Chapter 513 Winged Tiger

Pei Daneng and Zhao Shisan's team consisted of dozens of people, including more than a dozen capable women who had followed Mrs. Li San for a long time to participate in the development of the banner guard, headed by Han Manzhi and Sheng Yuhua.

Immediately after the Houjiazhuang annihilation battle, they selected more than fifty people from among the rogues who had been sentenced to death for observation.

Those who were observed were relatively complete families who had committed bloody crimes with more than three lives. The banner guards did not disturb them, but only arranged the execution time of these people to the last moment.

Kneeling on the ground for several days and watching more than a thousand rogues beheaded one by one for committing crimes such as rape and murder, deliberately setting fire to women and children, and indiscriminate killing of more than three people.

It took several noons to execute the criminals one after another. Not only the rogues who were sentenced to labor reform knelt on the ground to pay for the beheading, but also their families and tens of thousands of refugees.

The scene of bloody human heads rolling is spectacular, laughing at all kinds of beings, some are heartbroken, many are gnashing their teeth, and many are applauding loudly...

Half of the more than fifty rogues included in the watch list were counseled, and they all lost control of their bowels and tears, and there were many wailing and begging for mercy. It can be seen that these people who look powerful and fierce are all from outsiders. Wimpy.

These people are the most despicable scumbags. They laughed when they insulted and killed the weak, and it was their turn to be liquidated one by one. There is no need to keep these wastes—kill without mercy.

There was a gangster named Jin Minghu who was tall and round. When he was beheaded, it was not honest for two people to hold him down. He yelled and demanded to give him a knife first. He admitted that there were at least a dozen bloody cases in his hand, and at most he couldn’t remember them at all. He deserved to die, he just wanted to die quickly and didn't want to be humiliated.

This kid has always felt sad, he has a nickname called "Winged Tiger" Xiaoqi is good at shooting, and he is the only old Henan camp leader under Wang Jiayun's younger brother Wang Jiayun, the godfather of the rebellion.

When Wang Jiayun's men were attacked by cavalry led by Zhang Yang and others, Jin Minghu could choose to run away.

But this guy is a dutiful son, and he doesn't want to leave his parents and the whole family to escape alone.

Last spring, Jin Minghu's hometown was ravaged by bandits. When his family was destroyed and faced with life and death, he took the initiative to follow Wang Jiayun because his family of twenty or so would not be killed by bandits.

Therefore, the originally wealthy Jin family was coerced and turned into refugees. Of course, the family's food was shared by bandits and soldiers. Jin Minghu had no choice but to become a vagrant.

This kid's nickname of "Winged Tiger" was not given to him by thieves. In his hometown, he was famous for his outstanding martial arts skills in bows and horses, and he loved to stand out for the villagers. Small boss treatment.

After becoming a thief, in order to earn more food for the big family, Jin Minghu killed a lot of good people, and the small bosses naturally became big bosses, but he would not disdain to do such evil things as ruining other people's wives and daughters.

It may be because of his rich family and beautiful wife and concubine, it is not that those lowly people will rush up and step on the ground when they see someone who has been looked up to. .

Although Jin Minghu's parents, brothers and sisters survived, they didn't appreciate it, because his family has been farming and studying for generations to know propriety, righteousness and shame, and he saw the crimes of bandits and soldiers with his own eyes.

They found out that Jin Minghu was like a fish in water after being a thief, and became one of the big bosses of the bandits within a few months. Everyone was heartbroken.

In fact, Jin Minghu is really not suitable to be a good citizen. He is brave and tenacious in war, and he kills people without blinking.

Father moaned and sighed all day long, mother burst into tears all day long, his two aunts and seven brothers and sisters ignored him, and even the few children in the family gradually looked down on him because he had seen too many bandits raping and killing women and eating people in broad daylight. The second son.

Jin Minghu was distressed. It was because he fought bravely with the rogues that he made a lot of contributions. The food he took when he participated in the robbery was able to bring back to maintain the survival of the family, so that his relatives would not be reduced to cannibalism.

Wang Jiayun liked Jin Minghu's bravery, so he looked at him differently, and acquiesced in allowing him to keep the robbed food.

The thief thought that as long as Jin Minghu's big family was in the camp, this fierce man would be loyal.

With a leader like Jin Minghu leading the old battalion cavalry to charge into battle, the Allied Forces of the Two Kings were often able to beat the inland officers and soldiers to their knees.

It's a pity that there were still frontier troops in Ming Dynasty, as well as the "Red Banner Army" with great military exploits. The self-righteous brothers Wang Jiayun and Wang Ziyong originally wanted to obscenely wipe out Zhang Fengyi's white soldiers, and deterred the officers and soldiers from raising their prestige in the 36th Battalion. .

When the knights of the "Red Banner Army" rushed and the bandit soldiers collapsed in an instant, Jin Minghu refused to escape alone, and insisted on bringing a large family with him.

He may not be able to rush out alone, is there a chance to bring a large family of more than a dozen people?
The answer is self-evident. When he was about to resist, he was hugged tightly by his father and brothers, and the whole family surrounded him.

The father and relatives could no longer bear the life of being a thief, and hoped that the Ming army would win a complete victory. The whole family refused to let Jin Minghu fight with the army and help the tyrant.

When the young soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" came to gather the refugees, they captured alive Jin Minghu, who had been stripped of his armor and weapons by his family and who did not resist under the gaze of his father.

This kid is a big boss, and more than a hundred bandits accused him of killing innocent people indiscriminately. After being confirmed to have killed more than ten people during the robbery, there was no need for the interrogating teenagers to dig deeper, because the evidence they had was enough to sentence Jin Minghu to death.

Except for Jin Minghu's blood and debts, the rest of the Jin family had no bad deeds. They still had meritorious deeds and were not harmed. When they learned that Jin Minghu had been sentenced to death, Father Jin burst into tears.

He looked up to the sky and sighed deeply: "Killing people pays their lives, it's just right, besides, Er Xiao probably killed dozens of people and was sentenced to beheaded, which is considered a pleasure."

The eldest brother of the Jin family, Jin Mingguang, comforted his crying mother and sister-in-law, saying: "The second brother actually sacrificed himself and saved 27 members of the Jin family. It is a blessing that he was not hacked into pieces by the imperial court, cut in half, or torn apart by cars. The Marquis of Dongping We, the Jin family, should all be grateful to Dade if we didn’t get involved in the Nine Clans.”

The third child, Jin Mingyu, said: "Second brother is forced to do so. If he doesn't kill people and rob food, our whole family will definitely starve to death. It is impossible for us to eat human flesh just to survive."

Mr. Jin said: "As the leader of the bandits, the second son was beheaded by the court and became his father. He had a premonition for a long time. Being a thief is a road of no return, and he will die sooner or later.

Fortunately, Hou Renyi of Dongping did not get involved, and our family was ashamed to go back to our hometown. We decided to obey the arrangement of the "Red Banner Army" and go to farm outside the Guan. "

(End of this chapter)

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