.

The value of the gift was roughly the same as the things Patriarch Liu sent, which were canned sea fish, salt and drunk liquor.

Huang Han didn't deliberately sell private salt, but most of the salt needed in the system was purchased directly from the salt field by sea boat, and the price was basically [-]% higher than the cost price.

The life of the salt households and salt workers in the salt field is miserable. The high-ranking officials and dignitaries made a lot of money by monopolizing the salt trade and smuggling.

So what if the salt households have salt that can be exchanged for money and food?They simply do not have the ability to ship out to form sales, and there will be no merchants who are not authorized to come to the salt field to buy without permission.

But these rules and regulations could not stop Huang Han at all. The "Red Banner Army" Shuiying went directly to the salt field to buy salt at a fair price and shipped it back by sea.

Because there is no salt merchant who dares to offend the "Sun Moon Shipping" and the "Red Banner Army" at present, otherwise the consequences will be serious, and all the goods they transport by sea, including sea ships, will disappear.

After the "Red Banner Army" took Jinzhou and got Lushunkou, it also arranged a small amount of salt production, which currently accounts for [-]% of the total sales in the system. Because the amount of salt used for pickling seafood is large, [-]% still choose to go directly to Daming government-run salt farms to purchase.

Huang Han didn't plan to develop the salt industry, because both drying and cooking salt were labor-intensive and required too much labor, and there was no technical content here, and table salt was not a commodity in short supply, and the table salt produced by major salt farms in Ming Dynasty was sufficient.

Salt in the mainland is expensive, not because it is valuable, let alone because it is rare, but because the tax is too high.

The interests of salt affected the emperor and involved too many court officials and dignitaries. Huang Han didn't bother to provoke the imperial power and ministers' power for these untechnical interests, and he didn't bother to scratch Shengdou Xiaomin's head.

The only way to practice iron and steel, produce fierce oil lamps, flush toilets, ceramic tiles, cement, glass, clocks, etc., is to use these technologically-intensive industries to earn a lot of money from landlords, wealthy officials and dignitaries.

The "Red Banner Army" entered the mainland with a lot of salt, which was more useful than silver at the critical moment. They gave a few rock salts to the soldiers from Sun Liuzhuang, and they all felt that they had picked up a big deal.

Such actions by the officers and soldiers moved Patriarch Liu to the point of tears. He remembered the well-known name "Red Banner Army", recognized the bright red flags flying, and remembered the costumes of this army in his heart.

Liu Zaiqi simply took four entourages and followed patriarch Liu to Zhuangzi to discuss major issues.

He told the current situation in front of the two patriarchs and many people who came to watch the excitement, and told the old and young women and children in Sunliuzhuang that the power of today's rogues is not what it used to be, relying on less than a thousand young men The strong man can't guard Zhuangzi at all.

Now Pingliao General Dong Pinghou, who is dedicated to serving the country and the people, has taken a fancy to this place and plans to send hundreds of general infantry to garrison Sun Liuzhuang.

There is no need for Sun Liuzhuang to spend a grain of grain, all the consumption is borne by the "Red Banner Army".

The refugees don't need to enter Sunliu Village, they just need to settle in the current camp of the army. When more than 2000 people gather, the "Red Banner Army" will organize them to go east to Tianjinwei and take a boat to the sea to rush to the west of Liaoning.

However, the "Red Banner Army" had to store food and military supplies in Zhuangzi. If they were attacked by a large group of rogues, the "Red Banner Army" would temporarily put the refugees who had been screened into Zhuangzi for shelter.

Liu Zaiqi communicated with the two patriarchs and more than a dozen clan elders in a negotiating tone, telling them that now the "Red Banner Army" has beaten the Tartars to pieces, and the Jiannu have retreated.

There are tens of millions of acres of fertile land and mountainous land in the Liaoxi Corridor and Yanshan basins, which can be cultivated with peace of mind, and the treatment and compensation system has been clearly explained.

(End of this chapter)

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