Chapter 517

Fearing Cao Wenzhao's nephew and Hong Chengchou, hundreds of thousands of vagrants and refugees flocked from Shaanxi and Shaanxi.

They are all locusts, and they must obtain a place that can be ruined to survive, and it is impossible to stop.

Henan is the favorite place of bandits near the Taihang Mountains in the north of the Yellow River. They would continue to flow out of the mountains to the nearby plains to plunder supplies and engulf the population.

It won't be long before the strength of the rogues will skyrocket again, and they will definitely attack the county and state capital next. Naturally, there will be civil servants who can't sit still and choose to give in.

Troubled times have arrived, and force decides everything. Huang Han doesn't need to find scholar-bureaucrats to grind his teeth, he just needs to stand still for a while, and things will be much easier when someone comes to move troops for help.

At the end of the month, a group of unexpected people came to Houjiazhuang. They were Xu Guangqi's housekeeper, Xu Fu, with more than [-] servants and subordinates who had been studying farming with the master, and more than a dozen carts of potatoes and vegetables escorted by Sifang Express' escorts. Sweet potato seedlings.

Huang Han knew that the sooner the seedlings were planted in the field, the easier it would be to survive, so he immediately arranged for people to rush to plant them, and lit the lanterns at night to start night work. The extra four or five hundred acres were used to raise seedlings, ensuring that the requirements for replanting potatoes and sweet potatoes were double-insured.

The political struggle in the capital has temporarily come to an end. With the resignation of the first assistant minister Zhou Yanru, the Donglin Party has suffered a complete defeat.

Although Xu Guangqi is also a member of the Donglin party, he is still one of the elders because he is highly respected and does practical things and does not get involved in party struggles.

Because of Taijiquan every day, there is the official business of compiling and revising the calendar, and the tens of thousands of taels of silver sponsored by Huang Han are used for the research project of replacing nickel-nickel-nickel copper water pipes.

Mr. Xu Ge liked the fifty teenagers Huang Han appointed to participate in the research, and he forgot his own age when working with the teenagers every day.

He greatly appreciated Aitu's active post-disaster reconstruction behavior. He not only played the emperor's call for officials in Henan and Shanxi to follow suit, but also actively organized rice seedlings to send servants and officials to guide planting.

With the attitude of the imperial court and the technicians and subordinates sent by Xu Guangqi, the replanting of potatoes and sweet potatoes will become a political achievement. The officials in the vicinity are actively cooperating. They found that many fiefs belonging to King Lu, King Fu, and King Zhao are also being cultivated. feel strange.

Huang Han is trying his best to get the harvest after autumn. Only in this way can he organize the common people to dredge the river during the dry season. At that time, using grain instead of wages to hire common people will undoubtedly have a good effect of substituting work for relief.

It can make ships with a displacement of [-] tons close to Houjiazhuang to be unloaded at the port, so that the navigation period of the whole line can be extended by ten days and a half months, which will greatly reduce the loss of grain transportation for thousands of miles and save too much labor.

Therefore, Huang Han knew that many acres belonged to the vassal king of the Ming Dynasty, and he didn't mind assigning refugees to cultivate them. The purpose was to increase the total amount of food in the Ming Dynasty, and he didn't mind who owned it.

It is enough to pay the rent and tax for the fields planted by the princes and big landlords. If they dare to ask for prices randomly, Huang Han can give the princes ten thousand five hundred. , There are a series of express regulations on taxes and land rent.

Arbitrary collection of land rent and apportionment can only be done in private, and it also has to be consensual. There is another reason. Shengdou Xiaomin dare not report to the owner when he is squeezed, because he is worried that the land he has been carefully serving will be taken away.

Who is Huang Han afraid of?If he doesn't bully others, he won't be bullied!Within the scope of the court's laws, how much tax and land rent should be paid to princes and scholar-bureaucrats will not be denied, the lion opened his mouth, there is no way!Sue imperial court!

Besides, what happened to the prince?Those princes who couldn't even get out of the fief city when the land was harvested couldn't pick the peaches in person, and they were happy to send a long history, a book, and an eunuch who could accommodate part of the grain or silver as land rent.

What if these people pretend to be powerful?hey-hey! "Winged tiger" can do justice for the sky!

In history, even the loyal general Zhang Fengyi led more than [-] white-armed soldiers to be surrounded and wiped out by bandits in Houjiazhuang, and the royal guards are nothing.

In the history of the late Ming Dynasty, I have never heard of any royal guards that played a big role in a certain battle against the bandits and slaves. They were basically just putting on airs. Armed can't compare.

Is it possible that these people were beaten by the bandits who came out of the Taihang Mountains?How many people can guess that Huang Han did it?
So many cities were beaten up by bandits in Henan and Shanxi, and so many civil servants and generals died, are they all related to Huang Han?

This is the original intention of Huang Han to have a team dedicated to doing dirty things. Too many people are toasting and not eating fine wine. Huang Han must be a cameo devil when he is an angel.

Relying on the Taihang Mountains, dozens of rogue bandits are constantly attacking nearby prefectures and counties, and have grown to a "winged tiger" department with seven or eight hundred minions trying to survive in the cracks.

In order not to be annexed by some big bandits early, the "Winged Tigers" were hiding from the army while hiding from the bandits. During this time, they took in many mountain people who fled into the depths of the mountain to hide from the soldiers.

There is an essential difference between this group of soldiers and bandits. Try not to coerce the common people who are still farming to join, but selectively take in those who have lost their homes and land. Therefore, the overall quality of the military source is still good, and there are few people who are indiscriminate.

There is a big outbreak of bandits, the situation is very serious, there are endless sentinels all over the place, civil servants and military generals are paying close attention to the whereabouts of the bandits, and they are all praying that the bandits will not come to their territory.

It's a pity that things backfired. A large number of bandits and refugees were frightened by "big and small Cao" and "Hong Shatou". They fled Shaanxi and crossed the Taihang Mountains to the border of Shanxi and Henan provinces.

The cities in the two provinces were continuously surrounded and attacked by rogues. If hundreds of thousands of rogues descended from the mountains and came to the plains, the consequences would be disastrous.

The literati and bureaucrats who were huddled in the prefectures and counties within [-] miles from the east and south of Taihang couldn't sit still, and completely changed their faces. They all thought of Dongping Hou, and thought of the "Red Banner Army" who must win battles and conquer.

At the beginning of May, the civilian and military generals near Taihang Mountain were like frightened rabbits. They all hoped that there would be more soldiers in the city they were stationed in, and they would no longer care about the need for food to support soldiers.

Raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a while has to be done for a while, and now it is simply a current situation. The civil servants and the landlords and squires are holding each other temporarily.

Officials such as the magistrate and Bingbeidao of Zhangde Mansion were escorted by hundreds of people to Houjiazhuang to ask to see Dongping Hou, accompanied by several officials such as the general judge of Lu'an Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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