Chapter 515
If it is found that there are clan-occupied cottages fighting against the "Red Banner Army", these stubborn armed forces will be wiped out by the "Winged Tigers".

As long as this group grasps the two basic principles of not raping and killing women and not engaging in mass murder, other crimes can be turned a blind eye.

Looting food and gold and silver treasures is the main job of bandits, and "walking on behalf of the sky" must survive first to have a chance. This can be done as they please, as long as the brave men master the basic principle of not killing unarmed people.

When the "winged tiger" troops were encircled by the Ming army, they had to kill their blood. This was a last resort and the only way to do this. If they put down their weapons in front of other Ming troops, they would lose their lives in all likelihood.

In fact, the vast majority of the Ming army was not much better than the bandits, so there was no need to be soft-hearted to them. It would be a good choice to scare them into the city, lest they come out to harm the common people and harass the place.

During the development period, the "Winged Tiger" tried not to leave the Taihang Mountain area as much as possible, so as to prevent being surrounded by the army when it came to the Great Plains. In the future, when it joined the big bandits, it would get information from the banner guards in advance.

Being able to relatively accurately know the news of the encirclement and suppression of the Ming army and the deployment loopholes, the "Winged Tiger" can completely abandon the big boss and escape to preserve its strength by adopting the method of dying poor and immortal friends.

Pei Daneng, Sheng Yuhua and the team of more than a dozen people will be responsible for liaising with these people and ensuring that they can get the food and weapons they need to survive.

Due to the injury to the lung lobe during the battle, Pei Daneng couldn't control his cough at all once he started to cough, so he couldn't follow the "Winged Tiger" to start a guerrilla war with his family and move to the dense forest and hills.

His main stronghold is Houjiazhuang, which is not far from the Taihang Mountains and has a good mass base. He will accompany the army or disguise himself as a merchant to communicate with the people in the mountains on a regular basis.

Zhao Shisanhe has become his wife, and Han Manzhi, who is now the leader of the banner guard team, brought a dozen banner guards to follow Jin Minghu into the Taihang Mountains to seek development. These people will become the mainstay of this brave team.

The organization of the flag guards is slightly different from that of the regular army. Five members make up a team, three teams form a group with two team leaders, and three teams form a large group with a team leader, deputy team leader, and teachers, similar to political supervisors. There is one town governor each.

The three groups of flag guards form one team, plus the total number of leaders above the group leader reaches more than 170 people, and the three teams form a military intelligence department with a total of 600 people.

Now Huang Sifang has thirteen banner guards in his hands, and there are more helpers than the number of banner guards. The scope of activities covers half of the northern part of Ming Dynasty.

There are also military intelligence offices in Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, and Henan that are booming, and now they are asked by Huang Han to develop Nanzhili, Fengyang, the central capital, Huguang, Sichuan, Jiangxi, and other regions.

With the support of the flag guards and the funding of food and weapons, the "Winged Tiger" has the Taihang Mountains as its base, and tens of millions of refugees who cannot survive will become the source of soldiers.

There are so many bandits fleeing into the Taihang Mountains, and "winged tigers" have appeared to recruit and surrender. I believe that there will be a distinctive team of bandits active on the Taihang Mountains soon. Their discipline is the same as that of the bandits after Chongzhen 13 years later. It's even worse than it is.

When the time is right, you can put forward the political plan of equalizing the land and exempting taxes before the burglar, clamoring the lie of "not paying food" in advance, and then deliberately contradict yourself and destroy your promise, just to see if the burglar is still alive and can live What should Chongzhen do after 13 years?
He will never pick up the leftovers from "Winged Tiger", or even pick up the ruined ones and continue playing.

This is the superiority of Huang Han coming to the last days of Daming from the perspective of God, deliberately destroying the foundation for the intruders to respond to everyone in the future, so that people in the world can understand the deception of "not paying food".

Jin Minghu and his party of more than [-] people marched westward into the Taihang Mountains, leading more than [-] pack horses and carrying [-] shi of grain.

The standard weapons of the "Red Banner Army" could not be equipped for them. Only Zhao Shisan and his wife carried four self-generated short guns, gunpowder and lead bullets.

Zhao Shisan is now the deputy director of the Shanxi Military Intelligence Department, and the salary of this position is equivalent to that of the "Red Banner Army" deputy chief.

He suffered from sequelae after being injured. He couldn't use his strength in one arm, so he couldn't ride and shoot, so he had to change his career to become a flag guard, but he was able to use the self-generated short gun with ease.

Han Manzhi is in good health but has no martial arts skills. After hard training in shooting, he can skillfully use matchlock guns and self-generated blunderbusses. He can shoot more than [-] steps with Mini guns and can achieve good results of more than eight rings.

It's a pity that this small team can't carry Mini guns, not even the unique self-generating guns of the "Red Banner Army".

Now Han Manzhi is using a Lumi blunderbuss, with two self-generated short blunderbusses wrapped in cloth inserted into his waist. This team has carried a dozen Lumi blunderbusses of decent quality.

Because they were worried about showing their flaws too deliberately, they didn't bring them a good horse even though they had a good horse.

There are only seven war horses in the small team of "Winged Tiger", which are still middle and low class. The armor they bring is the equipment that originally belonged to the bandits. The armor on Jin Minghu is his original equipment. Jun Qianhu officials were captured.

Not carrying a large number of standard weapons of the "Red Banner Army" does not mean that their combat effectiveness is not good. Among the forty or so people, 18 are good at archery. They selected 36 strong bows of the Ming Army from the captured bows and arrows, and they carried feather arrows. in one thousand.

Jin Minghu is also a strong man of strength. His weapon is a nine-ringed machete weighing [-] jin. He can shoot left and right.
After they walked west for a day, they collected some refugees. In fact, there were hundreds of refugees found along the way. Zhao Shisan mostly looked down on them, because these people were either skinny and weak, or dragging their families. There are more than a dozen people in the mouth, the burden is too heavy.

More than [-] people from more than [-] families became the first batch of minions of the "Winged Tiger" Bandit Armed Forces. These Shanxi people in the Taihang Mountains were obviously strong after being hungry, and basically no old people followed them. There are not many small children.

A knife was distributed to more than [-] young and middle-aged men, and five or six strong hunters were issued with Ming army standard step bows, and then they were asked to wrap their heads with a piece of red cloth, which was similar to Hong Xiuquan's Taiping Army dress , has become the standard image of the "Winged Tiger" department.

They also robbed everyone they met along the way, and found that mountain villages and people also rushed in to search for food and gold and silver.

(End of this chapter)

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