The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 507 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 507 Victory in the First Battle
It's too easy to coerce ordinary people. The bandit leader actually didn't take these people seriously. He only sent a small number of people to regularly patrol the outer camps to prevent them from escaping. The guards were very lax.

But most of the refugees lost the idea of ​​fleeing, because the bandits were so bad, all the food was transported into the central camp and controlled in their hands.

The hungry people on the outskirts rashly ran out with their families and their mouths. If their legs were weak from hunger, they would not be able to run very far, and they might starve to death in the wilderness.

Staying here with the thieves can still get a few taels of food distribution every day, and it is still possible to find some wild vegetables and bark to eat together and temporarily hang your life.

If the refugees volunteered to sign up to be the vanguard or to attack the cities and villages, not only would they be able to fill their stomachs, but they would also get a few catties of grain for the whole family to eat.

Gu Kui and Lei Mingchun hadn't entered the camp where the thieves lived, but they saw a mess from a distance, a lot of gold, silver and treasures were scattered on the ground, and thousands of shivering women knelt down.

The four of them immediately ordered the young hot weapon cavalry to organize the young and strong refugees to collect the confiscations, clean up the battlefield, and kindly asked the women kneeling on the ground to stand up.

It feels really good to save people in distress. Yan Congyou and He Yongqing feel good at this moment.

The four warriors told the trembling women that they were saved, as long as they followed the "Red Banner Army" they would not be bullied by anyone from now on.

They were ordered to set up a big pot and take out grain to cook porridge for everyone to eat together. Today, each of them was given two big bowls of gruel.

The work of collecting spoils to appease the common people has already formed a routine. The teenagers often did it when they were apprentices. They immediately started to publicize, ensuring that the refugees who followed the work would have enough food and bring a few catties of food to their wives and children.

If it is found that the person who hides the property is killed on the spot, if someone reports the person who hides the property, the whistleblower can get a one-time reward of three buckets of wheat.

This kind of publicity has obvious effects. In the troubled times of the late Ming Dynasty where cooking cakes could lead to murders, and in Henan, where people eat and kill people, three buckets of wheat are enough to attract people's attention.

With mutual supervision and reporting, and breaking up the fellow villagers in groups as much as possible, the management of the teenagers is relatively much easier.

At the beginning of concentrating gold and silver treasures, food, and cloth, Gu Kui and the others each killed two or three refugees who had lost their minds because of their wealth. Without exception, these people secretly hid gold and jewelry.

Under the bloody high pressure and the possibility of being reported by those who worked together, the hands and feet of the organized thousand refugees were much cleaner.

After that, everyone got two bowls of multigrain porridge to drink, and they immediately became much more efficient when working.

The rescued women ate hot porridge, saw that no one in the Ming army glanced at them lewdly, and felt that this pupa was different. Occupied houses.

The young musketeers began to ask the women if they could read and write, and encouraged them to sign up to record and count the seizures. When they learned that they could write and did not need to do rough work, there were more than a hundred careful women sorting the property. summary.

There are also some women who are ashamed. They may belong to the existence that wants to commit suicide but can’t do it. They think that they have lost their chastity after being insulted by the bandits, and they don’t want to live anymore.

If the original residents of Xiaohouzhuang hadn't fled to Houjiazhuang, they would have been killed by bandits, or they were cannon fodder who participated in the attack on Houjiazhuang.

The bandits are very vicious, and when they attack a certain city first, they will drive the common people who are coerced nearby to charge.

Xiaohouzhuang seems to be the base camp of [-] to [-] refugees and bandits headed by Wang Ziyong, Wang Jiayun and other bandit bones. Some fortifications have been done around it, at least fences and wooden barriers are used to separate it from the surrounding area.

Due to the increasing number of captives to be guarded, many cavalry had to give up the pursuit and escort a large group of captives to the camp.

Here is a plain, stretching as far as the eye can see, it is really not easy for the rogues to escape, because the horses of the "Red Banner Army" are all well-selected horses, including many Arabian horses.

The four generals spread a large net to encircle and drive away with the general banner as a unit. Unless some of the bandit soldiers who escaped into the forest could escape the search, the rest began to gather honestly.

A few thieves and dozens of gangsters were unlucky, because their helmets and armor were more suitable for the knights of the "Red Banner Army", so they were taken care of and killed by whom.

It was only when the corpses were collected and identified that they were dragged out and piled up with the corpses of the big bosses with names.

After being identified one by one by the common people who actively signed up to clean up the battlefield, the corpses of the rogue leaders were selected and gathered together. When the corpses of Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun were delivered, they were identified by many people and confirmed.

The first battle was won, but the top and bottom of the "Red Banner Army" were not happy. Most of them were heavy-hearted and thinking.

Because they have seen the real situation of the rogues, and know that more than half of these people were peaceful farmers a few months or even a few days ago.

After the rogues destroyed their homes, they had to join the rogue team and follow them to all the places where the disasters passed. They described their numbness by mourning their misfortunes and angering them without fighting.

Usually, the patriarch often teaches the soldiers to have a sense of responsibility, mission, and honor. After this battle, most of the young soldiers fully understood the purpose of the patriarch's announcement to kill only real bandits.

The "Red Banner Army" entered the mainland to counter the rebellion not to kill, but to save, but this is just the beginning. There are so many men, women and children facing starvation, how many more will there be next?
With the ability of the "Red Banner Army" family, how can it be possible to solve the livelihood of countless hungry people?
The refugees were really miserable, lacking food and clothing, and they cleaned the battlefield really thoroughly, not even leaving a piece of cloth for the dead.

In order to prevent the rotting corpses from breaking out, the refugees have dug more than a dozen deep pits to bury the dead. This area used to be the area where tunnel warfare was developed during the War of Resistance Against Japan.

Two or three thousand bandit soldiers were killed, and nearly 3 people were captured, including seven or eight thousand young and middle-aged men.

The number of rogues who died in the attack on Houjiazhuang was about [-], and most of them were young and middle-aged men. It is estimated that no more than [-]% of them were old thieves, and most of them were ordinary people in the vicinity.

The grain captured was pitifully small, less than two thousand shi.

The [-] to [-] refugees and bandits only had such a small amount of food in total, and they couldn't last for a few days without eating.

According to the ration of the "Red Banner Army", 4 people would need to consume [-] shi of grain a day, not including the consumption of poultry eggs and canned fish products.

(End of this chapter)

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