Chapter 514 What a quick knife!

In fact, the old man of the Jin family is not only ashamed to return to his hometown, but the important reason is that his second son killed more than a dozen people while robbing food and was held accountable by the "Red Banner Army". Thousands of military officials killed at least a dozen Ming soldiers.

The Marquis of Dongping can’t represent the law of the Ming Dynasty. The "Red Banner Army" is gone. After the Jin family returns to their hometown, it is very likely that people will report it. start.

Jin Minghu was No.1 who came into the sight of the banner guards. During the subsequent observation, Pei Daneng, Zhao Shisan and other banner guards found that this man was very nervous, and he even cursed when his former accomplice begged and cried the moment before he was beheaded. road:

"You useless thing, beg me! How many people have you killed from Shaanxi to Shanxi and Henan? When it's your turn to be killed, you pretend to be a grandson. What did you do?"
I am a rich man who was forced by you bastards to rob houses without complaining. He lost his head and had a big scar. After 18 years, he will be a good man again! "

The executioner intentionally frightened Jin Minghu, he raised the knife and dropped it, the head of the weeping man rolled directly in front of Jin Minghu, his torso fell straight to Jin Minghu, and the hot blood sprayed Jin Minghu's head and face.

The kid didn't care and shouted loudly: "It's so fast! It's so good! It's so good! Please hurry up tomorrow and ask this brother to give such a good time."

In the end, there was a dramatic change. Those who wanted to be stabbed survived, and those who begged for their lives were stabbed.

Headed by Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong, Deng Linqiao, etc., more than [-] death-row inmates did not pee their pants in fear, did not commit rape and murder, and many thieves from families were extrajudicially favored. They must atone for their crimes.

Why did Huang Han instruct that all rogues who committed the crime of rape and murder should not be forgiven?
That's because Huang Han thought it was justifiable to rob food and kill people in order to survive. Raping and killing women has no direct connection with survival. If they do such a thing, they are not humans but animals. How can they survive?

Under normal circumstances, filial sons produce loyal ministers, and the rogues who can maintain the integrity of the family while mixing among the rogues must be capable and possess force beyond ordinary people.

A man who lives in a team of rogues with more wolves and less meat, and can earn food to keep his parents, wives and children alive, should not be too bad.

With the assistance of the young soldiers, Zhao Shisan, Pei Daneng and others selected hundreds of rogues facing guilty verdicts from about [-] vagrants and rogues, and seven to eight thousand young adults for key selection.

Initially, 57 thieves who were sentenced to beheaded and had more than 28 family members were initially targeted for psychological quality tests. In the end, [-] people including Jin Minghu, Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong, and Deng Linqiao passed the test.

This is a test conducted completely without the knowledge of the parties involved. The banner guards carefully observe their performance at the critical moment of life and death, and are basically able to determine their true temperament.

The "Red Banner Army" system does not implicate the nine clans, but the necessary punishments still exist. The families and children of more than [-] people who were re-sentenced for crimes and meritorious service must write a guarantee to guarantee them.

This means that if these people headed by Jin Minghu betray their family, they will be sentenced, and their parents as the main guarantors will even be executed.

Jin Minghu's father was an old squire who had passed the child birth examination and the government examination and was also a scholar. He was ecstatic when he learned that his son was given the chance to make meritorious service and atone for his crimes by the "Red Banner Army".

He took the initiative to write a guarantee document and asked everyone in the family to put their fingerprints on it. If his son betrayed the "Red Banner Army", he was willing to bring the whole family to lead him to death.

The old man was so happy that he couldn't sleep at night. He didn't know that his son had to follow the thief for himself and for the whole family.

Of course he was willing to be the guarantor for his son, and he believed in his son, knowing that his son would seize this good opportunity of redemption, and betrayal and surrender were absolutely impossible.

The families of the other 27 candidates are also willing to use their lives as guarantees without exception. The feelings are interlinked. Qi Yuguo, Zhang Shouzhong, Deng Linqiao and others are willing to participate in robbery and killing by thieves in order to keep their relatives alive.

Relatives put their lives on the line for their chance to survive.

Jin Minghu learned that his mission was to lead more than twenty thieves with similar experiences to continue the business of occupying mountains and becoming kings, but he wanted to follow the path of "walking the way for the sky" in Shuibo Liangshan, trying not to kill goodness, It is strictly forbidden to rape other people's wives and daughters.

The "Red Banner Army" will send several people to secretly command as military advisers, and jointly develop and grow this team, and will strive for opportunities to join those rebel leaders in Shaanxi in the future.

The ultimate goal is to break into the core layer of the rogue bandits and provide the "Red Banner Army" with the whereabouts of the top rogue bandits, so as to wipe out the old bandits all at once.

This kind of work is uncertain, dangerous and challenging, which is very in line with Jin Minghu's appetite.

What's more, he has already been counted as a person who has died once and has nothing to fear. His worried parents and a large family can get the blessing of the "Red Banner Army" to settle down in Lushunkou, and he has nothing to worry about.

The family will get the fields to cultivate, and the private property of several hundred taels of silver he saved will also be returned. The brothers in the family have the capital to do business, and the future will not be bad.

The food and salary he deserved was paid according to the cavalry treatment of the "Red Banner Army". Every month, he received two taels of silver and five buckets of wheat. When his wife and children arrived at Lushunkou, they could receive it on a monthly basis.

If he is unlucky and dies in battle, whether he died in a battle with bandits or the government army that suppressed bandits, his family and children will be treated as martyrs and will receive pensions.

How could Jin Minghu not agree to such a good thing? He knelt down and swore allegiance to the "Red Banner Army" in front of his parents, wife, children, and brothers.

Not only has he heard of the "Red Banner Army", but he has also seen it now. A strong army with such combat effectiveness is the backing, so why not be able to achieve great things?
Moreover, they will get the secret help of the flag guards, and will not kill because they need to rob a large amount of food to survive.

There will be "Red Banner Army" who will deliberately open the net, and will get reliable information from other officials and troops. I believe that if you fly the banner of "winged tiger" and "walking for the sky", thousands of troops will be drawn in a year or so. .

Many dirty things "Red Banner Army" disdain and can't do, bad reputation is very bad!

In the Taihang Mountains, a group of bandits under the command of the Banner Guards was active, and it was discovered that high-ranking officials and nobles who had malicious intentions against the "Red Banner Army" could completely let the "Winged Tiger" to "do justice for the sky".

(End of this chapter)

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