Chapter 510

The nearly [-] refugees who were captured did not need to be given the right to choose. They were directly screened by young musketeers and killed the old bandits. The rest were all sent to Tianjin Wei and sent to western Liaoning for labor reform for three to ten years.

After serving their sentences, they will be given the treatment of villagers and allocated acres of land. Those who do not do reform through labor will have their sentences extended, and those who are active will be able to shorten the time for reform.

Three days later, Qin Yuyi rushed to Houjiazhuang with the infantry, met her sister-in-law, learned of the bloody battle in Houjiazhuang, Qin Yuyi was terrified, and actually complained to Huang Han.

Zhang Fengyi didn't know about her sister-in-law's character. From Huang Han's arrangement, she felt the man's love for Qin Yuyi.

Qin Yuyi was scolded by her sister-in-law, and understood her husband's intentions, and apologized to Huang Han shyly, hating herself for being reckless and not using her brain.

Huang Han did not explain to Qin Yuyi and Zhang Fengyi why he happened to meet white soldiers in Houjiazhuang and was besieged by tens of thousands of bandits.

Because this question is unclear, we can only pretend that it was purely accidental, exaggerating that the "Red Banner Army" and the white-armed soldiers may be in the same spirit and have God's blessing in the dark.

People in this era believe that there are gods looking up three feet, and Zhang Fengyi is no exception.

She was deeply moved, thinking that Zhangde Mansion, which was close at hand, did not send a single soldier, and Deng Qi, who was also from the Sichuan Army, did not come to rescue.

And the "Red Banner Army" who was confronting Jiannu in Liaodong was accidentally sent by the emperor to send some troops to Henan to suppress the bandits, and by mistake, they killed them in time at the moment when she felt exhausted and ready to serve the country.

It is obviously unreasonable to use Huang Han's sentence "purely accidental" to explain such a situation. It should be God's will and divine help.

On the fourth day after the battle of Houjiazhuang, another [-] wounded were sent to the camp for stitches, bandages and medicines. Many refugees who had just been forced to become bandits dared not say anything even though they were injured, for fear that the Ming army would ask how they were injured.

Most of these people were injured when they charged the wall of Houjiazhuang Village with their ladders, and some of them were hit when they fled.

Later they found out that this Ming army was very kind and reasonable, and they would be lenient to those who had just been coerced as long as they had not committed the crime of intentional homicide.

If you confess, you will be lenient. If there is no bloody case, let the past go. If you report the rogues who participated in the burning, killing and looting, you will be given food rewards and credit will be recorded.

Many people took the initiative to explain what they had been doing these days when they were coerced by the rogues. The careful young soldiers found that many vagrants were obviously bleeding but still resisted, and ordered them to enter the camp for treatment.

After several days of uninterrupted publicity, many women who wanted to die gave up.

Because they were provoked by the hatred in their hearts by the female soldiers of the "Red Banner Army", they decided to work for the "Red Banner Army" and strive to be selected as female soldiers to kill the bandits to avenge their shame and revenge.

More than half of the female soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were taken away by the Tartars and Jiannu to be tortured outside the customs, and they sympathized with each other. With the female soldiers headed by Liu Xiaomei doing ideological work, and then portraying the prospect of following the Marquis of Dongping, life The unthinkable women were certainly inspired.

Liu Xiaomei is the younger sister of Liu Zaiqi. Four years after Chongzhen captured Fuzhou, she was rescued by the "Red Banner Army". The siblings were reunited. After more than a year, the little girl's withered and yellow hair has regained its luster.

After being exceptionally accepted as a female soldier, she never slackened in practicing literature and martial arts every day. Now she has become a female soldier corporal. This is not the result of deliberate care, but earned through her own efforts.

Liu Xiaomei loves the group "Red Banner Army" to the point of fanaticism, and every time her passionate speech can arouse the resonance of the devastated women.

Zhang Fengyi and Qin Yuyi each selected dozens of women to start training for the sake of daughters.

The "Red Banner Army" took in 28 new female soldiers. Liu Xiaomei, a group of female soldiers, became a small banner officer and a corps leader respectively. Liu Xiaomei, a small banner officer who had just been promoted, temporarily took care of three recruits and 33 female soldiers in a small banner.

Liu Zaiqi also left eleven women who could not become female soldiers due to bound feet, led by Cui Jinlan and Chen Xiangmu, to join the propaganda team. They were all women who could read and write.

Liu Dashou's medical soldiers recruited the most literate women, a total of 100, and they were going to be trained as handymen similar to nurses.

There were quite a few women with bound feet in the Ming Dynasty, but most of them were noble ladies, and most of the peasant women had natural feet.

The eleven little-footed women's propaganda team members are all good-looking and able to read and write. After allocating uniform uniforms to these women under the age of 20, they became a scene in Xiaohouzhuang.

Because of their good family education and good etiquette, they use soft voices and adopt the method of heart-to-heart to publicize to women, and the effect is not impressive to men.

At the same time, the avenging refugees are still trying their best to find the thieves who have harmed their relatives. They come to the rescue camp to identify the injured one by one.

Of the 200 to 3 wounded and sick who have been treated, more than [-] were identified as participating in the massacre and rape.

Killing people every day these days, not only killing the wounded bandit soldiers who committed serious crimes such as killing ordinary people and raping women, but dozens or even two or three hundred bandit soldiers who were screened out would be beheaded in public at noon every day.

Many thieves were beheaded in front of their wives, children and parents, and it was inevitable to beg and cry bitterly. However, the thieves sentenced to beheaded were murderers who owed at least three lives or had raped and murdered women, so they could not be pardoned.

The bloody case of committing three lives does not include killing on the battlefield, but intentional killing when robbing houses.

When counting their crimes in detail, their parents were too ashamed to contain themselves. Huang Han did not adopt the criminal law of continuous sitting, and sent the family who was sentenced to death as a bandit soldier to reclamation in the West Liao Corridor.

Huang Han was not afraid of these people's resentment at all. This was not a private pursuit of wanton killing, but law enforcement on behalf of the country and the government, and a public judgment was made.

Evil does not overwhelm righteousness, how can we govern the country and the people without laws?As long as you grasp the principle of safeguarding the interests of the majority, you will feel at ease.

Killed more than 1000 people, but failed to kill all the bandit soldiers who committed the bloody crimes. There were more than 2000 bandit soldiers who did not commit rape and murder. .

Since more than 1000 people were killed before, most of the more than 2000 bandit soldiers who committed the bloody crime thought that the time limit was approaching. After finally getting the sentence of labor reform, dozens of them fainted from joy on the spot.

Their little ones knelt down and kowtowed like garlic, and everyone shouted to thank Dongpinghou for his kindness.

Another seven days have passed, and the chaotic Houjiazhuang has now returned to tranquility. Three days ago, the refugees, led by Zhang Yang, led a cavalry guard and set foot on the road to Tianjin Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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