Chapter 501 Thunderbolt Means
The newly accepted refugees had to do their duty to get the five buckets of miscellaneous grains and six coins of silver given by the "Red Banner Army".

Huang Han will not be used to them just because the proportion of refugees who are willing to follow the "Red Banner Army" to go to sea to settle outside the customs is not high. Even if there is only one family, they must act according to the law.

What's more, the propaganda in Henan, Shanxi and Shanxi for a year and a half, and if there are real actions, the myth that following the "Red Banner Army" will never be hungry will spread throughout the three Jin lands, spread throughout Qin, Henan, and Shu, and even affect the Fengyang, the capital of Huguang and Central China.

Once the trust is established, thousands of ordinary people who are driven to the verge of starvation by natural disasters and man-made disasters will cry and follow them. At the beginning, the obligation is made clear, telling everyone that they must pay if they get it, so that it will be better in the future. management.

It is very important to manage the Han people with kindness and power. Not only do you use porridge to give the hungry people hope to survive, but you also have to show the military power to make the people awe. When you catch robbers and murderers, even hooligans and green skins who are mixed in the vagrant ranks will call the vagrants to watch cut.

There are really many people who should be killed in the already chaotic mainland. Almost every day at noon, there will be people who are sentenced to be beheaded in public.

In front of the public, the refugees saw the heads rolling to the ground one after another, and the torsos of the beheaded criminals were still kicking their legs, and they were all stunned.

The formerly cheerful propaganda team now looked serious. They warned the refugees that if they did not follow the "Red Banner Army" to settle outside the customs, they must not follow the thieves, otherwise it would be their fate to be decapitated.

The bloody on-site education made too many refugees remember deeply, and the bloody side of the "Red Banner Army" made people shudder. It is presumed that the hungry people who left here and are still wandering in the Central Plains will spread the image of the "Red Banner Army" not only helping the poor but also killing people without blinking an eye.

"A gentleman can be deceived with his own prescription" is too pedantic and too negative. Huang Han believes that "how can you show the heart of a Bodhisattva if you don't use thunderbolt methods!" It can be seen.

Entering the mainland to suppress bandits, I met honest and responsible people, the "Red Banner Army" who was willing to provide assistance within their ability, and dared to show shrews and troublesome people, and the "Red Banner Army" didn't mind fighting and killing.

In the troubled times at the end of the Ming Dynasty, "a gentleman carries things with virtue" is obviously not feasible. Only the legalist thought of making the country rich and strong, and governing the country by law, making no distinction between relatives and estrangements, no distinction between high and low, can make a difference.

Huang Han is not a gentleman, nor is he a good man or woman. He will not be a good man, encourage labor income, and strive to create labor opportunities for more Han people. For this reason, he does not mind killing people.

After the juvenile soldiers set up files for the refugees and registered their household registrations, they adopted the regulations of one household for two and two for four to stay with the army. Their main task was to help push the wheelbarrow.

Since the ordinary people at the grassroots level in the Ming Dynasty were aging beyond the age of 50, the "Red Banner Army" system relaxed the age of Dingkou. Instead of counting Dingkou according to the standard of 16 to 60 years old according to the Daming Law, it was based on the age of 15 to 45. Man.

Those who are over 45 years old, who think they are physically fit, have special skills, and are willing to take the place of the youngsters in their families to perform hard labor can be selected as exceptions, and the governors of various towns can flexibly control them.

For example, if you have a good skill in driving a carriage, even if you have a skill, an old cart handle is familiar with the nature of a horse, and you don't need to be physically strong to drive a cart with a whip. Such people are very welcome to serve actively.

Luo Mingshi, who was the first to approach the "Red Banner Army", was also drawn because there were two young adults in his family, but Liu Zaiqi considered that he was a scholar, and he was also the first person to accept the favor of the "Red Banner Army" , leaving him to serve in the propaganda team.

Not only Luo Mingshi stayed in the propaganda team alone, but Liu Zaiqi took in a total of more than a dozen teenagers who had read books, could write, and had enlightenment experience. The effect of using local people to participate in the propaganda team would be immediate.

Luo Mingshi, who got a decent job and received food and salary, was enthusiastic, and every day he carried a lime bucket and led a few people to brush propaganda slogans everywhere.

When he met a fellow villager who was skeptical of the promise of the "Red Banner Army", Luo Mingshi showed up to explain his ideological struggle when he first met the "Red Banner Army" and saw that a large family of more than a dozen people would never be hungry again. The joy is expressed vividly.

Hearing the local dialect made me feel kind. When I saw scholars, they were willing to take their families to settle in western Liaoning. Many refugees chose not to wander, but stayed and waited for a group to be sent to Tianjin Wei.

The first group of villagers from Henan was settled, and there were more than [-] young and middle-aged people who stayed behind to serve in the army. These people are now happy to see their teeth but see their eyes.

Because since they were absorbed into labor labor, they have enjoyed three meals with a big cooking cake for each meal, instead of two meals a day with two bowls of gruel.

Under normal circumstances, most people eat collectives, and Han people who are too shrewd will eat Hesai nonsense.

Doing so not only wastes food but also stretches the stomach, and it is not good for the body.

Huang Han is well aware of human nature, in order to prevent waste and to prevent some people from being overfed, meals in the army have always been allocated rations.

In order to reflect the particularity, it is also considered that the quality of officers and non-commissioned officers is much higher than that of ordinary soldiers, guards, and labor services, and the distribution is not quantitative according to needs.

Feudal dynasties cannot engage in egalitarianism, and must deliberately cultivate a sense of hierarchy. The food in the army is also graded, and the newly arrived laborers are naturally the lowest standard of food.

Even so, being able to get three meals a day made the refugees who were determined to follow the "Red Banner Army" feel that they had reached the sky in one step, and they never imagined that they would be able to eat fish or poultry eggs or even pork every five days.

There is another thing that doubles the happiness of the Henan laborers who have just joined.

Their labor remuneration can be received on the day when the family arrives in the west of Liaoning, and there will be six renminbi and five buckets of miscellaneous grains every month thereafter. If there are too many people in the family, they can borrow money and the annual interest will not exceed [-]%. .

The young and strong soldiers who served in the army finally ate dry food, and within a few days, most of them were full of energy. They were full of energy and walked like flying on their wheelbarrows. They just made up for the shortage of the guards operating the supply stations.

The one left to run Sunliu Village is Bai Zong Gu Rushan. He is a personal guard trained by Huang Han himself. He has ideas and fighting skills. , Strengthen the defense of Sun Liuzhuang.

He himself led a general banner soldier and a general banner guard army to send more than 2000 refugees to the merchant ship waiting in Tianjinwei, and then he would bring some grain, military supplies, potatoes, sweet potato seeds, and seedlings back to Sunliuzhuang. When more than 2000 refugees have gathered, continue to send them to Tianjin Wei.

From now on, there is no need for Gu Rushan to go back and forth in person, and the subordinates who have been familiar with the official road for four or five hundred miles will take turns to go on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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