Chapter 519
The herd mentality of the Han people is the most serious. As long as there is a responsible leader, a group of sheep may often burst into lion-like fighting power.

Xu Zhixian spent all his family resources to pay the young and strong, which is equivalent to breaking the family for the country. Inspired by him, the big families in the county town contributed money, food and people one after another, and soon there were three thousand and hundreds of urban and rural braves.

Xu Mingyang led thousands of young and middle-aged men to take advantage of the abundance of stones in Pingshun County, day and night to transport stones into the city and move them to the top of the city as the main defensive weapon.

All the carpenters are involved in building trebuchets. They don't demand a long range, and they don't mind the difficulty of launching boulders. As long as they can throw a stone weighing [-] to [-] catties for [-] to [-] steps, it will be enough to make a big difference.

The thieves may find that Pingshun County is too poor, and the food that can be plundered cannot keep up with the consumption speed, so the Eight Great Kings, Four Heavenly Kings, Lone Wolf, Chuang Tac Tian and other thieves took more than half of them to the northeast to kill. It may be that they are preparing to support the accomplices who entered the vicinity of Xishan.

Leave Pingshun County to Ma Wangye, Hun Tianfei, Kaishan Harrier, Yipiao Mao and other thieves.

Although the total number of bandits on this road reached [-] to [-], there were actually less than [-] thieves, less than [-] horse thieves, and no more than [-] old horse thieves with real horses.

When Kai Shanyao and other thieves arrived, they didn't surround the county. They also knew that besieging the Three Ques and One Void Survival Road would break the determination of the soldiers and civilians defending the city.

Xu Mingyang looked at the camp of the bandits from the top of the city, and he was very worried. He had told his wife and daughter that the soldiers were in danger, and that the Pingshun County defenders would be hard to defend if the city was broken. If the bandits broke the city, he would die in battle or commit suicide.

In history, Xu Mingyang was wounded and captured after the county was breached. He still yelled at the bandits, and was finally tortured by the bandits and died tragically. His wife and two daughters who followed him hanged themselves in the back of the county.

The big leaders of the rogue bandits didn't pay much attention to Pingshun City, and they all drank and played with women in the camp. The gangsters drove the newly kidnapped people to make some crude ladders in order to drive away the vagrants and attack the city.

There was nothing fancy, and there was no basic formation. Tens of thousands of rogues and refugees approached Pingshun County with excitement, empty eyes, or helplessness. The mess was mixed with children crying and women screaming.

The thieves mistakenly thought that Pingshun County could be captured in one day, but who knew that the mountain people were not afraid of death, and threw stones accurately and ruthlessly. Put up the city wall.

No one can throw stones over ten catties at a long distance, basically it is less than five catties, which is the weight of most of the later generations of bricks.

These stones were thrown down from a high place, and nine out of ten people were injured. To kill the rogue, it was possible to hit the head directly. Therefore, the vagrants who were forced to attack the city had many injuries and not too many dead.

The thieves had no choice but to collect door panels and tables for the refugees to carry close to the city.

However, they were attacked by big stones thrown by trebuchets, and they were beaten to death. Sixty to seventy thousand bandits were unable to attack the city after fighting for a whole day.

Heavy losses were incurred, and several bandit chieftains became angry. They declared that they would destroy the county town and kill all the women in the county magistrate's family.

On the second day, the rogues refused to leave a way out, and adopted tactics of encircling and besieging.

The few archers and musketeers among the rogues were all dispatched, and the siege battle began to become fierce, with heavy casualties among the defending soldiers and civilians.

The soldiers and civilians in the city knew the dangers, and they really went forward. In the next two days of offensive and defensive battles, the bandits rushed to the top of the city and were beaten down many times. There are seven or eight thousand.

On May [-]th, four days and four nights had passed since the fierce battle in Pingshun County, and both sides were extremely tired.

The rogues didn't take advantage of the thin moon and stars to launch night battles. It is possible that the old thieves were licking their wounds in the camp.

There was no crying in Pingshun County, because the people in the city no longer grieved over the death of their loved ones. They silently took all the weapons they could find and prepared to catch up with their loved ones waiting by the Naihe Bridge in the next battle.

Xu Mingyang, the county magistrate, was drenched in blood. He, a civil official, actually chopped down two refugees who had climbed up to the top of the city with his own hands, which shows that Pingshun City is already at the end of its strength.

His wife and daughter, including the servants in the mansion, were trying their best to bandage the wounded. Seeing that the magistrate's family came to fight, the defenders had no complaints, and most of them were full of pride.

Xu Mingyang has read the books of sages and sages, Confucius said that he is benevolent, and Meng said that it is his duty to sacrifice his life for the country for righteousness, but seeing his two daughters who are 16 and 14 years old, Xu Mingyang is often heartbroken.

The whole family didn't go back to the back house of the county government office at night. They snuggled together under the city wall like all the city defenders. Xu Mingyang, his wife and daughter were relatively silent, feeling each other's warmth, and yearning for the beautiful world...

That afternoon, the vanguard of the "Red Banner Army" finally arrived at a village called Nanmenyu, more than ten miles south of Pingshun County.

The personnel composition is two cavalry generals, three infantry generals, a total of 800 soldiers, all regular soldiers, and all the standard wheelbarrows for infantry are reserved for the main force.

The main generals of this puny army are Zhao Kun, Sang Yu and other five in-service generals. They immediately used binoculars to observe the situation of Pingshun's offensive and defensive battles from different directions, and found that although there are many rogues, their attacks are chaotic. It seems that they can't win the city today. .

They gave up the original plan to cover up and kill the rogues from behind when the rogues attacked the city. This was because they only wanted to defeat the rogues, and there would not be too many casualties and captures. There is simply no way to complete the hunt.

Pingshun City is still there, so launching an attack a few hours later is harmless and will bring the main force closer to the battlefield.

After negotiating with Yuan Siming, Zhao Kun, and Liu Sihai, Sang Yu believed that the spread of the rogue bandits was too large, and even if the main force arrived, they would not be able to complete the encirclement and suppression with 8000 to [-] people.

Because the common people did not have fish, meat, poultry, eggs, etc. to eat, too many people suffered from night blindness, and more than half of them could not see at night. One of the main dishes of the "Red Banner Army" was sea fish, so none of the soldiers were night blind.

According to Zhao Kun and Sang Yu's judgment, it is very likely that the rogues with such poor discipline will be attacked rashly at night and erupt into a camp roar. Even if there is no camp roar, a large group of blind men are still lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

When more than [-] interns, the chief, the deputy chief, the town governor, and the cultural instructor formulated the night attack plan, there was good news. Winged Tiger" department.

(End of this chapter)

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