Chapter 506 Instant collapse
The rogue team at this time was even worse than the burglar team 13 years later in Chongzhen. They had not yet formed a political program, and they belonged to the nature of a riot with blindness.

Not even mob politics, it's just a gang of gangsters who make money every day!

The phenomenon of bullying the weak and the big bullying the small is particularly prominent in gangs. Of course, the big boss is the first to enjoy the supplies, food, gold, silver, treasures and even beautiful women.

Good horses must belong to big and small leaders, but these people have been wandering around for a long time, and the horses of course cannot be well taken care of.

The horses of the rogue bandits and the "Red Banner Army" are managed in accordance with the regulations, and the results of the race with the horses carefully raised according to the nutritional formula can be imagined.

Zhang Yang and dozens of knights gradually outperformed most of the "Red Banner Army" cavalry, all of them were non-commissioned officers without exception, and there were more than a dozen warriors among them. Using their combat prowess to beat the fleeing horse thieves was absolutely useless Butcher's knife.

Dozens of non-commissioned officers closely followed the general Zhang Yang and chased them all the way. They didn't even know how many horse thieves they had killed.

It is also impossible to judge whether the leader of the bandits was killed, and he returned to the horse and continued to make up for the omissions until he could no longer see a rider in front of him.

At this time, the cavalry and musketeers basically did not participate in the killing. They were gathering the horses, collecting the bodies of the horse thieves who were killed, and adding sabers to those who were not dead or pretended to be dead.

In fact, when they turn back and kill again, even Zhang Yang and the others are not easy to find a target, there are people kneeling and begging for mercy everywhere, all of them are covered in mud and dirty with empty hands, and it is impossible to tell who is the old man bandit.

Therefore, only a small number of rogues wearing armor were unlucky. They had their heads chopped off when they knelt down and raised their empty hands.

On the contrary, many refugees actually cheered and shouted: "Good kill! Dog thief, you have today!"

There were also refugees pointing to a few people who were kneeling aside and wished they could tuck their heads into their crotches and said loudly: "Masters of the officers and soldiers, those few are also bandits. They have already killed countless people and harmed many good women."

Immediately, the bandits who had knelt down and surrendered were like frightened rabbits, jumping up and running wildly, and many refugees who had been emboldened by the Ming army rushed forward one after another. They screamed again and again, and soon the bandits were beaten to death by the vengeful refugees. Regret to come to this world for a while.

Huang Han led four warriors to symbolically charge along the official road for a while, but he couldn't arouse his interest at all.

Because more than [-]% of the bandit soldiers are Han Chinese, it is meaningless to kill more.

The four warriors were not very active either. The military achievements they could obtain by killing the bandits were too limited. They already had the rank of warriors, so there was basically no room for promotion, and even some heads could not be exchanged for a few taels of silver.

Originally, Huang Han should have ten personal guards. The third brother Huang Yi did not join the army because he was going to Yongping Mansion to take part in the government examination. Yang Xiaochui and Gu Jixiang would not take them to the battlefield until they were 15 years old.

Wang Xuan, Shen Youlue, and Lin Shunwen have not been riding horses for a long time, and their riding skills need to be improved. Taking them galloping may cause accidents, so the five young guards stayed by Qin Yuyi's side to listen.

Huang Han strictly ordered his subordinates not to kill indiscriminately during the civil war, and he was unwilling to let the "Red Banner Army" kill too many Han people for head rewards.

Besides, the officers and men of the "Red Banner Army" all knew the actual situation. The military merit reward given by the imperial court should be five taels of silver for the head of a bandit, but the phenomenon of gossip is too serious.

This is not entirely to blame the officials who verify military achievements.

One is because there are so many rogues, the imperial court simply cannot afford to give out too many head rewards.

The second is because the rogues and the refugees cannot be distinguished, and the black-hearted Ming army deliberately killed the good and pretended to be meritorious, so it is really not easy to count as a first-level gain.

When he left the capital, Huang Han announced the standard of nuclear power. Only horse thieves and bandit soldiers with armor and weapons were captured, and the rest were mainly captured. Being investigated for indiscriminate killing.

Gu Kui and the others knew their own virtues, worried that they would not be able to hold back if they were so aggressive, and would get a bad name for indiscriminate killing, so they honestly stayed by the Patriarch's side to protect them.

Of course, Zhang Yang, Yuan Siming, Sang Yu, Lu Kaijun and other cavalry generals could not only care about themselves and disregard the safety of the Patriarch.

They each drew young musketeer cavalry to form a general banner and handed it over to four warriors for temporary command.

The purpose is naturally to increase the number of guards around the Patriarch, and it is also an opportunity for these educated young cavalry to be trained by the Patriarch himself.

The camp of Wang Ziyong and the two thieves was in a village called Xiaohouzhuang, five miles southwest of Houjiazhuang. At this time, all the minions scattered. When Huang Han came here, he found some ragged people poking around.

There were many unkempt and disheveled women crying in the camp. It was obvious that these women were the trophies of the rogues, their tools to vent their desires, and they might even become food for the bandits.

The old thieves are basically not human beings. Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong, Liu Zongmin, Tian Jianxiu, etc. are all inhuman animals.

It's not to slander the positive image deliberately set up by some people who confuse black and white, but Li Zicheng, a foreign thief, and Liu Zongmin, Tian Jianxiu, Liu Fangliang, Hao Yaoqi and other thieves are extremely selfish.

According to historical records, in the 13th year of Chongzhen, the Ming army besieged Shangluo from four directions. Li Zicheng, Liu Zongmin and others broke through to Yunxi.

Under such circumstances, Liu Zongmin actually killed his second wife and burned the luggage in order to escape for his own life. The generals under the thief's command followed suit and killed his own woman Qingqi to break through.

Fortunately, these thieves did not win the country. In fact, they are more evil than the murderous Jiannu. They even kill their wives for their own lives. It is not uncommon to kill those women who stay around for lust and eat meat when they are hungry.

The thieves collapsed in an instant when they encountered a surprise attack and had no time to react, so they had no time to come to the camp to take gold and silver treasures and kill women.

Most of the rogues set up their camps took the old battalion's henchman cavalry in the center, the bandits with weapons on the periphery, and the refugees who were coerced on the outside.Although they are three camps, in fact, only the camp in the middle has some appearance.

The surrounding area is surrounded by huts and burrows. There are all kinds of materials used to build these temporary camps for shelter from the wind and rain. Not only are they dirty and messy, they are also smelly. Many refugees don’t even have huts and burrows. The children huddled together until dawn.

Fortunately, the land in Henan was severely drought-stricken, and there was basically no rain during this period. If it rained continuously in spring for three to five days, it is estimated that the bandits would lose more than half of their staff due to illness.

Even so, there are still many hungry and cold refugees who die at night every day. Most of them are old people and children.

(End of this chapter)

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