Chapter 520
After being notified, Jin Minghu, who was highly motivated, personally brought a dozen horse bandits and followed military adviser Zhao Shisan to meet the advance team leader Zhao Kun.

Because of the need to cooperate to avoid accidental injury, Zhao Kun, Sang Yu, etc., all the senior generals above the commander-in-chief know Jin Minghu and Zhao Shisan and other important figures.

During this period of time, 10,000+ bandits crossed the border, causing 800 of the "Winged Tigers" to hide in Tibet, which made Jin Minghu very upset.

He was inexplicably excited when he found that the "Red Banner Army" had finally made a move. After reporting the general situation of the thieves, the "Winged Tiger" department was given a specific task.

Jin Minghu immediately returned to the mountainous area in the west of Pingshun County and led his troops to set up an ambush on the official road. At that time, many horse thieves and thieves would flee westward along the official road. At this time, the horses and equipment would be captured, and many thieves would surely be recruited. soldier.

After sending Jin Minghu away, Zhao Kun immediately arranged for scouts to quickly report the general number of rogues, their equipment, and their deployment to the main force, and informed the collective decision of the night raid.

The "Red Banner Army" fought in accordance with the regulations and gave full play to the superiority of the collective.

There are five chief officials in each general to perform their respective duties. The chief military officer is a principal and two deputies. There are also instructors in charge of cultural, political and ideological education.

When formulating an action plan, it cannot be decided with a single word. It must be approved by half of the five-member group. The night attack plan formulated by Zhao Kun and Sang Yu is legal if it is approved by all, so it only needs to be notified. The main force cooperates immediately.

Huang Han clearly knew that collective efforts would affect efficiency, but he insisted on leading troops in this way. The main purpose was to guard against the warlordization of the "Red Banner Army" at all times.

There is another great advantage of teamwork. Outstanding generals may not appear, but every general has the ability to think independently, making generals with middle and upper command levels everywhere.

Huang Han believed that in the "Red Banner Army", it was enough for him, the prophet, to have the power, charm and charm to make a decisive decision, and it would be great if the other generals could complete the mission without compromise.

After receiving the notification from the vanguard, he knew that the undisciplined rogues would not be able to bear the night attack of the regular army, and it was inevitable that the rogue central camp would be knocked down.

There are many advantages to launching a surprise attack at night. At least the old rogue thief, who is sleepy and staring, has no time to kill the women he is kidnapping when he flees in a panic, nor does he have time to bring much gold and silver treasures.

In order to maximize the benefits, Huang Han left two guards to take care of the supplies, and the rest of the troops spread out as a unit to form a large network that spread for more than [-] miles and rushed to the battlefield.

Of course, this arrangement is to maximize the interception of the rogues and refugees who are scattered in this direction, and to maximize the capture of prisoners.

Among the rogues, the refugees who just came from thieves are basically starving, and the little food they get can only hang their lives. The old thieves are completely different. They eat well, drink spicy food, play with women and live happily.

The same is true for Ma Wangye, Hun Tianfei, Yipiao Mao and other thieves. Not only the smell of wine and meat came from the central camp, but also the groans and pleadings of women.

The rogues and refugees on the outskirts reacted differently. Some people were envious, some hated, and more people were numb.

The rogue troops have basically formed a routine, and they all adopt the method of stationing their confidant cavalry in the central camp, and must be separated from the outer camps. It may be that the bandits are worried that they will suddenly encounter camp screams at night and die inexplicably and kill each other.

The "Red Banner Army" hid at the observation point on the hillside and held binoculars to observe the movement of the rogue camp. There were more than a dozen people.

Before the action, Zhao Kun, Yuan Siming and other generals even quietly approached the camp three miles away from the center of the rogues, and climbed up to peep.

Zijin Liang Wang Ziyong and Wang Jiayun's younger brother Wang Jiayun's troops ranked high in the 36th battalion of rogue troops. They were able to fight head-on and win against more than [-] white soldiers. The iron cavalry was defeated in one charge.

Although Zhao Kun and Sang Yu now have half of the cavalry in their hands, they have nearly [-] more infantry. The infantry, which is less than [-], is more efficient than the cavalry in the case of night raids.

Mini gunners, self-born gunners covering sword and shield players, and spearmen attacking forward can also reduce casualties, and it is easy to defeat these rogues who are not as disciplined as the two kings in one fell swoop.

It was only in the middle of the night that the camp of the rogues gradually quieted down. Those with huts went in to sleep, and those who didn’t even have a hut could only sleep with their families hugging each other. In the middle of the night, even the central camp was crowded It stopped, only the sound of insects and the crackling of the campfire.

The [-] soldiers are full of confidence, and everyone is high-spirited. It is an established tactic to directly attack the rogues' central army, and the speed determines whether they can effectively attack the old battalion of rogues.

On the fourth watch day, five generals of the "Red Banner Army" launched an attack on the camp of [-] to [-] rogues. The infantry soldiers refused to entangle with the hungry people on the periphery, and rushed to the center to kill them.

These rogues are really unbearable. They didn't even arrange for the ambush army. It may also be that the bandits' discipline was lax, and the ambush army and secret sentries they arranged fell asleep or left their posts without authorization.

Anyway, the "Red Banner Army" that attacked at night successfully broke into the shack area and approached the bandit camp without finding any warning from the enemy.

The starving people who had just fallen asleep were awakened by earth-shattering voices and heard: "'Red Banner Army' kills thieves, ordinary people should not move, 'Red Banner Army' only kills the first and the rest!"

Shouts in Henan and Shanxi accents sounded: "Fathers and folks who have been trapped by thieves, the 'Red Banner Army' is here to rescue everyone. Follow the 'Red Banner Army' to ensure that you will have food!"

"Folks, kill those animals that have harmed your wives and children and robbed your family of food, stop a horse thief 'Red Banner Army' and reward you with a stone of wheat!"

These days, the peasants whose homes were ruined became refugees without any spiritual support, and they had to follow the thieves to harm the place for a bite to eat.

"Guaranteed to have food to eat" and "a stone of wheat reward" are enough to instigate the vast majority of peasants who have been thieves for a long time.

A scuffle fought in the middle of the night, and when the sun rose the next day, about a thousand infantry soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" were so tired that they sat on the ground and refused to move.

The result of the night battle was good. Most of the thieves died unexpectedly. That is because the army of this era is plagued by oppression and terror. If there is no attack, it is possible that it is just a soldier screaming in a nightmare and causing the camp to howl .

The discipline of the rogue team was even worse, and the emotions of the bandits and refugees were even more unstable. In addition, the four-day siege battle had thousands of casualties, and they were already facing a mental breakdown.

I don't know how many wounded were beheaded by the bandits of the old battalion because they wailed too loudly. I don't know how many wounded were afraid of being cut off. They endured the severe pain and dared not make a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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