Chapter 516

This group of bandits also advertised that the "winged tigers" were similar to the Liangshan heroes who "walked for the sky", and their purpose was to kill officials and rebel against Zhao'an.

As long as the common people don't resist, they won't kill people, let alone destroy the woman's innocence.

Gradually, there are mountain people and hunters who are willing to follow the benevolent "winged tiger". In a few days, the number of young and middle-aged bandits has reached [-], and the total population has exceeded [-].

On the big flag is a colorful tiger with two wings embroidered by Han Manzhi and the women. The other big flag is of course the flag of the Liangshan hero in the storyteller's mouth, with four crooked characters written "Walk for the sky".

Houjiazhuang is seventy or eighty miles away from Zhangde Mansion, and to the west is the remnant of the Taihang Mountains.

The "Red Banner Army" was well-known outside the Great Wall and in Liaodong. The Jiannu and Tartars were frightened, but when they came to the interior, they were not as famous as Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao, and they were not as prestigious as Hong Chengchou.

The above three people are only capable of fighting civil wars, and they are only dealing with mobs who have just put down their hoes and picked up weapons to rebel.

This is not Huang Han Yelang's arrogance, because Cao Wenzhao's uncle and nephew beat the rogues to flee when they heard that the "big and small Cao" men were coming. They heard that Hong Chengchou's "Hong Shatou" was in charge of Shaanxi and fled to Shanxi and Henan.

However, the "big and small Cao" Chongzhen fought a battle with Jiannu's side teacher in Xuanda for seven years and was defeated. He retreated into the city and never dared to fight again. Hong Chengchou led an army of 10,000+ in Songshan and was almost wiped out by Jiannu. Became a big traitor with a bad reputation for thousands of years.

How can the "Red Banner Army" have no prestige in the mainland? It needs to be famous to make the rogues flee, make the officers and soldiers look up, and make the common people feel like they have seen a great savior!
Huang Han planned to stay in Houjiazhuang for a period of time, trying to find a few more famous gangster leaders to gather and annihilate them all at once, killing the gangsters with fear.

Let the rogues walk around Houjiazhuang within two or three years, and never dare to stroke the beards of the "Red Banner Army".

Houjiazhuang, which has hundreds of soldiers, spends time to build a self-defense force of 2000 people. There are still active "winged tiger" bandits in the mountains, and they are very sure to control this vast area.

Taking advantage of the time when the main force of the "Red Banner Army" is here, the uninterrupted clearance of the nearby bandits and bandits not only stabilizes the place, but also assists the "Winged Tiger" in a disguised form to attack competitors, so that their development can be handy.

After annihilating Wang Ziyong, Wang Jiayun and other thieves' horses, Huang Han wrote a good report on Da Tian Ting.

He also wrote to Xu Guangqi, informing Henan that many wheat fields were destroyed due to the bandits crossing the border, which would directly affect the autumn harvest, and the food shortage problem would become more serious.

I implore Master Xu to use his influence to suggest that the imperial court organize and guide the replanting of potatoes and sweet potatoes. The area trampled by bandits is too large, and millions of people have been affected. The consequences of delaying a season of farming are disastrous.

You Ge Lao Xu Guangqi took the lead, hoping that the imperial court and prefectures and counties at all levels can make a difference.

I just don't know that due to the appearance of Huang Han in Henan, many people survived, Fuxi?Woe?

If the history remains the same, and Ming is still getting weaker and weaker, the thieves can always survive from desperation and become stronger afterward.

One of the burglar's lairs in Henan has more food and tens of millions or even millions of people. Wouldn't this make this alien thief stronger?

Future generations have their own blessings. Huang Han was transferred from Henan, so naturally he couldn't give too much intervention here. It is really hard to predict whether the Henan people who refused to go outside the customs will end up as thieves or become Daming regiments and village braves.

But Huang Han can ensure that the tens of thousands of people who are currently and will be taken away will have enough food and clothing, and can become high-quality soldiers and laborers in agriculture, industry and commerce.

At the same time, Huang Han also sent official letters to the surrounding Zhangde Mansions, Shunde Mansions, Guangping Mansions, Weihui Mansions, Zezhou Mansions, and Lu'an Mansions, informing the state capitals, Bingbei Road, and other officials of the "Red Banner Army" If you come here, you can fight, and you will win the battle. Now you have killed five thousand bandit soldiers.

The Marquis of Dongping issued a notice. The purpose was not to show merit, but to ask officials at all levels to use their brains to resume production after the military disaster and provide food and salaries for the army. However, more than ten days have passed and there is no news. The way we can afford to hide is to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

Guangping Mansion and Shunde Mansion replied to the official document in a grand manner. They refused to provide food and grass to the "Red Banner Army". The reason was well-founded. Tianxiong Army was encircling and annihilating the bandits in Xishan, and they needed to be responsible for the military supplies of Lu Yancha.

Huang Han sneered secretly, no wonder the common people reacted exactly the same when they saw the Ming army as they did when they saw the rogues. The main reason for this was the inaction of the local bureaucrats.

If the "Red Banner Army" didn't bring thousands of wheelbarrows with them, wouldn't they really have to starve at this time for the promise of "starving to death and not looting the people"?

In late April, the sweet potato and potato seeds delivered by Sifang Express have started large-scale seedling cultivation. It should not be a problem to replant hundreds of thousands of acres of damaged wheat seedlings in half a month.

When the "Red Banner Army" led the refugees and the villagers of Houjiazhuang to save themselves, no officials were found to approach Houjiazhuang. Huang Han decided not to let him go.

The availability of food cannot be the reason why the food provided by the local government cannot be obtained. If the tiger does not show its power, won't it be regarded as a sick cat?

There will be more opportunities to fight in the interior in the future. If the soldiers are not given food, or the magistrates and magistrates can get through the customs, won't everyone follow suit?
Huang Han led three cavalrymen straight to Zhangde Mansion. Fortunately, the magistrates, soldiers and generals stationed here were forced by the reputation of the "Red Banner Army" and did not dare to close the city gates to prevent Huang Han from entering the city.

The end of the Ming Dynasty was too chaotic, and the number of guest soldiers’ requests to enter the city was rejected countless times. In the end, the civil servants of the Ministry of Military Affairs of the Daoist Ministry of Military Affairs led troops to enter the city for repairs, but they were all rejected. The land was fed.

The officials of Zhangde Mansion may have a tacit understanding. They really dare to bully the "Red Banner Army" because they know that this army is strictly disciplined and it is impossible to start looting. Willing to give food and grass readily.

It's really kind to be bullied, even if Huang Han is very angry, there is nothing he can do about it. He is not playing tough, but playing hob meat. Huang Han can't beat or kill people. In the end, he finally got three hundred stones of miscellaneous grains.

Huang Han couldn't start robbing without food, but he had some calculations in his heart, and immediately withdrew his troops. During this time, the "Red Banner Army" had thousands of troops stationed in Houjiazhuang and couldn't leave.

(End of this chapter)

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