The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 502 Ander Mansion Ten Thousand Rooms

Chapter 502

This is also Huang Han deliberately letting go of training this confidant boy, giving Gu Rushan the opportunity to lead more than 400 people to garrison in one place. If he can do it, he can leave some of the strong men for training, and he must take root here for a year or two. preparation.

There is no need to worry about the lack of weapons. The cost of the white wax pole spear is only three renminbi, but it is necessary to be cautious when distributing the bird gun. If you have not completed the basic training, you have not passed the ideological inspection, and your family has not gone to western Liaoning. Basically, it is not considered.

There will be a large number of refugees from Henan who are sent outside the customs, and nearly 1 people will be transferred out, which may cause a shortage of labor and affect the autumn harvest. This year, there should be a lot of rich labor to participate in the construction of water conservancy facilities and roads.

After all, spring plowing has been missed, and there is no hope of increasing farmland this year. We can only lay a solid foundation for next year's reclamation.

The Shanhaiguan and Yongpingfu areas, which have been relatively dry in recent years, have been uncharacteristically this year. The spring season, which basically does not rain heavily, has heavy rain this year. The central area is actually Tiger Cave City with a radius of eighty miles.

In the six years of Chongzhen in the original history, "the heavy rain in Shanhaiguan and Yongping, the water damaged the city walls and farmhouses, and the death of people and animals is not counted."

Since Huang Han has been operating here for three years, he has built a large number of reservoirs and ditches, and the water supply and drainage system has become more and more perfect.

And because most of the houses in Tiger Cave City are of brick-concrete structure, they are not afraid of heavy rain, and did not cause too much damage. On the contrary, dozens of large and small reservoirs that have never been filled with water have the opportunity to be full.

Why did natural disasters continue in ancient times?In the final analysis, the people's ability to resist disasters is too weak, and a gust of wind may cause the roof to be blown away.

It was because the roof of Du Fu's house was blown away by the strong wind that he wrote the popular poem "And there are tens of thousands of mansions, which shelter the world's poor and happy people! It is as safe as a mountain without wind and rain."

In fact, the strong wind did not cause too many disasters. The main reason was that the thatched hut of Du Fu's family was too dilapidated.

The Ming Dynasty was not as poor as Du Fu's everywhere. The three-day heavy rain in history caused thousands of houses with earthen walls and thatched roof structures in the area of ​​Shanhaiguan and Yongping Mansion to collapse, resulting in the collapse of thousands of houses. Many ordinary people were displaced.

Now such a situation can no longer be regarded as a disaster. On the contrary, the increased storage capacity of the reservoir not only has the potential to deal with droughts, but also makes hydraulic machinery such as hydraulic hammers and flour mills full of strength, which improves productivity.

There is also a huge advantage. If the land is watered once, a large number of locust eggs will be drowned, and it is impossible to encounter locust plagues within three years.

Historically, the rogues did not hit Boye County in two or three years. Now that Huang Han led the "Red Banner Army" to attack all the way, it is even more impossible for a large group of rogues to invade the supply area arranged in Sunliuzhuang.

If two or three thousand bandits come, Sun Liuzhuang can defend them by relying on his own armed forces.

The task given to Gu Rushan was not to spend time in Sunliuzhuang every day, but to calm down the bandits and bandits within a radius of [-] miles from here and expand the influence of the "Red Banner Army".

To attract more nearby people to take their families to the sea to cultivate and work outside the customs, and to provide nearby farmers with a relatively safe environment so that they can farm with confidence.

At that time, farmers will be instructed to replant potatoes and sweet potatoes in the fields where wheat seedlings have been destroyed, so as to strive to harvest more rations for survival after autumn.

In fact, the reason why Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Wang Ziyong, Zhang Xianzhong and others are called rogues is because they ran around and committed crimes. Lincheng's Xishan.

Lu Xiangsheng, the inspector of Beizhili, broke out in a cold sweat, and immediately led the troops he could organize to intercept and kill the daring thieves along the way, and now it is estimated that they are not far from the capital.

After the emperor got the news that the rogues had invaded Xishan, he was not too nervous, and he didn't even issue the imperial edict of martial law in the capital.

He sent troops from the Beijing camp, supervised by Fang Zhenghua, to kill the thieves. The emperor knew that only [-] to [-] thieves could not attack the capital, so he did not summon the "Red Banner Army" that had already set off to return.

Fang Zhenghua led the Beijing camp to fight the rogues with full confidence. Because of his great achievements in Denglai, many soldiers of the Beijing camp who participated in the war were promoted, and the soldiers were tempered. Now their combat effectiveness is overwhelming and their morale is high.

The three guerrilla generals Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, and Sun Yingyuan were even more eager to make contributions. With these three generals who are good at fighting in the Beijing camp, it is estimated that the life of the rogues who fled into the Western Mountains will not be easy.

The rogues took advantage of their light armor and relied on the Taihang Mountains to march. Of course, they took the mountain road. When they found a fighter attacking the town, they would rush down the mountain to grab a handful and then go up the mountain. They did not dare to stay on the plains close to the capital.

Lu Xiangsheng, who followed and pursued, was not afraid of hardship and fatigue, and led the Tianxiong army to chase across the mountains and ridges. Due to the continuous fighting, the speed of advance and suppression was slow.

Huang Han wanted to show the people of Ming Dynasty a different and powerful army, so he walked on the Great Plains and chose a densely populated area.

The starting point is different and the purpose is different, so Huang Han failed to meet Lu Xiangsheng. The Tianxiong Army went north and the "Red Banner Army" went south, and the distance between the two armies became wider and wider.

It is impossible for Huang Han to lead the main force to delay at Sunliuzhuang, and set off again early the next morning.

At this time, Wang Jiayin, the leader of the bandits, had been killed by the Ming army. He was not well-known, but this boy was the godfather of the rebellion. At that time, Gao Yingxiang, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Wang Ziyong and other later rebel giants were all his followers.

His younger brother, Wang Jiayun, and his brother Wang Ziyong, the bandit known as Zijinliang, still have a lot of people under their command, and they are still doing a great job in the rebellion.

Wang Jiayun, Wang Ziyong and other thieves burned, killed, looted and looted with the officers and soldiers many times in Shanxi, with victories and defeats, and rushed out of Taihang Mountain to kill in the direction of Guangping Mansion and Zhangde Mansion.

Zuo Liangyu, the Changping lieutenant general who suppressed the rebellion in Henan last year, may not be in his prime yet, or he may not be bad enough at this time, always losing battles, and has less than [-] troops in his hands.

Because of repeated defeats in the suppression of bandits in Henan, Daming defeated the guerrilla Yue Zhong, Yang Yuchun and general Tao Xiqian and lost several thousand officers and soldiers, which made the bandit team that seized many of the standard weapons of the Ming army grow stronger.

The corruption in Henan was so great that the governor Fan Shangsu could hardly be blamed. He was dismissed from office and was replaced by Taichang Shaoqing Xuanmo. The imperial court quickly transferred Deng Qi and Zhang Fengyi to lead troops to reinforce Henan.

Commander-in-Chief Deng Qi had [-] Sichuan soldiers in his hand, and Zhang Fengyi led [-] white soldiers. The well-educated Zuo Liangyu saw the reinforcements coming and began to play tricks, resolutely refusing to go head-to-head with the bandits and spend them head-on.

Because he began to understand that the two or three thousand Changping soldiers are the capital for him to settle down, and he must not lose his capital.

(End of this chapter)

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