Chapter 504
The patriarch knew that Houjiazhuang was in danger, so he went all out.

Rather than Chuangzi being breached and causing food, chickens, ducks, pigs and sheep to be fed to livestock, it would be better to feed white soldiers and villagers into their stomachs, even if they die in battle, they can be a full ghost.

After fighting for three days and three nights, the soldiers and civilians defending the city were very tired, but no one was hungry, and the young and strong even ate a few bites of meat.

But the rogues outside the city are completely different. Too many people can't even drink two bowls of gruel a day. Only those who charge the city wall with simple ladders can eat a dry meal.

The old bandits among the thieves are also used to bewitching. They yelled loudly and smelled the smell of meat. It was obvious that there was food and pigs and sheep in the village in front of them. If they beat them in, they would not only be able to eat well, but also catch women to vent their anger. .

Many ordinary people who have been coerced for a long time showed hatred, because they were robbed of food and abused their wives and daughters not long ago by this group of goddamn wrecks.

Many thieves who have already participated in burning, killing and looting, and who have tasted the beauty of everyone's beauty, waved their knives and shouted:

"The hero who climbs first can choose the beautiful flower girl first, eat the meat first, and take the gold and silver treasures first, come on, brothers!"

"Go to Zhuangzi to eat dried meat, Zhang Fengyi, have a good time!"

Seeing that Hou Jiazhuang couldn't hold on for long, Wang Jiayun was full of spirits. He laughed loudly and said, "Haha! Miss Guanjia, we have slept before, and I have never tasted the taste of a female general. Brothers, this opportunity is rare, give it to me!"

In order to encourage the peasants who had just been coerced to work hard, Wang Ziyong bewitched: "The first 100 people who rushed to the wall of Houjiazhuang first, one of them will be rewarded with a stone of wheat. It depends on you whether the whole family can eat enough!"

Immediately, many young people started to clamor, and the shouts and killings were earth-shattering. Many farmers who had already fallen into a state of numbness mechanically ran forward with farm tools...

Zhang Fengyi was covered in blood at this time, and there was not even a feather arrow in her quiver. Seeing thousands of refugees and bandits launching a large-scale charge again, she felt powerless.

She smiled miserably and said to Mr. Qian, who had a fourth-rank title called Ma Xianghe beside her, "Ma's signature, I beg you for one thing."

"You are welcome, general, we are a family, so please tell us anything!"

Zhang Fengyi resolutely said: "When the city is broken, if I am not killed in battle but seriously injured, I must ask you to give me a shot. The remaining dozen or so guards of the officer must not be captured alive by the bandits. .”

Ma Xianghe is Ma Xianglin's brother in the family, and now he is the fourth-rank lottery de facto chief executive, and his loyalty is impeccable. Hearing this, he fell silent.

He knew that the Houjiazhuang was in dire straits at this time, he held the white wax spear in his hand tightly, his eyes seemed to burst into flames, and he said after a long time: "I'm afraid I won't have the chance to do such a thing, because I will definitely die in front of the general." .”

Zhang Fengyi's personal banner officer is called Zhang Qiuying, who was originally her dowry girl, after hearing the conversation between the Patriarch and Ma Xianghe, she said loudly:
"Don't worry, general, this subordinate has already made an agreement with several sisters, as long as there is one person who can still hold a knife, the bandit soldiers will not let anyone be captured alive."

More than half of the dozens of female guards who had already died said proudly: "We will not be captured by bandits, we are willing to accompany the general to fight to the death."

Ma Xianghe couldn't hold back immediately, he turned his head quickly and didn't want the female soldier to see him bursting into tears. He made up his mind to fight to the death in the next moment, so as not to see the tragic scene of the female soldier committing suicide.

A sad military song with a Sichuan tone came from Houjiazhuang. It was the well-educated Ma Xianghe who took the lead in singing the triumphant song, and then thousands of people sang in unison: "When all are united, the mountains can be shaken. Only loyalty and righteousness are strong. ..."

The white soldiers knew that the last moment was coming, and they were ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the country. In history, they all died in bloody battles...

With the Prophet Huang Han disrupting the situation, how can Zhang Fengyi still die in Houjiazhuang?How can I make those thieves happy?Wang Ziyong, Wang Jiayun and other thieves are seeking their own death!
The reason why Huang Han readily agreed to the emperor to come to Henan to suppress the bandits, and quickly rushed to Houjiazhuang, which is only a few dozen miles away from Zhangde Mansion, was to get the chance to rescue Zhang Fengyi.

Zhangde Mansion is affiliated to Henan Chief Commissioner, but in history, when Zhang Fengyi alone was surrounded by tens of thousands of bandits and attacked Houjiazhuang day and night, Zhangde Mansion did not dare to send a single soldier out of the city to rescue, and sat and watched Zhang Fengyi accompanied by two thousand The white-armed soldiers broke their halberds and sank into the sand.

The current history is about to be rewritten. Just when the bandits were ready to launch a general attack with all their strength, Wang Jiayun and Wang Ziyong, who were watching the battle, found that the north was suddenly in chaos. Many subordinates wished they could have eight legs flee.

It's not that these thieves are stupid and don't know how to deploy sentry horses and ambush troops.

But the iron cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" was too fierce and fast, and the few scouts of the rogues riding bad horses couldn't run away when they encountered the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army".

The red flag is fluttering, the sound of horseshoes is rumbling, and the sound of shouting and killing is earth-shattering!When the knights attacked, they were instructed by Huang Han. The first goal was to kill the bandits and seize the horses. Most of these people were old bandits and the backbone of the bandits.

The second target is to kill the gangsters with armor on their bodies. Those who can get in with the defense must be the leader.

The third goal is to kill bandits with uniform clothes and weapons in their hands. Clothes and weapons can't be evenly distributed among the bandits. Those who get these good things must be habitual bandits. These bandits must have killed many people.

As long as these three kinds of rogues are killed to the point where there is no one left, basically this group of rogues will be wiped out.

Those with hoes, rakes, sickles, and wooden sticks who were dressed in rags were most likely to join the bandits soon after, trying to save their lives as much as possible. These people were estimated to be farmers who had just been coerced into the team of bandits.

There will be no rich people among the gangsters. Even if there are rich people who can survive, the good clothes on their bodies will definitely be taken away by the old gangsters.

Swords and knives will also become the weapons of the old bandits, so those with tattered clothes and no decent weapons in their hands can not be killed, and the old bandits who hide deeply will be killed after they are collected and screened.

Zhang Fengyi was really tired. She commanded the defense of the city for three days and three nights, and only dozed off a few times while closing her clothes at the base of the wall. The thousand white soldiers lost another three hundred, and half of the remaining soldiers were injured. It's not light, it's just gritting your teeth and insisting.

Seven to eight hundred people in Houjiazhuang were killed or seriously injured, but none of the white soldiers or the people of Houjiazhuang thought of giving up.

They are still holding on, they think that it is impossible for the hinterland of Ming Dynasty to let the rogues ravage and no one cares about them, as long as they persevere, there will be officers and troops to rescue the siege.

(End of this chapter)

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