Chapter 503

And Deng Qi's Sichuan army has been fighting in the north of Daming, far away from his hometown, this year. The veterans are really exhausted, and they have no enthusiasm for fighting at all. Military discipline has begun to deteriorate.

The soldiers became violent, and Deng Qi didn't want to be too intimidating, so he just turned a blind eye. For this reason, he was constantly impeached by the censor of Henan Province, which made him even more upset.

What kind of person and what kind of fate, Deng Qi was born in the army and was born in hundreds of battles, so he was able to sit on the high position of the commander-in-chief, but he was guarded for a long time and allowed his subordinates to plunder.

And because Wang Yingxiong, one of the elders in the court, was in the background, Deng Qi was not afraid of anything, but the rotten soldiers he brought out with no military discipline finally staged a mutiny in the eighth year of Chongzhen, allowing him to swallow the bitter fruit and lose it in vain. killed.

The only man in the three-way suppression of bandits is Zhang Fengyi, who is loyal to the country, and leads the white soldiers who can fight and are not afraid of hardships to actively chase and kill the bandits.

In theory, there are three groups of people who have been chasing and killing Wang Jiayun, Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong, Xing Hongniang, Sweeping King Cao Wei, White Horse Deng Tianwang, Luo Rucai and other thieves. run.

But these thieves never forgot to fight back when they ran away, and Zhang Fengyi suffered such a loss.

Because her team gradually distanced itself from the two teams of Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu who did not work hard, Wang Ziyong found a fighter plane and assembled more than 3 people to attack Zhang Fengyi's [-] white soldiers.

Zhang Fengyi is loyal to the court, not only her husband's family is full of iron-clad generals and loyal ministers, but her natal family is also full of loyal loyalists. How could she have thought that Zuo Liangyu and Deng Qi were playing tricks and deliberately let white soldiers go out? Fight with bandits to the death.

When they were attacked by rogues, Zhang Fengyi thought that the other two groups of troops should be able to arrive at the battlefield within a day, and more than two thousand white-armed soldiers took turns to charge and beat Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun, two brothers from the same family, who suffered heavy losses.

The two thieves found that they had gnawed hard bones and wanted to cry without tears. They really didn't expect that the white soldiers with only more than two thousand people could still attack and move forward in the face of group fights. The advantage of more than ten times the number of people was smashed against this white soldier.

Why don't you say that the rogues have more than ten times the strength of the troops? That's because [-] to [-] rogues sound like a lot, young and middle-aged will not exceed [-], and those who really have weapons and have a certain combat power will not exceed [-] .

It is not only the troops of Zuo Liangyu and Deng Qi who do not work hard, but also most of the garrison generals and garrison of the inland state capitals.

Even though Wang Jiayun, Wang Ziyong and other thieves were far inferior to the white soldiers in terms of combat effectiveness, they were so numerous that 4 to [-] people were enough to drink a pot for Zhang Fengyi, who had only [-] white soldiers.

Because the thieves were so bad, they forced the cannon fodder to attack the white infantry phalanx with sticks, hoes, and rakes. Waves rose again and again, and finally it was the old camp thieves with knives and guns, and some even had armor. The soldiers pounced.

After all, the white-armed soldiers were human, and they used cold weapons, relying entirely on physical strength and formation to fight. After fighting for a whole day and night, they didn't see Deng Qi and Zuo Liangyu's men and horses who came to encircle the bandit soldiers.

They were exhausted by the cannon fodder for several hours, and then they were crushed by the new force of the bandits and suffered heavy casualties.

Seeing that there were more and more bandit soldiers, and his subordinates continued to fall, Zhang Fengyi knew that he could no longer attack and advance, so he could only choose to fight and retreat. In the end, he had to lead the remaining 1000 people into a village called Houjiazhuang to stand by and wait for help.

Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun were furious, they both had intelligence values, and they knew that they must take advantage of this white-armed soldier's isolation and helplessness to encircle and wipe them out.

If you defeat the white soldiers who once gained a great reputation in the bloody battle of building slaves in the Hunhe River, it will encourage the rebels and cause the morale of the Ming army to plummet.

The time node and marching route chosen by Huang Han was to go to Zhangde Mansion in Henan Province. The combat effectiveness of the small bandits encountered along the way was not worth mentioning. Basically, more than a thousand cavalry charged and beat them all, crying for their fathers and mothers. flee.

When passing through Guangping Mansion, Huang Han left Qin Yuyi, Wang Gensheng and other generals and all the infantry to continue marching according to the regulations. He took four cavalry generals to carry seven days of grain and grass, and galloped to Zhangde Mansion with one man and two horses.

Huang Han didn't dare to tell Qin Yuyi that there might be white soldiers led by her sister-in-law Zhang Fengyi ahead, let alone reveal that Zhang Fengyi might be in danger.

He was worried that if Qin Yuyi knew the truth, he would personally lead the troops to charge into the battle regardless. If Qin Yuyi was killed, wouldn't it make him heartbroken?

Therefore, Huang Han took precautions, leaving Qin Yuyi behind with the infantry and soldiers, and led the cavalry to complete the attack himself.

Zhang Yang's cavalry commander is always the vanguard, Sang Yu's commander is always the rear team, and Huang Han, Yuan Siming, and Lu Kaijun are the two commanders in the middle.

Three days after the cavalry set out on the road, it was estimated that they had traveled seven or eight hundred miles. Sang Yu sent scouts to contact them. There was no less than [-] to [-] bandits in front of them. They should be fighting with some Ming army.

At this time, Huang Han didn't care who the rogues were attacking. The principle was that if they encountered rogues, they would fight to death. He ordered the whole army to charge.

Huang Han knew that the fighting power of the rogues in Chongzhen 12 years ago was too poor. Tens of thousands of horses could not withstand the charge of more than [-] cavalry of the Guanning Army led by Cao Wenzhao. He brought more than [-] cavalry armed to the teeth. The land boundary can gallop freely.

The [-] white soldiers surrounded by regiments in Houjiazhuang entered a bitter battle. Fortunately, the bandits had no artillery to attack the fortifications, nor did they have decent siege equipment.

The ladders made by cutting down trees in a hurry are bulky and not strong. Most of the people who are forced to attack the city are refugees who have just been kidnapped, and basically have no combat effectiveness.

This Zhuangzi is a private fortress, with a population of three to four thousand, most of them are members of the Hou clan. Seeing the large number of bandits, they know that once the Tucheng is broken, everything will disappear.

The rogue bandits are brutal and kill without blinking an eye. No one in the Hou family village is lucky.

Because everyone knows that even if the bandits don't kill people, as long as they rob the village of food, everyone will face the plight of starving to death.

Due to this situation, the patriarch personally led people to assist the white soldiers to defend the city, and even women, old people, and half-grown children helped to transport bricks, wood, manure, etc. to the father, brother, and children who fought on the rammed-earth city wall.

More than half of the houses in Zhuangzi were demolished, and the big logs were carried by strong men and thrown down the city to smash the thieves who attacked the city.

Light a fire with small wood and use a big pot to boil gold juice, that is, dung to pour the bandit soldiers. In the end, even the dung is not enough, just boil water and pour it down the city. Fortunately, the bandit soldiers have very few weapons that can be used for long-range attacks. Together with the residents of Houjiazhuang, they actually guarded for three days and three nights.

(End of this chapter)

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