Chapter 511
The horse thieves in the team of nearly [-] rogue bandits were the focus of the attack, and they basically failed to escape. Even Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun died in the scuffle.

The "Red Banner Army" captured nearly [-] horses, of which [-] could barely be counted as war horses, and there were actually more than [-] Arabian war horses.

These horses may be owned by Ming officials or big landlords. In the end, not only good horses are reserved for thieves to ride, but wives and concubines are probably no exception.

In order to allow the [-] refugees to travel faster, all the seized carts were used, and all the carriages in Houjiazhuang were also borrowed, so that the elderly, weak, women and children could sit in the carriage without having to stumble.

Huang Han is already preparing to ship two thousand steel wheels to replace the wooden wheels of the cart to increase durability and load capacity. The wheels in the system have been upgraded to use bearings.

The steel wheels and the cowhide tires filled with cork, hemp, etc., have brought the quality of the carriage to a higher level. Because the cowhide used as the tire, including the cork used as the filler, has been soaked in tung oil, it can meet some waterproof and anti-corrosion requirements. .

Crossing the Yellow River and entering the interior of Henan will be even drier. There should be no inland rivers to transport grain, and horse-drawn carts will become the main means of transportation.

For transportation in the plains, the capacity and speed of the wheelbarrow is far behind the two-wheeled carriage, and the gap is even greater compared with the four-wheeled carriage that will be assembled.

Because the four-wheeled carriage makes the horses pulling the cart do not need to generate load but only form pulling force, not only the horse is much more comfortable, but also the efficiency is doubled.

However, four-wheeled carriages have higher requirements for road conditions than two-wheeled carriages. Most of the mainland of Henan is flat, and the original official roads are relatively easy to travel. Now that they are suffering from drought, the road conditions are even better.

The vast majority of roads in ancient times were dirt roads, and official roads should be paved with processed concrete. The building material widely used in the Ming Dynasty was composed of slaked lime, clay and fine sand. Of course, its water resistance is not as good as that of cement.

Therefore, people at this time are most afraid of rainy weather when traveling. Once there are several cloudy days in a row, the official road will be muddy, not only the wheels will get stuck, but even the horseshoes pulling the cart will get stuck in the mud.

There is no absolute bad thing in the world, even drought has a positive side, at least the hard roads are good for horse-drawn carriages.

The state capital of Henan on the north bank of the Yellow River near Gyeonggi is even more affected by the drought. In addition, many rivers originating from the Taihang Mountains have not yet dried up. Therefore, as long as there are people, they can resist drought and maintain a certain harvest. .

After crossing the Yellow River, you should see the severe drought and starvation in Henan recorded in the history books. If you don’t bring a lot of food with the army, not only will you not be able to save the people, but the army may starve to death if you don’t rob.

Therefore, Huang Han made preparations to go deep into the interior of Henan. The four-wheeled, two-wheeled carriages and wheelbarrows must have the ability to transport [-] shi of grain and [-] shi of horse material at one time.

Fighting rogues without cavalry is basically useless, because even if you win, you will only beat the vagrants who are used as cannon fodder, and the old bandits among the rogues will most likely escape.

Therefore, it is not only necessary to have cavalry, but also to maintain two horses. It is also necessary to ensure that the horses are well-nourished and physically strong. Only in this way can they ensure that they can catch up and fight the bandits and horse thieves, and can also complete the tactics of running and raiding.

Adopting the step-by-step tactics of the inland Ming army basically failed to defeat the old battalion of the rogues, and was completely following the ass of the rogues, wasting time, energy and food.

The "Red Banner Army" is different from the officials and soldiers in the mainland, such as Zuo Liangyu and Chen Hongfan, who don't mind following the rogues. Negotiations ask for gold and silver treasures to fight live battles.

All in all, it will definitely make things worse for the common people who have encountered rogues and then encounter the army, and the already unsustainable life will be even more difficult.

How could Huang Han do this? The "Red Banner Army" still has to play the image of a savior, and they must do everything they can to save people and kill thieves, and the main goal is to kill bandits and horse thieves and seize horses, so a large amount of food and grass is essential!
Among the [-] to [-] captives concentrated in Houjiazhuang, the families who were screened and proved to be thieves for less than three months and had no murders would be granted the status of villagers without serving a sentence, and priority would be given to [-] acres of land for reclamation.

The rogues who had fewer than three homicides and did not participate in the rape and murder were sentenced to reform through labor and entered coal mines, iron mines, and stone mines as coolies. If they performed well, they would enter the steel factory to manipulate manpower and animal power jackhammers.

The meals of the families who are about to become villagers are better than those of those who have been sentenced, because the villagers are free people and citizens.

Having Ding oral labor labor means that the family will have a basic income of six renminbi and five buckets of miscellaneous grains every month. The laborers have no objections, and the emotional stability of the small 1000 people is in a good state of mind. Basically, the people who drove the carriage were gathered together.

When he arrived at Sunliuzhuang, Zhang Yang planned to hire some more handlebars, so that some of the people who were currently driving the car and sentenced to reform through labor boarded and left, and the handlebars would not be enough.

Driving a horse-drawn carriage also requires a certain amount of posture skills, as well as the knowledge of livestock, which is a technical job. Most people have to learn for a month or two before they can barely get on the road, and practice for a year and a half before they can become proficient in driving.

In the Ming Dynasty, the proportion of farmers with large animals was not low. In the year of Chongzhen, life was getting worse every year. As a result, too many families could not afford to raise large animals, but the technology would not be lost after selling the large animals.

Some old men among the refugees happily drove the carriage, waving the whip in the air with a "cracking" sound.

These old men are not considered small when they are old. They heard that driving a car for the "Red Banner Army" for a month can get six qian silver and five buckets of miscellaneous grains. Cui Jinlan waited softly and hard, and demanded this job.

In the end, He Shouxin asked Zhang Yang for instructions and chose three or four hundred people who were in good health and good posture skills to stay in the handlebars for service.

Therefore, in some refugee families, there are two men who serve the "Red Banner Army". Their children will get one tael of silver and one stone of miscellaneous grains a month, and they can eat dry food several times a month, or even three meals a month. .

The power of role models is infinite. Propaganda team members such as He Shouxin and Luo Mingshi constantly encountered refugees who volunteered to recommend themselves, and there were even many bandit soldiers who were sentenced to reform through labor.

Among these people are blacksmiths, carpenters, plasterers, etc., and even craftsmen who process jewelry.

When He Shouxin, Luo Mingshi, etc. completed their personal files, they also wrote down their skills and abilities, so that the town governor who accepted the resettlement could be targeted.

(End of this chapter)

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