Chapter 505

No one in Houjiazhuang wanted to surrender, and both sides had thousands of deaths and injuries. Everyone knew that if they surrendered at this time, they would not be spared their lives.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the village, Zhang Fengyi hurriedly stood on a high place and looked to the north, only to see smoke and dust billowing, red flags flying, and a group of men and horses rushing towards them.

It was too familiar. Throughout the Ming Dynasty, there would never be such a gorgeously dressed cavalry, and no cavalry would have so many Arabian war horses.

In an instant, Zhang Fengyi burst into tears. She waved a white wax spear and shouted: "Chuan children, folks in Houjiazhuang, the 'Red Banner Army' is here, we are saved!"

When reinforcements finally arrived, hundreds of white-armed soldiers who had survived the catastrophe and the villagers of Houjiazhuang wept bitterly, and the patriarch also burst into tears.

He asked in a trembling voice: "General Zhang, is the 'Red Banner Army' you are talking about the heroic army of General Pingliao who beat the Tartars and Jiannu to the ground?"

Zhang Fengyi said in a loud voice: "It is the 'Red Banner Army' who beat the Tartars and Jiannu into fear. Sichuan boys, whoever can move will count as one who follows me out of the city to kill the enemy and gain military merit!"

Immediately, many white-armed soldiers struggled to get up and wiped away their tears and shouted in unison: "Kill the thief! Kill the thief! Avenge the brothers who died in battle, kill..."

Hou Benzhai, the third son of the patriarch's family, has martial arts skills. He hated the bandits outside the city. Because of the three days of fierce fighting, his second brother and fifth brother were killed. Of course, he had to go out of the city to kill the enemy at this time for revenge.

He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Thousands of bandit soldiers have killed thousands of my people. This feud is irreconcilable. Those folks who can still escape will follow me to kill the bandits!"

Zhang Yang's general has six generals, 330 and six cavalrymen, plus 23 people including town governors, hundred generals, deputy generals, cultural instructors, etc., counting Zhang Yang himself, a total of 360 .

Half of the cavalry of the six general banners are cold-armed cavalry with helmets and armor, and half are hot-armed cavalry and musketeers with only helmets and no armor, wearing mandarin ducks and spring jackets.

The tactics used by the "Red Banner Army" to fight the Tartars and Jiannu were generally cavalry and musketeers shooting, and cold-armed cavalry rushing to kill.

This is because it is difficult to train cold-armed cavalry with cavalry skills, and they cannot keep up with the development needs of the "Red Banner Army".

It is relatively easy for young and middle-aged men with good riding skills to train and use self-generated guns and short guns to kill the enemy. Under normal circumstances, they can go to the battlefield after six months of hard training.

Nowadays, a hundred cavalrymen of the Red Banner Army are all cavalry with cold weapons of the general flag and a cavalry with hot weapons. The two general flags often practice together, and there is no problem with the cooperation.

The hot-armed cavalry did not need to dismount and shoot for a long time. They could decelerate and fire with flat-ended self-generating guns within three hundred steps of the enemy cavalry group. The lead bullets fired were the same whether they hit the enemy cavalry or their horses.

During the cavalry duel, the horses were killed or injured, causing the knights to fall off the horses, and very few of them could survive.

When the hot-armed cavalry empties the self-generated blunderbuss, the cold-armed cavalry accelerates forward. At this time, the enemy cavalry is without exception attacked by bullet rain and beaten into formation. It is obvious that one's own formation is like a wall and pushes over. The enemy cavalry rushed to pieces.

Moreover, the distribution of self-generating short guns to cavalry sergeants has become popular, accounting for more than 20.00% of all cavalry.

They can pull out the two short guns issued at close range and shoot continuously. At least they can effectively fire more than [-] lead bullets, and the killing effect cannot be underestimated.

But today's style of play is completely different. The self-generating guns of the hot weapon light cavalry are still on their backs and they are not used at all.

The reason is simple, the bandits are too weak, and they will fall down as soon as they swing the saber, so there is no need to waste time dismounting and reloading.

What's more, the hot weapon cavalry carried a fully loaded self-generating gun on their backs, which added too much sense of security. If they really found a difficult opponent, they could shoot the enemy at close range and blast the enemy on the spot.

There is no need to worry about misfiring, because the cavalry of the "Red Banner Army" pay attention to cooperation, and they all fight in formations and play group fights.

A self-generated gun can be misfired, and it is impossible for eleven of the small bannermen to misfire together. Moreover, there are still two of them who have been issued short guns, and they can quickly draw the guns and then fire.

Although Zhang Yang's military strength is overwhelming, he loves to learn and is not superstitious about personal bravery. Now he can skillfully fire the self-generated short gun, and can guarantee a headshot within forty steps.

The cavalry musketeers also have Minigunners, accounting for one-tenth of the ratio. Today they can't give full play to their advantage, because they really don't have the time and no need to snipe the bandits. They just rush up and swing their sabers and everything will be fine. Why not be efficient and happy? for.

The mace that Zhang Yang swung was already stained with blood and brains. As he rushed to kill, he yelled, "We are the 'Red Banner Army' who have beaten Jiannu so frightened that we knelt down and surrendered to avoid death. Wherever you go, there will be a reward!"

His subordinate Erlang also shouted: "Official soldiers kill thieves, throw away their weapons and kneel down if they want to survive, the 'Red Flag Army' is a division of benevolence and righteousness, and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

At this time, a young man in a tattered gown pointed to the southwest and shouted loudly: "General, Wang Ziyong, who is called Zijinliang, just threw away his banner and fled to that side. The general brought the students, and the students know the thief."

Zhang Yang didn't dismount, and directly pulled the speaking scholar onto the spare horse, saying: "Hold the horse's neck tightly, try to keep up, and then beat the horse as if flying westward in pursuit."

What is Zijinliang?What does it look like? No one in the "Red Banner Army" knew that the young man must have seen that guy when he said this, so Zhang Yang took him to identify the captives and corpses.

The "Red Banner Army" is famous, and even a small number of the refugees who have just become bandits here have heard of it.

In order to get rid of the crime of thieves, many people began to point out the direction for the army to flee. With the courage of the "Red Banner Army", the oppressed refugees broke out.

Many people wielded sticks, hoes, rakes and other various agricultural tools and directly mixed them in. The bandit soldiers who had swung knives and forced them to be cannon fodder were beaten to blood.

Thousands of hundreds of "Red Banner Army" cavalry are double-riding. The number and quality of the horses are much better than those of most rogue horse thieves. Chasing and killing horse thieves is an established policy. In the past, the horse thieves who ran away when they saw the momentum was not good Sad reminder.

Originally, there were horses that were the pride of the horse thieves, a symbol of their status in the ranks of the rogues, and a prop for them to save their lives. Today, they have become evidence of the death penalty.

Relatively speaking, the quality of the warhorses of the rogue chieftains was much better. After all, they destroyed several county towns and destroyed too many gentry manors. It was not uncommon to capture good horses and even Arabian warhorses.

(End of this chapter)

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